A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 


HAMMING - Static variable in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
hamming(int) - Static method in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
handleCentreOnShip() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleCentreOnShip() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleDown() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleDown() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleDownLeft() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleDownLeft() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleDownRight() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleDownRight() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleHeadUp() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleHeadUp() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleLeft() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleLeft() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleMBReleased() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleMBReleased() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleMeasureWithMouse() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleMeasureWithMouse() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleNorthUp() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleNorthUp() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handlePanWithMouse() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handlePanWithMouse() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleRight() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleRight() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleRotateAntiClockwise() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleRotateAntiClockwise() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleRotateClockwise() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleRotateClockwise() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleUp() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleUp() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleUpLeft() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleUpLeft() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleUpRight() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleUpRight() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleZoomIn() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleZoomIn() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
handleZoomOut() - Method in class Map.PamZoomOnMapPanel
handleZoomOut() - Method in interface Map.PanZoomBehaviour
hann(int) - Static method in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
HANNING - Static variable in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
HAS_AMBIGUITY - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_BEARING - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_BEARINGERROR - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_DEPTH - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_DEPTHERROR - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_LATLONG - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_PERPENDICULARERRORS - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
Errors parallel and perpendicular to the ships track.
HAS_RANGE - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_RANGEERROR - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_XY - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
HAS_XYZ - Static variable in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
hasAvailableAxisName(String) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
hasAxisName(String) - Method in class dataPlots.data.TDDataInfo
hasCheckBox() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.CheckRenderer
Checks for check box.
hasComplexSpectrum() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickDetection
Find out whether there are complex spectrum data - and if there are, data may get cleaned up.
hasCounter() - Method in class loggerForms.LoggerForm
hasDriver() - Method in class generalDatabase.DBSystem
hasDriver() - Method in class generalDatabase.MSAccessSystem
hasDriver() - Method in class generalDatabase.MySQLSystem
hasDriver() - Method in class generalDatabase.OOoDBSystem
hasDriver() - Method in class generalDatabase.UCanAccessSystem
hasFixedNumber() - Method in class PamModel.PamModuleInfo
hasGhost() - Method in class PamView.PamTabbedPane
hashCode() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.thresholdDetector.DetectionKey
Overload the hashCode operator.
HasLatLong() - Method in class loc3d_Thode.TowedArray3DDataUnit
hasLocContent(int) - Method in class AIS.AISLocalisation
hasLocContent(int) - Method in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
Check that the localisation has specific content.
hasMapContour(double) - Method in class Map.GebcoMapFile
hasMore() - Method in class clickDetector.tdPlots.ClickHidingDialog
hasMore() - Method in class dataPlots.layout.CompoundHidingDialog
hasMore() - Method in class Map.hiddenControls.HiddenSlider
hasMore() - Method in class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingDialogComponent
Sliding dialog has more options.
hasMore() - Method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramHidingPanel
hasNext() - Method in class Array.streamerOrigin.GPSOriginIterator
hasNext() - Method in class Array.streamerOrigin.StreamerDataIterator
hasNext() - Method in class PamguardMVC.ChannelIterator
hasNext() - Method in class PamguardMVC.ReverseChannelIterator
hasOptions() - Method in class alarm.AlarmCounter
hasOptions() - Method in class clickDetector.alarm.ClickAlarmCounter
hasOptions() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickRecorderTrigger
hasOptions() - Method in class clickDetector.tdPlots.ClickPlotInfo
hasOptions() - Method in class dataPlots.data.TDDataInfo
Has options that will result in a dialog.
hasOptions() - Method in class dbht.alarm.DbHtAlarmCounter
hasOptions() - Method in class decimus.summarystring.plots.DstrPlotInfo
hasOptions() - Method in class difar.demux.AmmcDemux
hasOptions() - Method in class difar.demux.DifarDemux
hasOptions() - Method in class difar.demux.GreenridgeDemux
hasOptions() - Method in class difar.demux.NativeDemux
hasOptions() - Method in class fftManager.newSpectrogram.SpectrogramPlotInfo
hasOptions() - Method in class noiseMonitor.alarm.NoiseAlarmCounter
hasOptions() - Method in class noiseOneBand.alarm.OneBandAlarmCounter
hasOptions() - Method in class simulatedAcquisition.movement.GridMovement
hasOptions() - Method in class simulatedAcquisition.movement.MovementModel
Has configurable options.
hasOptions() - Method in class SoundRecorder.trigger.RecorderTrigger
This trigger has additional options available.
hasOptions() - Method in class staticLocaliser.alarm.SLAlarmCounter
hasOptions() - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.alarm.WMAlarmCounter
hasOptions() - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.WMRecorderTrigger
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class AirgunDisplay.AirgunGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class annotationMark.MarkOverlayDraw
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class Array.StreamerOverlayGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class autecPhones.AutecGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class beakedWhaleProtocol.BeakedExperimentGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class beakedWhaleProtocol.BeakedGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class beakedWhaleProtocol.ShoreStationGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class clipgenerator.ClipOverlayGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class ishmaelComms.IshmaelGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class landMarks.LandmarkGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class listening.ListeningEffortGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class listening.ThingHeardGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class loggerForms.LoggerFormGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class networkTransfer.receive.NetworkGPSDrawing
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamObservable
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class PamView.PamDetectionOverlayGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in interface PamView.PanelOverlayDraw
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class simulatedAcquisition.SimGraphics
hasOptionsDialog(GeneralProjector) - Method in class whistleDetector.PeakGraphics
hasParameters() - Method in class staticLocaliser.algorithms.HyperboleLoc
hasParameters() - Method in class staticLocaliser.algorithms.MarkovChainSL
hasParameters() - Method in class staticLocaliser.algorithms.Mimplex
hasParameters() - Method in class staticLocaliser.algorithms.Simplex3DStatic
hasParameters() - Method in interface staticLocaliser.algorithms.SLAlgorithmModel
Specifies if the algorithm has a settings dialog
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionModule.algorithms.LeastSquares
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionModule.algorithms.MarkovChain
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionModule.algorithms.Simplex2D
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionModule.algorithms.Simplex3D
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionModule.algorithms.Simplex3DTD
hasParameters() - Method in interface targetMotionModule.algorithms.TargetMotionModel
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionOld.LeastSquares
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionOld.MarkovChain
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionOld.Simplex2D
hasParameters() - Method in class targetMotionOld.Simplex3D
hasParameters() - Method in interface targetMotionOld.TargetMotionModel
hasParamsDialog() - Method in class classifier.AbstractWekaClassifier
hasParamsDialog() - Method in class classifier.Classifier
hasPlayDataSource() - Method in class soundPlayback.PlaybackControl
hasPrevious() - Method in class Array.streamerOrigin.GPSOriginIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in class Array.streamerOrigin.StreamerDataIterator
Create a complete origin position.
hasPrevious() - Method in class PamguardMVC.ChannelIterator
hasPrevious() - Method in class PamguardMVC.ReverseChannelIterator
hasProcessed(int) - Method in class spectrogramNoiseReduction.SpectrogramNoiseDialogPanel
Will return true for a method if either this panel has the method selected OR the source data has already had that method applied.
hasSettings() - Method in interface Acquisition.FileDate
hasSettings() - Method in class Acquisition.StandardFileDate
hasSettings() - Method in class alarm.actions.ActionSendEmail
hasSettings() - Method in class alarm.actions.AlarmAction
hasSettings() - Method in class alarm.actions.serial.AlarmSerialAction
hasSettings() - Method in class alarm.actions.sound.PlaySound
hasSettings() - Method in class alarm.AlarmOfflineTask
hasSettings() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.ClickDelayTask
hasSettings() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.ClickReClassifyTask
hasSettings() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.EchoDetectionTask
hasSettings() - Method in class dbht.offline.DbHtSummaryTask
hasSettings() - Method in class noiseOneBand.offline.OneBandSummaryTask
hasSettings() - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTask
task has settings which can be called
hasSettings() - Method in class staticLocaliser.offline.BatchLocaliseOfflineTask
hasSettings() - Method in class staticLocaliser.offline.FindDetectionNOfflineTask
hasSettings() - Method in class whistleClassifier.offline.ReclassifyTask
hasTrueHeading() - Method in class AIS.AISPositionReport
hasUserChanged() - Method in class rocca.RoccaContourDataUnit
hat(double) - Method in class IshmaelDetector.SgramCorrProcess
The derivative of the Gaussian function -- i.e., the 'Mexican hat' function -- with mean 0 and variance 1.
haveClickTypes() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic.BasicClickIdentifier
Quick check to see if any click types have been defined
haveScreenBounds() - Method in class PamView.ScreenSize
HEAD_UP - Static variable in class radardisplay.RadarParameters
HEADER_CLICK - Static variable in class clickDetector.RainbowFile
HEADER_GPSDATA - Static variable in class clickDetector.RainbowFile
HEADER_NOISE - Static variable in class clickDetector.RainbowFile
HEADER_NOISEWAVE - Static variable in class clickDetector.RainbowFile
HEADER_SECTION - Static variable in class clickDetector.RainbowFile
HEADER_SEISMIC - Static variable in class clickDetector.RainbowFile
HEADING_UPDATE - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.VRControl
The heading of the image has been changed (usually manually).
headingCal - Variable in class IMU.IMUParams
Calibration values for heading, pitch and roll.
HEADINGinfo - Class in loggerForms.propertyInfos
HEADINGinfo(ControlDescription, int, RangeUnitTypes, int, int, HeadingTypes, boolean, Color) - Constructor for class loggerForms.propertyInfos.HEADINGinfo
headingMouseClick(MouseEvent) - Method in class generalDatabase.dataExport.DataExportDialog
Activate any filters associated with this control.
headingNMEASource - Variable in class GPS.GPSParameters
headingOffset - Variable in class staticLocaliser.StaticLocaliserParams
heading offset if GPS has a heading value.
HeadingPanel - Class in loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels
HeadingPanel(FormEditor, PropertyTypes) - Constructor for class loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels.HeadingPanel
headingSmoothing - Variable in class GPS.GPSParameters
GPS HEading Smoothing
headingString - Variable in class GPS.GPSParameters
String for true heading
headingStringPos - Variable in class GPS.GPSParameters
position of data in headingString
HeadingTypes - Enum in loggerForms
hearingThreshold - Variable in class dbht.DbHtParameters
array of hearing threshold values.
height - Variable in class landMarks.LandmarkData
height - Variable in class videoRangePanel.VRHeightData
HEIGHT_TAB - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.panels.VRParametersDialog
heightData - Variable in class videoRangePanel.VRMeasurement
HeightDialog - Class in videoRangePanel.panels
hfDaqCard - package hfDaqCard
HiddenSlider - Class in Map.hiddenControls
HiddenSlider(SimpleMap) - Constructor for class Map.hiddenControls.HiddenSlider
hideSidePanels - Variable in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramParameters
hideVesselClips - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
hideViewerSpectrogram - Variable in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramParameters
flag to say don't show raw data in viewer mode.
HidingControlPanel - Class in dataPlots
HidingControlPanel(TDControl) - Constructor for class dataPlots.HidingControlPanel
HidingControlPanel.RemoveAGraph - Class in dataPlots
HidingControlPanel.RemoveAGraph(int) - Constructor for class dataPlots.HidingControlPanel.RemoveAGraph
HidingDialog - Class in PamView.hidingpanel
HidingDialog(Window, HidingDialogPanel, String, boolean) - Constructor for class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingDialog
HidingDialogChangeListener - Interface in PamView.hidingpanel
Can be used to get notifications into any bit of pamguard when things are changed in one of the sliding dialogs.
HidingDialogComponent - Class in PamView.hidingpanel
HidingDialogComponent() - Constructor for class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingDialogComponent
HidingDialogPanel - Class in PamView.hidingpanel
Something similar to the hiding panel, but doesn't get put into an existing panel, but rather floats over the top.
HidingDialogPanel(int, HidingDialogComponent) - Constructor for class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingDialogPanel
HidingGridBagContraints - Class in PamView.hidingpanel
HidingGridBagContraints() - Constructor for class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingGridBagContraints
HidingPanel - Class in PamView.hidingpanel
Class for a hiding, possibly sliding panel to hold things like the side bar, top control panel of the clip display, etc.
HidingPanel(Component, Component, int, boolean) - Constructor for class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingPanel
Create a panel which can hide.
HidingSidePanel - Class in PamView
More sophisticated side panel container which can close itself down to a very small strip to make more room for main display items.
HidingSidePanel(PamGui) - Constructor for class PamView.HidingSidePanel
New side panel which can be hidden using little buttons.
highBandNumber - Variable in class noiseBandMonitor.NoiseBandSettings
highFreq - Variable in class RightWhaleEdgeDetector.RWESound
HIGHLIGHT_SYMBOL - Static variable in interface dataPlots.data.TDSymbolChooser
Flag to get a highlighted symbol.
HIGHLIGHT_SYMBOL_MARKED - Static variable in interface dataPlots.data.TDSymbolChooser
Flag for a highlighted symbol.
highLightLocShapes(TransformGroup) - Method in class staticLocaliser.panels.MapPanel3DSL
highPassFreq - Variable in class fftFilter.FFTFilterParams
highPassFreq - Variable in class Filters.FilterParams
Hilbert - Class in signal
Functions to calculate the Hilbert transform of data.
Hilbert() - Constructor for class signal.Hilbert
HistoFragmentStore - Class in whistleClassifier
Doesnt' store fragemnts individually - just adds their data to a series of histograms and whenever the parameters are requried, it estimates those parameters based on the contents of the histograms.
HistoFragmentStore(float) - Constructor for class whistleClassifier.HistoFragmentStore
HistogramDisplay - Class in pamMaths
Provide a basic display panel for showing data from any number of PamHistograms, either in a single panel, or as a series of sub panels.
HistogramDisplay(PamHistogram) - Constructor for class pamMaths.HistogramDisplay
HistogramDisplay() - Constructor for class pamMaths.HistogramDisplay
HistogramDisplay.HistoPlotPanel - Class in pamMaths
HistogramDisplay.HistoPlotPanel() - Constructor for class pamMaths.HistogramDisplay.HistoPlotPanel
HistogramGraphicsLayer - Interface in pamMaths
horizonMarker - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.panels.VRPanel
horizonPoint - Variable in class videoRangePanel.VRMeasurement
horizonSymbol - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.panels.VRPanel
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScrollerAWT
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingPanel
horizontalDividerPos - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
used when the DIFARcontainers were joined - no longer
horizontalSplitLocation - Variable in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramParameters
HotkeyPanel - Class in loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels
HotkeyPanel(FormEditor, PropertyTypes) - Constructor for class loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels.HotkeyPanel
hScaleChoice - Variable in class dataMap.DataMapParameters
hScaleChoices - Static variable in class dataMap.DataMapParameters
Hydrophone - Class in Array
Hydrophone(int) - Constructor for class Array.Hydrophone
Hydrophone(int, double, double, double, String, double, double[], double) - Constructor for class Array.Hydrophone
Hydrophone(int, double, double, double, double, double, double, String, double, double[], double) - Constructor for class Array.Hydrophone
HYDROPHONE_ARRAY_CHANGED - Static variable in interface PamController.PamControllerInterface
Called whenever the dialog box of the hydrophone array editor is closed (not cancelled).
HYDROPHONE_DATA_CHANGED - Static variable in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionControl
hydrophone or streamer positions have been changed.
HydrophoneDataBlock - Class in Array
HydrophoneDataBlock(String, HydrophoneProcess, int) - Constructor for class Array.HydrophoneDataBlock
HydrophoneDataUnit - Class in Array
HydrophoneDataUnit(Hydrophone) - Constructor for class Array.HydrophoneDataUnit
HydrophoneDataUnit(long, Hydrophone) - Constructor for class Array.HydrophoneDataUnit
HydrophoneDiagram - Class in Array
Panel for the ArrayDialog to show a diagram of the array
HydrophoneDiagram(ArrayDialog) - Constructor for class Array.HydrophoneDiagram
HydrophoneDialogPanel - Class in Array
Panel for the ArrayDialog to show a selection of hydrophone arrays and listed details of the currently selected array
HydrophoneElementDialog - Class in Array
Dialog for adding / editing the details of individual hydrophone elements in the array.
hydrophoneExtraLoad - Static variable in class staticLocaliser.offline.BatchLocaliseOfflineTask
The extra amount of time before and after the viewer startime/endtime to load hydrophone data units from hydrophone datablock.
HydrophoneImport - Class in Array.importHydrophoneData
Class for importing hydrophone data from external file and saving to database.
HydrophoneImport(HydrophoneDataBlock) - Constructor for class Array.importHydrophoneData.HydrophoneImport
HydrophoneLocator - Class in Array
HydrophoneLocator is an interface for objects that can work out the true positions of hydrophones based on any or all of the following information
HydrophoneLocator(PamArray, Streamer) - Constructor for class Array.HydrophoneLocator
HydrophoneLocators - Class in Array
HydrophoneLocatorSystem - Class in Array
Class for handling different hydrophone locators.
HydrophoneLocatorSystem(String) - Constructor for class Array.HydrophoneLocatorSystem
hydrophoneMaps - Variable in class depthReadout.DepthParameters
HydrophoneOriginMethod - Class in Array.streamerOrigin
Methods for getting streamer origins.
HydrophoneOriginMethod(PamArray, Streamer) - Constructor for class Array.streamerOrigin.HydrophoneOriginMethod
HydrophoneOriginMethods - Class in Array.streamerOrigin
HydrophoneOriginSystem - Class in Array.streamerOrigin
HydrophoneOriginSystem() - Constructor for class Array.streamerOrigin.HydrophoneOriginSystem
HydrophoneProcess - Class in Array
HydrophoneProcess(ArrayManager) - Constructor for class Array.HydrophoneProcess
HydrophoneSQLLogging - Class in Array
hydrophoneY - Variable in class depthReadout.DepthParameters
HyperboleLoc - Class in staticLocaliser.algorithms
Allows the user to visualise the hyperboloids of time delays
HyperboleLoc(StaticLocalise) - Constructor for class staticLocaliser.algorithms.HyperboleLoc
hyperboleSize - Variable in class staticLocaliser.panels.HyperbolicLocParams
Hyperbolic - Class in Localiser.timeDelayLocalisers
Hyperbolic localisation attempts to localise using the INVERSE problem.
Hyperbolic(ArrayList<ArrayList<Point3f>>, ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>, ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>, float) - Constructor for class Localiser.timeDelayLocalisers.Hyperbolic
Hyperbolic(StaticLocalise) - Constructor for class Localiser.timeDelayLocalisers.Hyperbolic
HyperbolicLocDialog - Class in staticLocaliser.panels
Dialog box to change settings for hyperbolic localiser.
HyperbolicLocDialog(Window, HyperbolicLocParams) - Constructor for class staticLocaliser.panels.HyperbolicLocDialog
HyperbolicLocParams - Class in staticLocaliser.panels
Parameters for hyperbolic localiser.
HyperbolicLocParams() - Constructor for class staticLocaliser.panels.HyperbolicLocParams
hyperboloidParXTTS(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class Localiser.TDHyperboleUtils
Paramteric equation for x,y co-ordinates of a TWO SHEETED SURFACE hyperboloid orientated along the z axis and defined by the Cartesian equation (x^2/a^2)+(y^2/a^2)-(z^2/c^2)=-1
hyperboloidParXTTS(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class Localiser.timeDelayLocalisers.TDHyperboleUtils
Paramteric equation for x,y co-ordinates of a TWO SHEETED SURFACE hyperboloid orientated along the z axis and defined by the Cartesian equation (x^2/a^2)+(y^2/a^2)-(z^2/c^2)=-1
hyperboloidParXYDR(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class Localiser.TDHyperboleUtils
Paramteric equation for x,y co-ordinates of a DOUBLY RULED SURFACE hyperboloid orientated along the z axis and defined by the Cartesian equation (x^2/a^2)+(y^2/a^2)+(z^2/c^2)=1
hyperboloidParXYDR(float, float, float, int) - Static method in class Localiser.timeDelayLocalisers.TDHyperboleUtils
Paramteric equation for x,y co-ordinates of a DOUBLY RULED SURFACE hyperboloid orientated along the z axis and defined by the Cartesian equation (x^2/a^2)+(y^2/a^2)+(z^2/c^2)=1
hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent) - Method in class PamView.PamHelpContentViewerUI
hzToBins(double) - Method in class whistleDetector.WhistleDetector