Beta Release 2.01.03 (Java 13.0.1, 64bit)


If you are upgrading from a PAMGuard core release (1.15.xx), PAMGuard Version 2 contains major updates. You should read and understand the notes listed for Beta Version 2.00.10 (see Release Notes page) before proceeding with installation and use of this version.

This version of PAMGuard has been bundled with Java 13 (release 13.0.1). PSFX files generated in previous beta releases (2.xx.xx) should be compatible with this version, and vice-versa. PSF files generated in core releases (1.15.xx) can be loaded in this version, but will be converted to PSFX files when PAMGuard exits.

Bug Fixes

  1. Bug 433. Custom storage options were being lost when Pamguard restarted.
  2. Bug 434. Pamguard Viewer mode was having problems importing settings from psfx file.
  3. Bug 435. Logger forms subtabs not working.
  4. Bug 436. Bug in Serial Port interface was occassionally causing PAMGuard to crash without error message.
  5. Bug 437. Right whale detector crashing if no input was set.
  6. Bug 438. Text not showing in tabs in Night colour mode.
  7. Bug 439. Can no longer access Spectrogram settings once you've selected a Click Detector as Mark Observer
  8. Bug 440. Measurement Computing Cards not enumerating properly.
  9. Bug 441. Plot coordinate calculations incorrect in PamAxis.
  10. Bug 442. BT Display does not change click symbol color when Colour By Superdetection is selected.
  11. Bug 443. NI playback crashing immediately if a device is not present.
  12. Bug 444. Bug in data selector which caused it to mess up history of recent psf files.
  13. Bug 445. Overlay data in FX spectrogram display gets out of sync with underlying spectrogram image.
  14. Bug 446. Multiple PamDataBlocks with same name turn on/off together in Spectrogram display.
  15. Bug 447. Viewer mode throws exception when trying to load beamformer localisations
  16. Bug 448. Detection Group Localiser data units not being loaded in Viewer mode.
  17. Bug 449. Rocca Encounter Stats output file calculating incorrect values.
  18. Bug 450. Ishmael Detectors subscribing to FFTDataBlock twice, meaning they process each data unit 2x doubling the output.


  1. Added functionality to TD display to allow users to manually classify clicks.
  2. Added option in Sound Acquisition settings dialog to override filename time stamp and use PC local time instead.
  3. Add option to Whistle & Moan Detector data selector to only display whistles that have super-detections.
  4. Functionality to clone hydrophone streamers.
  5. Added automatic log file - all messages to the console will now be written to a txt file as well. File is stored in user.home/Pamguard folder - look under the Help menu item for a shortcut to open the folder.
  6. Implemented a simple UDP output for PAMGuard alarms.
  7. Changes to Spectrogram Mark Observers, to allow individual channels to be selected instead of the spectrogram panel as a whole.
  8. Change to use long module names in dialogs instead of short, to make it easier to know the difference between output data blocks when using the same module multiple times.
  9. Added a few new options to the Click Detector Sweep Classifier.
  10. Add option to the Map module's Plot Overlay Options dialog, to show events occuring in the future (look ahead) instead of the default display of events which have already occurred. Can make it easier to match up the map with clicks seen in the Click Detector display.