All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- A - Enum constant in enum class AIS.StationType
- ABORT - Static variable in class
- AboutPluginDisplay - Class in PamModel
- ABOVE_LEFT - Static variable in class Layout.PamAxis
- ABOVE_LEFT - Static variable in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamAxis.PamAxisFX
- ABOVE_LEVEL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- absAngle(PamVector) - Method in class pamMaths.PamVector
Calculates the smallest angle between two vectors (0 invalid input: '<'= angle invalid input: '<' pi/2);
- absElements() - Method in class pamMaths.PamVector
Make all elements within the vector positive.
- absMillisecondsToSamples(long) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamProcess
Convert a time in milliseconds to a number of samples.
- absolute - Enum constant in enum class tethys.localization.TimeReference
- absolute(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.NonScrollablePamCursor
- absolute(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.PamCursor
Go t0 an absolute row number
- absolute(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.ScrollablePamCursor
- ABSOLUTE - Enum constant in enum class classifier.Classifier.ProbabilityType
- Absorption - Class in propagation
- Absorption() - Constructor for class propagation.Absorption
- absSamplesToMilliseconds(long) - Method in class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.PamBlockProcess
Convert am ADC sample number to a millisecond time.
- absSamplesToMilliseconds(long) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamProcess
Convert am ADC sample number to a millisecond time.
- AbstractCellEditor - Class in likelihoodDetectionModule
The class AbstractCellEditor serves as the base class for the TreeTable's table cell editor.
- AbstractCellEditor() - Constructor for class likelihoodDetectionModule.AbstractCellEditor
- AbstractControlPanel - Class in targetMotionModule.panels
- AbstractControlPanel(TargetMotionControl) - Constructor for class targetMotionModule.panels.AbstractControlPanel
- AbstractFilter - Class in Filters
Abstract implementation of Filter interface to provide common functionality for two of the main function calls for processing arrays of data.
- AbstractFilter() - Constructor for class Filters.AbstractFilter
- AbstractLocalisation - Class in PamDetection
Class for localisation information.
- AbstractLocalisation(PamDataUnit, int, int) - Constructor for class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
Constructor for a localisation.
- AbstractLocalisation(PamDataUnit, int, int, int, PamVector[]) - Constructor for class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
Constructor for a localisation.
- AbstractLocalisation(PamDataUnit, LocContents, int) - Constructor for class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
Constructor for a localisation.
- AbstractLocaliser<T extends PamDataUnit> - Class in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc
Abstract Localiser class.
- AbstractLocaliser(PamDataBlock<T>) - Constructor for class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.AbstractLocaliser
- AbstractPamScroller - Class in pamScrollSystem
- AbstractPamScroller(String, int, int, long, boolean) - Constructor for class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScroller
- AbstractPamScrollerAWT - Class in pamScrollSystem
- AbstractPamScrollerAWT(String, int, int, long, boolean) - Constructor for class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScrollerAWT
- AbstractPamScrollerFX - Class in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers
A scroller UI interfacing with PAMGUARD programmed using JavaFX.
- AbstractPamScrollerFX(String, Orientation, int, long, boolean) - Constructor for class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.AbstractPamScrollerFX
- AbstractScrollManager - Class in pamScrollSystem
- AbstractScrollManager.SpecialDataBlockInfo - Class in pamScrollSystem
Holds a reference to a data block and some extra information on how that data block should be loaded.
- AbstractTargetMotionInformation - Class in targetMotionModule
- AbstractTargetMotionInformation(ArrayList<PamDataUnit>, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class targetMotionModule.AbstractTargetMotionInformation
- AbstractTargetMotionModel - Class in targetMotionModule.algorithms
- AbstractTargetMotionModel<T extends PamDataUnit> - Class in targetMotionOld.algorithms
Reinstated Target motion add-in as used by the click detector.
- AbstractTargetMotionModel() - Constructor for class targetMotionModule.algorithms.AbstractTargetMotionModel
- AbstractTargetMotionModel() - Constructor for class targetMotionOld.algorithms.AbstractTargetMotionModel
- AbstractTDZoomable - Class in dataPlots.mouse
- AbstractTDZoomable() - Constructor for class dataPlots.mouse.AbstractTDZoomable
- AbstractTimeDelayLocaliser<T extends PamDataUnit> - Class in targetMotionOld
Reinstated Target motion add-in as used by the click detector.
- AbstractTimeDelayLocaliser() - Constructor for class targetMotionOld.AbstractTimeDelayLocaliser
- abstractTip - Static variable in class tethys.swing.export.DescriptionTypePanel
- AbstractVRGUIAWT - Class in videoRangePanel.vrmethods
- AbstractVRGUIAWT(AbstractVRMethod) - Constructor for class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.AbstractVRGUIAWT
- AbstractVRGUIFX - Class in videoRangePanel.vrmethods
Contains more generic nodes for JavaFX implementation of video range GUI.
- AbstractVRGUIFX(AbstractVRMethod) - Constructor for class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.AbstractVRGUIFX
- AbstractVRMethod - Class in videoRangePanel.vrmethods
AbstractVRMethod provides a significant amount of the basic functionality required to determine the range of an animal from an image.
- AbstractVRMethod(VRControl) - Constructor for class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.AbstractVRMethod
- AbstractWekaClassifier - Class in classifier
- AbstractWekaClassifier() - Constructor for class classifier.AbstractWekaClassifier
- AbstractWhistleDataBlock<T extends AbstractWhistleDataUnit> - Class in whistlesAndMoans
- AbstractWhistleDataBlock(Class, String, PamProcess, int) - Constructor for class whistlesAndMoans.AbstractWhistleDataBlock
- AbstractWhistleDataUnit - Class in whistlesAndMoans
- AbstractWhistleDataUnit(long, int, long, long) - Constructor for class whistlesAndMoans.AbstractWhistleDataUnit
- AbstractWhistleDataUnit(DataUnitBaseData) - Constructor for class whistlesAndMoans.AbstractWhistleDataUnit
- accept(File) - Method in class Acquisition.pamAudio.PamAudioFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickAlarmDialog.SoundFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class Map.MapFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class PamUtils.PamFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class PamUtils.PamWildCardFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class videoRangePanel.pamImage.ImageFileFilter
- accept(File, String) - Method in class PamUtils.PamWildCardFileFilter
- accepted - Variable in class likelihoodDetectionModule.LikelihoodDetectionParametersDialog
The accepted state of the dialog (i.e., whether OK has been selected).
- AcceptMeasurementDialog - Class in videoRangePanel.layoutAWT
- AcceptOnExitTableCell<S,
T> - Class in pamViewFX.fxNodes.table -
A class containing a
implementation that draws aTextField
node inside the cell. - AcceptOnExitTableCell() - Constructor for class pamViewFX.fxNodes.table.AcceptOnExitTableCell
Creates a default TextFieldTableCell with a null converter.
- AcceptOnExitTableCell(StringConverter<T>) - Constructor for class pamViewFX.fxNodes.table.AcceptOnExitTableCell
Creates a TextFieldTableCell that provides a
when put into editing mode that allows editing of the cell content. - acceptOverlapping - Variable in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.OverlayMarkDataInfo
Accept data units which only partially overlap a data mark.
- ACCESSIBLE_95 - Static variable in class PamView.ColorSettings
- ACCESSIBLE_99 - Static variable in class PamView.ColorSettings
- ACCESSIBLE_999 - Static variable in class PamView.ColorSettings
- ackOutOfDate - Variable in class whistleDetector.WhistleParameters
Acknowledge that this unit is out of date.
- acosh(double) - Static method in class Filters.ChebyWindow
Calculate acosh function.
- AcousticDataBlock<Tunit extends PamDataUnit> - Class in PamguardMVC
Class for all PAMGAURD data based on acoustic types of data, i.e.
- AcousticDataBlock(Class, String, PamProcess, int) - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.AcousticDataBlock
- AcousticDataGramGraphics - Class in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller
Implementation of AcousticScrollerGraphics which uses the existing datagram of a PamDataBlock to show information in the acoustic scroll bar graphics.
- AcousticDataGramGraphics(AcousticScrollerFX, PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit>) - Constructor for class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticDataGramGraphics
- AcousticDataGramGraphics.DataGramStore - Class in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller
The datagram store.
- AcousticDataUnit - Interface in PamguardMVC
Used as a flag to indicate that the data unit implementing this interface holds some type of acoustic data.
- AcousticScrollerFX - Class in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller
The acoustic scroll pane shows a summary of all the acoustic data available in a particular scroll period.
- AcousticScrollerFX(String, Orientation, int, long, boolean) - Constructor for class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticScrollerFX
Constructor for the acoustic scroller.
- AcousticScrollerGraphics - Interface in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller
Handles the graphics for an acopustic scroller.
- AcousticScrollerProjector() - Constructor for class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.FFTScrollBarGraphics.AcousticScrollerProjector
- AcousticSQLLogging - Class in PamDetection
- AcquireNmeaData - Class in NMEA
- Acquisition - package Acquisition
- Acquisition.filedate - package Acquisition.filedate
- Acquisition.filetypes - package Acquisition.filetypes
- Acquisition.gpstiming - package Acquisition.gpstiming
- Acquisition.layoutFX - package Acquisition.layoutFX
- Acquisition.offlineFuncs - package Acquisition.offlineFuncs
- Acquisition.pamAudio - package Acquisition.pamAudio
- Acquisition.rona - package Acquisition.rona
- Acquisition.sud - package Acquisition.sud
- AcquisitionControl - Class in Acquisition
Main data acquisition control to get audio data from sound cards, NI cards (via UDP), files, directories of files, etc.
- AcquisitionControl(String) - Constructor for class Acquisition.AcquisitionControl
Main control unit for audio data acquisition.
- AcquisitionControl(String, boolean) - Constructor for class Acquisition.AcquisitionControl
- AcquisitionControl(String, String) - Constructor for class Acquisition.AcquisitionControl
Overloaded constructor - used by the STAcquisitionControl class as a way to call the PamController.PamControlledUnit constructor without all of the AcquisitionControl code above
- AcquisitionCParameters - Class in Acquisition
Very simplified version of the Acquisition parameters to be passed over the JNI to the C backend.
- AcquisitionCParameters() - Constructor for class Acquisition.AcquisitionCParameters
- AcquisitionDialog - Class in Acquisition
Main dialog for acquisition control.
- AcquisitionLogging - Class in Acquisition
Very simple concrete implementation of SQLLogging to log the starts and stops of PAMGUARD in the database.
- AcquisitionLogging(PamDataBlock, AcquisitionControl) - Constructor for class Acquisition.AcquisitionLogging
- AcquisitionPaneFX - Class in Acquisition.layoutFX
Settings pane for the sound acquisition parameters.
- AcquisitionPaneFX(AcquisitionControl) - Constructor for class Acquisition.layoutFX.AcquisitionPaneFX
- acquisitionParameters - Variable in class Acquisition.AcquisitionControl
- AcquisitionParameters - Class in Acquisition
- AcquisitionParameters() - Constructor for class Acquisition.AcquisitionParameters
- AcquisitionProcess - Class in Acquisition
Data acquisition process for all types of input device.
- AcquisitionSettings - Class in likelihoodDetectionModule
The AcquisitionSettings class provides a module-local storage object for holding on to the properties of the audio data source (acquisition module) upon which the module is depending.
- AcquisitionSettings() - Constructor for class likelihoodDetectionModule.AcquisitionSettings
Instantiates a new acquisition settings.
- acquisitionStopped() - Method in class Acquisition.AcquisitionProcess
- acquisitionStopped() - Method in class soundtrap.STAcquisitionProcess
- AcRelNcyc - Variable in class cpod.FPODReader.FPODHeader
- AcRelSlotLength - Variable in class cpod.FPODReader.FPODHeader
- AcRelSlotSpacing - Variable in class cpod.FPODReader.FPODHeader
- ActionDialog - Class in backupmanager.swing
- ActionDialog(Window, String, boolean) - Constructor for class backupmanager.swing.ActionDialog
- ActionDialogPanel - Class in backupmanager.swing
- ActionDialogPanel(BackupAction) - Constructor for class backupmanager.swing.ActionDialogPanel
- ActionEventFX(ActionListener[]) - Constructor for class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilsFX.MenuItemInfo.ActionEventFX
- ActionMaker - Class in backupmanager.action
- ActionMaker(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for class backupmanager.action.ActionMaker
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class Acquisition.FileInputSystem
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class AIS.AISDisplayDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class Array.ArrayDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class Array.ChannelPanel
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class Array.HydrophoneDialogPanel
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickBTDisplay.FollowBoxListener
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic.ClickTypeDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.ClickTypesDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickSidePanel.SidePanel
Cycle through all available alarms, playing each one
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickTabPanelControl.ArrangeWindows
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickTabPanelControl.OverlayOptions
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickToolBar
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickAlarmDialog
ActionListener events for the GUI components
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickDisplayDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickStorageOptionsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class clickDetector.IDI_DisplayDialog
Starts the open file dialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class dataPlots.HidingControlPanel.RemoveAGraph
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class difar.display.DifarClipDecorations.EditSpeciesList
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class fftManager.FFTPluginParamsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class Filters.FilterDialogPanel
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class generalDatabase.dataExport.ValueFilterDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class GPS.ShipDimensionsFields
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class GPS.UpdateClockDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class ishmaelComms.ProcessIshmaelData
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class IshmaelDetector.MatchFiltParamsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class IshmaelLocator.IshLocParamsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JSSHTerminal.MultiTerminal
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.NewBandNameDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.TargetConfigurationNameDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class NMEA.AcquireNmeaData
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class NMEA.NMEAParametersDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamController.ModuleOrderDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamUtils.LatLongDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamUtils.LatLongDialogStrip
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamView.dialog.SourcePanel
action listener to update channel list when a a different source is selected
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamView.ObserverListPopup
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamView.PamSymbolDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamView.PamWaitAnimation
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.OverlayCheckboxMenuSelect
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class PamView.symbol.modifier.swing.ChoiceTreeNode
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dataPlotFX.DLSymbolOptionPanel
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class rocca.RoccaClickEventList
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class rocca.RoccaClickTypeDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class rocca.RoccaParametersDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramParamsDialog
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class targetMotionModule.panels.EventControlPanel.PopMenuLocalise
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.LatLongPane
- actionRecorderTrigger(RecorderTrigger, PamDataUnit, long) - Static method in class SoundRecorder.RecorderControl
static version of actionRecordTrigger can be called from anywhere in PamGuard.
- ActionSettings - Class in backupmanager.settings
Base class for action settings.
- ActionSettings(Class) - Constructor for class backupmanager.settings.ActionSettings
constructor for the base ActinSettings.
- ActionSettings(String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.settings.ActionSettings
classname must be the full name of the class that uses these settings.
- activate - Variable in class PamUtils.time.ntp.NTPTimeParameters
- Active - Enum constant in enum class likelihoodDetectionModule.TargetConfiguration.State
The configuration is Active.
- actOnAlarm(AlarmDataUnit) - Method in class alarm.actions.AlarmAction
Act on the alarm - called every time the data unit is updated.
- actOnAlarm(AlarmDataUnit) - Method in class
- actOnAlarm(AlarmDataUnit) - Method in class alarm.actions.serial.AlarmSerialAction
- actOnAlarm(AlarmDataUnit) - Method in class alarm.actions.sound.PlaySound
- actOnAlarm(AlarmDataUnit) - Method in class alarm.actions.udp.AlarmUDPAction
- adaptiveThreshold - Variable in class IshmaelDetector.EnergySumParams
Use an averaging window adaptive noise floor.
- ADC_Channel - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.UDColName
- ADC_CONVERT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADC_Gain - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.UDColName
- ADC_GATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADC_SCAN_STOP - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADC_SCANCLK - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADC_SSH - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADC_START_TRIG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADC_STARTSCAN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADC_STOP_TRIG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADC_TB_SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADCCLOCK - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADCCLOCKTRIG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- add(long, long) - Method in class tethys.deployment.RecordingList
Add a recording period to the list.
- add(E) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataUnitIterator
- add(GpsData) - Method in class Array.streamerOrigin.GPSOriginIterator
- add(GpsData) - Method in class Array.streamerOrigin.StreamerDataIterator
- add(Component) - Method in class PamView.PamStatusBar
- add(Component) - Method in class PamView.panel.PamAlignmentPanel
- add(Component, int) - Method in class PamView.panel.PamAlignmentPanel
- add(Component, Object) - Method in class PamView.panel.PamAlignmentPanel
- add(Component, Object, int) - Method in class PamView.panel.PamAlignmentPanel
- add(String) - Method in class loggerForms.UDFError
- add(String) - Method in class loggerForms.UDFErrors
- add(String, Component) - Method in class PamView.panel.PamAlignmentPanel
- add(String, Component) - Method in class PamView.panel.PamTabbedPane
- add(Node, int, int) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamGridPane
- add(Node, int, int, int, int) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamGridPane
- add(JComponent) - Method in class PamView.HidingSidePanel
Add a component to the side panel
- add(LandmarkData) - Method in class landMarks.LandmarkDatas
- add(ItemInformation, String) - Method in class loggerForms.UDFError
- add(ItemInformation, String) - Method in class loggerForms.UDFErrors
- add(PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.PamBlockDataList
- add(PamVector) - Method in class pamMaths.PamVector
Add another vector to this vector and return the result in a new Vector
- add(PamVector...) - Static method in class pamMaths.PamVector
Add any number of vectors together.
- add(PamKeyItem) - Method in class PamView.panel.KeyPanel
- add(HidingTab) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.hidingPane.HidingTabPane.TabList
- add(SequenceSummary) - Method in class qa.analyser.SequenceSummary
Add the content of another summary into this summary and return a new object containing the data from both.
- add(RecordingPeriod) - Method in class tethys.deployment.RecordingList
Add a recording period to the list.
- add(Tunit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.ReverseChannelIterator
- ADD_CONTROLLEDUNIT - Static variable in interface PamController.PamControllerInterface
Automatically sent when a PamControlledUnit is added
- ADD_DATABLOCK - Static variable in interface PamController.PamControllerInterface
Automatically sent when a PamDataBlock is added
- ADD_PROCESS - Static variable in interface PamController.PamControllerInterface
Automatically sent when a PamProcess is added
- ADDA1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADDA2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- addAcousticScrollGraphics(AcousticScrollerGraphics) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticScrollerFX
Add graphics to the scroll bar.
- addAction(BackupAction) - Method in class
Add an action
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class PamView.ColourComboBox
- addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class tethys.swing.FancyClientButton
- addActionListenr(ActionListener) - Method in class Array.sensors.swing.SensorSourceComponent
Add an action listener to the drop down list.
- addActionSettings(ActionSettings) - Method in class backupmanager.settings.BackupSettings
Add some action settings
- addAddOn(SQLLoggingAddon) - Method in class annotationMark.MarkSQLLogging
- addAddOn(SQLLoggingAddon) - Method in class generalDatabase.SQLLogging
Add an SQL Logging addon - something which adds some standard columns to what it probably a non standard table, e.g.
- addAffectedDataBlock(PamDataBlock) - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTask
Add an affected data block.
- addAISData(AISDataUnit) - Method in class AIS.AISDataBlock
aisDataUnit is always a new unit extracted from a group of AIS strings, but with a single lot of data.
- addAlgorithmName(String) - Method in class bearinglocaliser.BearingLocaliserParams
- addAlgorithmNames(String) - Method in class beamformer.BeamFormerParams
- addAllTabs(List<PamGuiTabFX>) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiFX
Add tabs to the tab pane.
- addAngleData(double) - Method in class angleVetoes.AngleVetoes
Add data to angle stats histogram for display
- addAnnotation(DataAnnotationType, PamDataUnit) - Method in class annotation.handler.AnnotationHandler
Add an annotation to a detection group.
- addAnnotation(OverlayMarker, OverlayMark, DataAnnotationType, DetectionGroupDataUnit) - Method in class detectiongrouplocaliser.DetectionGroupProcess
Add an annotation to a detection group.
- addAnnotationModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class PamView.symbol.PamSymbolManager
Add symbol modifiers from annotations.
- addAnnotations(DataAnnotationType, PamDataUnit...) - Method in class annotation.handler.AnnotationHandler
- addAnnotations(Struct, int, PamDataUnit) - Method in class export.MLExport.MLAnnotationsManager
Add annotations to a MATLAB structure.
- addAnnotationSqlAddons(SQLLogging) - Method in class annotation.handler.AnnotationHandler
Add all the SQLLogging addons to the database table.
- addAnnotationType(DataAnnotationType) - Method in class annotation.handler.AnnotationHandler
Add an annotation type to the list of available types for this datablock.
- addAnnotationType(DataAnnotationType) - Method in class annotationMark.MarkModule
This must be called from the concrete super class constructor with a valid SoloannotationType to set up the module.
- addAnnotationType(DataAnnotationType<?>) - Method in class annotation.AnnotationList
Add a data annotation type to the list
- addAnnotationType(DataAnnotationType<?>) - Static method in class annotation.CentralAnnotationsList
convenience wrapper round underlying singleton functions.
- addArray(PamArray) - Method in class Array.ArrayDialog
- addArray(PamArray) - Method in class Array.ArrayManager
- addASighting(boolean) - Method in class rocca.RoccaSidePanel.SidePanel
Ask the user for a new sighting number, and add it to the side panel
- addASighting(String) - Method in class rocca.RoccaSidePanel.SidePanel
Add the new sighting number to the sidepanel
- addAvailableTasks(OfflineTaskGroup, PamDataBlock) - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTaskManager
Add all available tasks from the system which use the given datablock as primary input.
- addBackground(double[]) - Method in class gpl.whiten.Base3xWhitener
- addBackground(double[]) - Method in class gpl.whiten.SimpleWhitener
- addBackground(double[]) - Method in interface gpl.whiten.TimeWhitener
Add data to background data store.
- addBlockData(PamBlockDataList) - Method in class gpl.GPLProcess
- addBlockData(PamBlockDataList) - Method in class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.PamBlockProcess
Called in sequence for data in a block so it can make background measurements
- addBranchNewSocket(ConnectorNode) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.ConnectionLine
Add a new socket to the line.
- addBTMenuItems(Container, OverlayMark, ClickBTDisplay, boolean, ClickDetection) - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.ClicksOffline
Add menu items associated with right mouse actions on bearing time display
- addBTMenuItems(Container, OverlayMark, List<PamDataUnit>, boolean, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.ClicksOffline
- addButton() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic.BasicIdentifierPanel
- addButton() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basicSweep.SweepClassifierPanel
- addButton() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.UserTypesPanel
- addButtonInsets - Variable in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamTabPaneSkin
How many pixels the tab button 'floats' in the header area.
- addCalibrationData(VRCalibrationData) - Method in class videoRangePanel.VRParameters
- AddCalibrationMethod - Class in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.calibration
- AddCalibrationMethod(VRControl) - Constructor for class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.calibration.AddCalibrationMethod
- addCard(PamWizardCard) - Method in class PamView.wizard.PamWizard
- addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.AbstractCellEditor
- addChangeListener(LookupChangeListener) - Method in class generalDatabase.lookupTables.LookupComponent
Add a change listener to receive notifications whenever the lookup selection changes.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class soundPlayback.fx.PlaySliderPane
Add a change listener.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener<? super T>) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilsFX.DualControlField
Add a change listener to both spinners.
- addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class soundPlayback.swing.PlaySliderComponent
Add a change listener.
- addChangeListener(HidingDialogChangeListener) - Method in class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingDialogComponent
- addChangeObserver(PlaybackChangeObserver) - Method in class soundPlayback.PlaybackSystem
- addCharListener(PJSerialLineListener) - Method in class serialComms.jserialcomm.PJSerialComm
- addChi2Penalties(double, TrackBitSet<?>, int, int, int) - Method in interface clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.electricalNoiseFilter.ElectricalNoiseFilter
Add electric noise penalty to the chi2 value.
- addChi2Penalties(double, TrackBitSet<?>, int, int, int) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.electricalNoiseFilter.SimpleElectricalNoiseFilter
- addChoice(ReprocessStoreChoice) - Method in class PamController.fileprocessing.StoreChoiceSummary
Add a reasonable choice to what the user can select to do.
- addChunkData(WavChunkData) - Method in class Acquisition.WavHeader
- addClassifier(String, CTClassifierParams) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMAT.MHTAlgorithmMAT
Add a classifier to the algorithm
- addClassifier(String, CTClassifierParams) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMAT.MHTClassifierMAT
Add a classifier based on an input settings class and type string
- addClipGenSettings(ClipGenSetting) - Method in class clipgenerator.ClipSettings
Add a new clip gen setting to the list.
- addColorTransparancy(Color, double) - Static method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilsFX.PamUtilsFX
Add transparancy to a JavaFX colour
- addColumn(Connection, SQLTypes, String, EmptyTableDefinition, PamTableItem) - Static method in class generalDatabase.TableUtilities
- addCommandLineTask(String) - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTaskManager
Add a task listed in the command line when PAMGuard was started.
- addCompatibleUnit(Class<? extends PamDataUnit>) - Method in class userDisplayFX.UserDisplayControlFX
- addComponent(JPanel, Component, GridBagConstraints) - Static method in class Map.GpsTextDisplay
- addComponent(JPanel, Component, GridBagConstraints) - Static method in class Map.MouseMeasureDisplay
- addComponent(JPanel, Component, GridBagConstraints) - Static method in class PamView.dialog.GroupedSourcePanel
- addComponent(JPanel, Component, GridBagConstraints) - Static method in class PamView.dialog.PamDialog
add to a panel which must use GridBagLayout
- addComponent(JPanel, Component, GridBagConstraints) - Static method in class PamView.panel.PamBorderPanel
- addComponent(JPanel, Component, GridBagConstraints) - Static method in class PamView.panel.PamPanel
- addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in interface pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.ConnectionNode
Add a connection listener.
- addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.StandardConnectionNode
Adds a connectionListener which is triggered by any CollisionShape;
- addConnectorNodeListener(ConnectorNodeListener) - Method in interface pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.ConnectionNode
Add a connector node listener.
- addConnectorNodeListener(ConnectorNodeListener) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.StandardConnectionNode
- addConstantOverlay(MarkOverlayDraw) - Method in class Map.MapPanel
- addContour(double[], double[]) - Method in class
- addContour(double[], double[]) - Method in class whistleClassifier.TrainingDataSet
- addContour(WhistleContour) - Method in class
- addContourPoint(int, int, double, double) - Method in class gpl.contour.GPLContour
Add a contour point
- addContourPoint(GPLContourPoint) - Method in class gpl.contour.GPLContour
Add a contour point
- addControl(JComponent) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.PamScroller
Add an additional control to the control panel which will sit to the right of or just below the wee buttons used for scroll bar navigation.
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class PamController.PamConfiguration
Add a PamControlledUnit to the main list.
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class PamController.PamController
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in interface PamController.PamControllerInterface
Adds a PamControlledUnit to the controller.
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class PamView.GuiFrameManager
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class PamView.NullGuiController
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class PamView.PamGui
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class PamView.PamObjectViewer
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in interface PamView.PamViewInterface
Called whenever a pamcontrolled unit is added ot the model.
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiFX
- addControlledUnit(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiManagerFX
Add a controlled unit to the scene.
- addCoordinate(PamCoordinate) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.OverlayMark
- addCount(double, double, int) - Method in class alarm.AlarmCounter
Add a count to the total.
- addCount(double, double, int) - Method in class alarm.AlarmDecibelCounter
- addCount(double, double, int) - Method in class clickDetector.alarm.ClickAlarmCounter
- addCrossCorError(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>, double, float) - Static method in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.old.MCMCLocaliser
Deprecated.Adds the cross correlation error to the time delay errors array.
- addCtClassification(CTClassification) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDataUnit
Adds a classification for the click train.
- addCtrlKeyListener(char, ActionListener) - Method in class PamView.CtrlKeyManager
- addData(double) - Method in class difar.calibration.CalibrationHistogram
Add new data to the histogram
- addData(double) - Method in class gpl.whiten.InfiniteSort
Add data to the sorted list.
- addData(double) - Method in class gpl.whiten.InfiniteSortWithMean2
- addData(double) - Method in class pamMaths.PamHistogram
Add a single point of data to the histogram but don't notify observers
- addData(double) - Method in class pamMaths.PamLogHistogram
- addData(double[]) - Method in class gpl.whiten.InfiniteSortGroup
Add a row of data to an array of individual InfiniteSorts.
- addData(double[]) - Method in class gpl.whiten.MovingMatrix
Add a new row of data to the matrix.
- addData(double[]) - Method in class gpl.whiten.WhitenMatrix
Add data to the whiteners sort group.
- addData(double, boolean) - Method in class pamMaths.PamHistogram
Add a single unit value to the histogram and optionally notify all observers
- addData(double, boolean) - Method in class pamMaths.PamLogHistogram
- addData(double, double) - Method in class pamMaths.PamHistogram
Add weighted data to the histogram
- addData(double, double) - Method in class pamMaths.PamLogHistogram
- addData(int, double) - Method in class noiseBandMonitor.BandPerformance
- addData(long, double[][]) - Method in class SoundRecorder.PamAudioFileStorage
- addData(long, double[][]) - Method in interface SoundRecorder.RecorderStorage
Adds data to the store.
- addData(long, double[][]) - Method in class SoundRecorder.WavFileStorage
- addData(DifarDataUnit) - Method in class difar.trackedGroups.TrackedGroupDataUnit
Add a new bearing to this group.
- addData(FFTDataUnit) - Method in class fftManager.fftorganiser.FFTDataList
Add an FFTDataUnit to the list.
- addData(PamDataUnit) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticDataGramGraphics.DataGramStore
Add data to the datagram.
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class Array.ArrayManager
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickBTDisplay
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickSpectrum
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickTrigger
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickWaveform
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickDetector.IDI_Display
On new data, add ICI variable to current histogram
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clipgenerator.ClipProcess.ClipBlockProcess
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class depthReadout.DepthSidePanel
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class eventCounter.DataCounter
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class fftManager.FFTPluginPanelProvider.FFTPluginPanel
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class GPS.UpdateClockDialog
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class IshmaelDetector.IshDetSave
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class levelMeter.LevelMeterSidePanel
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class loggerForms.FormsAlertSidePanel
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class Map.MapPanel
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class Map.SimpleMap
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamController.masterReference.GPSDataSystem
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in interface PamguardMVC.PamObserver
Informs the PamObserver that new data have been added to the Observable class
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamObserverAdapter
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamProcess
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.RawDataDisplay.RawDisplayPanel
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.ThreadedObserver
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class radardisplay.RadarDisplay
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class seismicVeto.VetoPluginPanelProvider.VetoPluginPanel
new data have arrived - work out what channel it's from and plot it.
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramDisplay
- addData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class whistleClassifier.ClassifierHistoryWindow
- addData(Tunit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.background.BackgroundManager
Add a background data unit (calls through the addPamData in the underlying datablock).
- ADDDATA - Static variable in class PamguardMVC.ObservedObject
- addDataAnnotation(DataAnnotation) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataUnit
Adds a data annotation to the data unit.
- addDataAnnotation(DataAnnotation) - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.DLDetection
- addDataAnnotationType(DataAnnotationType) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Keep for backwards compatibility
- addDataBlock(PamDataBlock) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.scroller.TDAcousticScroller
- addDataBlock(PamDataBlock) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScroller
Add a datablock to the list for this scroller.
- addDataBlock(PamDataBlock, TDGraphFX) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.layout.TDDisplayFX
Add a data block to the display.
- addDataBlockGraphics(PamDataBlock) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.scroller.TDAcousticScroller
- addDataDumpled(long) - Method in class soundPlayback.PlayDeviceState
- addDataFilter(DataFilter) - Method in class generalDatabase.dataExport.DataExportDialog
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickDatagramProvider
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class cpod.CPODDataGramProvider
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in interface dataGram.DatagramProvider
Add datagram data to the dataGram line.
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class dbht.offline.DbHtDatagramProvider
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class ltsa.LtsaDatagramProvider
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class noiseBandMonitor.NoiseBandDatagramProvider
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class noiseOneBand.offline.OneBandDatagramProvider
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.logging.DLDataUnitDatagram
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.logging.DLDetectionDatagram
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class RightWhaleEdgeDetector.RWEDatagramProvider
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class videoRangePanel.importTideData.TideDatagramProvider
- addDatagramData(PamDataUnit, float[]) - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.WMDatagramProvider
- addDataItem(TDDataInfo) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
Add a data item to be plotted on this display
- addDataItem(TDDataProvider) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
- addDataItem(TDDataInfoFX) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.layout.TDGraphFX
Add a data item to be plotted on this display.
- addDataItem(TDDataProviderFX) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.layout.TDGraphFX
Add a data item to the graph.
- addDataLine(ComplexArray, int) - Method in class detectionPlotFX.plots.WignerData
Add a date line.
- addDataListener(SerialPortDataListener) - Method in class serialComms.jserialcomm.PJSerialComm
Call through to underlying serial port to add a data listener.
- addDataListInfo(DataListInfo) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.GraphParameters
- addDataListInfo(DataListInfo) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.TDGraphParametersFX
- addDataMapObserver(DataMapObserver) - Method in class dataMap.OfflineDataMap
Add a data map observer to get notificatoins when data are updated.
- addDataModelTab() - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiFX
Add a tab for the data model.
- addDataPlayed(long) - Method in class soundPlayback.PlayDeviceState
- addDataPoint(DatagramDataPoint) - Method in class dataGram.Datagram
Add a data point to a datagram
- addDataPoint(TmapPoint) - Method in class dataMap.OfflineDataMap
Add a new map point into the list.
- addDataSeries(DataSeries) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamAxis.PlotPaneFX
Add data to the plot
- addDataSet(TrainingDataSet) - Method in class
- addDataSet(TrainingDataSet) - Method in class whistleClassifier.TrainingDataGroup
- addDataToDataBlock(AngleDataUnit) - Method in class IMU.IMUControl
- addDataToDataBlock(AngleDataUnit) - Method in class IMU.IMUImportMananger
- addDataUnit(int, PamDataUnit) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.grouper.DetectionGroup
- addDataUnit(int, PamDataUnit) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.grouper.FirstGrouping
- addDataUnit(PamDataBlock, PamDataUnit, int) - Method in class PamguardMVC.LastDataUnitStore
Add a new unit to the store, returning the previous one if it existed.
- addDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class crossedbearinglocaliser.CBDetectionMatcher.CBMatchGroup
- addDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamDetection.TDArrayList
- addDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class tethys.detection.BinnedGranularityHandler
- addDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class tethys.detection.CallGranularityHandler
- addDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class tethys.detection.EncounterGranularityHandler
- addDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class tethys.detection.GranularityHandler
Put a data unit into a Detection object.
- addDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class tethys.detection.GroupedGranularityHandler
- addDataUnits(DataLineInfo) - Method in class
Add a type of data unit to the list.
- addDeadPoint(double[], FFTDataUnit) - Method in class gpl.DetectedPeak
Add a point that was below threshold.
- addDefaultPlug() - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.StandardConnectionNode
Create a default plug and adds to the ConnectionNode.
- addDefaultPlug() - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.structures.ConnectionGroupStructure
Create a default plug and adds to the ConnectionNode.
- addDefaultSocket() - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.StandardConnectionNode
Create a default socket which has layout bounds binded to the ConnectionRectangle.
- addDelayOffset(double) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.TimeDelayData
Add a constant offset to the time delay
- addDeletedUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.SaveRequirements
Add a deleted unit
- addDeleteIndexes(int) - Method in class PamguardMVC.SaveRequirements
- addDependency(PamDependency) - Method in interface PamModel.PamDependent
- addDependency(PamDependency) - Method in class PamModel.PamModuleInfo
- addDetection(PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.CorrelationManager
Called when a new detection is added.
- addDetection(PamDataUnit, int) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.IDIManager
Add a detection to the ICIManager and update the master time series.
- addDetection(PamDataUnit, int) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.StandardMHTChi2Provider
- addDetection(T) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.MHTKernel
Add a new data into the possibility mix.
- addDetection(T, int) - Method in interface clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.MHTChi2Provider
Called every time a new detection is added.
- addDetectionGroupListener(DetectionGroupListener) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.TDMarkerFX
Add the detection group listener.
- addDetectionPlot(DetectionPlot<?>) - Method in class
Add a type of data unit to the list.
- addDetectionSpecificFields(CSVPrinter, T, int) - Method in class export.CSVExport.CSVDataUnitExport
Add detection specific fields to a csvprinter object.
- addDetectionSpecificFields(ListVector.NamedBuilder, PamDataUnit, int) - Method in class export.RExport.RClickExport
- addDetectionSpecificFields(ListVector.NamedBuilder, PamDataUnit, int) - Method in class export.RExport.RRawExport
- addDetectionSpecificFields(ListVector.NamedBuilder, T, int) - Method in class export.RExport.RDataUnitExport
Add detection specific fields to a structure.
- addDetectionSpecificFields(ListVector.NamedBuilder, ConnectedRegionDataUnit, int) - Method in class export.RExport.RWhistleExport
- addDetectionSpecificFields(Struct, int, PamDataUnit) - Method in class export.MLExport.MLClickExport
- addDetectionSpecificFields(Struct, int, PamDataUnit) - Method in class export.MLExport.MLRawExport
- addDetectionSpecificFields(Struct, int, T) - Method in class export.MLExport.MLDataUnitExport
Add detection specific fields to a structure.
- addDetectionSpecificFields(Struct, int, ConnectedRegionDataUnit) - Method in class export.MLExport.MLWhistleMoanExport
- addDetectorMenuItems(ClickControl, JMenu, int) - Method in class rocca.RoccaControl
Adds a menu item when in viewer mode to the Click Detector menu, to pass events to Rocca for measurement.
- addDetectorMenuItems(Frame, Container) - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.ClicksOffline
Add offline functions to the top of the main Detector menu when operating in viewer mode.
- addDetectorMenuItems(Frame, JMenu) - Method in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionLocaliser
- addDetectorMenuItems(Frame, JMenu) - Method in class targetMotionOld.TargetMotionLocaliser
- addDisableCount() - Static method in class PamController.PAMStartupEnabler
Call to disable the GUI.
- addDisplay(WarningDisplay) - Method in class warnings.WarningSystem
Add a warning display
- addDisplayListener(GroupDisplayListener) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.popUpMenu.OverlayGroupDisplay
Add listeners to both the detections and super detections display,
- addDisplayListener(GroupDisplayListener) - Method in class detectionPlotFX.DetectionGroupDisplay
Add a display GroupDisplayListener.
- addDisplayMenuItems(JPopupMenu) - Method in class clipgenerator.clipDisplay.ClipDisplayDecorations
Add additional functionality to the popup menu on a display unit.
- addDisplayMenuItems(JPopupMenu) - Method in class difar.display.DifarClipDecorations
- addDisplayPanelProvider(DisplayPanelProvider) - Static method in class Layout.DisplayProviderList
- addDistanceMeters(double, double) - Method in class GPS.GpsData
- addDistanceMeters(double, double) - Method in class PamUtils.LatLong
Add distances in metres East and metres North to a LatLong
Note that this assumes a flat earth model away from poles, so it's possible to create stupid values. - addDistanceMeters(double, double, double) - Method in class GPS.GpsData
- addDistanceMeters(double, double, double) - Method in class PamUtils.LatLong
Add distances in metres East and metres North to a LatLong
Note that this assumes a flat earth model away from poles, so it's possible to create stupid values. - addDistanceMeters(PamVector) - Method in class GPS.GpsData
- addDistanceMeters(PamVector) - Method in class PamUtils.LatLong
Add an x,y,z vector to the current location.
- addDivisorListener() - Method in class
The divisor listener.
- ADDDOCUMENT - Enum constant in enum class tethys.database.TethysActions
- addDownloadListener(DLDownloadListener) - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.DLDownloadManager
Add a download listener to the array manager.
- addDownstreamLocalisationContents(int) - Method in class beamformer.localiser.BeamFormLocaliserControl
This gets called when the output datablock has more localisation content options added to it (e.g.
- addDownstreamLocalisationContents(int) - Method in class bearinglocaliser.BearingLocaliserControl
- addDraggablePane(T) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.orderedList.PamDraggableList
Add a draggble pane to the list.
- addDraggablePane(T, int) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.orderedList.PamDraggableList
Add a dragable pane to the list.
- addDrawnUnit(long) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ScrollingImageSegmenter.WritableImageSegment
Add a unit to the array reuse set...this will result in the data unit not being drawn again until the buffer is reset.
- addDrawnUnit(long) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ScrollingPlotSegmenter.PlotSegment
Add a unit to the array reuse set...this will result in the data unit not being drawn again until the buffer is reset.
- addDriverToList(String, int[], int[]) - Method in class asiojni.AsioDriverInfos
Gets called back from the jni call to callJniGetAsioDrivers
- addDriverToList(String, int[], int[]) - Method in class asiojni.AsioJniInterface
- addElement() - Method in class Array.HydrophoneDialogPanel
- addErrorCount() - Method in enum class nidaqdev.networkdaq.CRioErrorStrings
- addExtraColumns(ArrayList<RavenColumnInfo>) - Method in class ravendata.RavenLogging
- addExtraDataUser(NetworkDataUser) - Method in class networkTransfer.receive.NetworkReceiver
Add an extra data user which will get called with ALL data arriving over the network so can handle additional functions / data types not managed by the standard build in data user which doesn't know much about anything but PAMDataUnits.
- addExtraTableInfo(PairedValueInfo) - Method in class networkTransfer.receive.NetworkReceiver
Add extra data fields to the table, data units, etc.
- addF1KeyListener(JComponent) - Method in class loggerForms.controls.LoggerControl
- addFile(T) - Method in class PamUtils.worker.filelist.FileListData
- addFilePrefix(String) - Method in class PamUtils.PamFileFilter
Specify a prefix for the file filter
- addFileType(String) - Method in class Map.MapFileFilter
- addFileType(String) - Method in class PamUtils.PamFileFilter
- addFilterMessage(String) - Method in class
Adds / concatenates messages from file filters.
- addFitData(int, GpsData, LatLong, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser.GroupDetection
- addFocusListenerToAllSubComponants(FocusListener, Component) - Static method in class loggerForms.controls.LoggerControl
- addFolder() - Method in class PamUtils.worker.filelist.FileListData
- addFolderChangeListener(FolderChangeListener) - Method in class PamUtils.SelectFolder
Add a folder change listener to receive notification if the browse button was used to select a new folder.
- addFolderChangeListener(FolderChangeListener) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.SelectFolderFX
Add a folder change listener to receive notification if the browse button was used to select a new folder.
- addFormDescription(String) - Method in class loggerForms.FormsControl
- addFragemnt(WhistleFragment) - Method in class whistleClassifier.BasicFragmentStore
- addFragemnt(WhistleFragment) - Method in interface whistleClassifier.FragmentStore
Add a whistle fragment to the store
- addFragemnt(WhistleFragment) - Method in class whistleClassifier.HistoFragmentStore
- addGlobalMediumMenuItems(JMenu, JFrame) - Method in class PamController.soundMedium.GlobalMediumManager
Add menu items to the swing menu
- addGraph() - Method in class dataPlots.TDControl
- addGraph(Component) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraphContainer
- addGraph(ActionEvent) - Method in class dataPlots.HidingControlPanel
- addGraphParameters(GraphParameters) - Method in class dataPlots.TDParameters
- addGraphParameters(TDGraphParametersFX) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.TDParametersFX
- addGroup(List<PamDataUnit>) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.grouper.DetectionGroupedSet
- addGroupLocaResult(GroupLocResult) - Method in class Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser.GroupLocalisation
Add a target motion result and return the number of results now in the localisation
- addGroupObserver(DetectionGroupObserver) - Method in class detectiongrouplocaliser.DetectionGroupControl
Add an observer of group structure or data changes.
- addGUICompatabilityFlag(int) - Method in class PamModel.PamModuleInfo
Add a GUI compatibility flag.
- addHistogram(PamHistogram) - Method in class pamMaths.HistogramDisplay
- addHitHistogram(PamHistogram) - Method in class qa.chart.QAPamChart
- addHitHistogram(PamHistogram, String) - Method in class qa.chart.QAPamChart
- addHoverData(Shape, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamView.GeneralProjector
- addHoverData(Coordinate3d, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamView.GeneralProjector
- addHoverData(Coordinate3d, PamDataUnit, int) - Method in class PamView.GeneralProjector
- addHoverData(HoverData) - Method in class PamView.GeneralProjector
Add hover data to the projector.
- addHoverData(TransformShape, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamView.GeneralProjector
Add hover data to the projector
- addHoverData(TransformShape, PamDataUnit, int) - Method in class PamView.GeneralProjector
Add hover data to the projector
- addHydrophone(Hydrophone) - Method in class Array.PamArray
- addIcon(Component, String) - Method in class PamView.BasicKeyItem
- addIcon(Icon, String) - Method in class PamView.BasicKeyItem
- addIconToGrid(Icon) - Method in class PamView.dialog.IconPanel
- addInputObserver(AnalogInputObserver) - Method in class analoginput.AnalogDevicesManager
- addInstantObserver(PamObserver) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamObservable
Add an observer which will always get called before data are saved or sent on to 'normal' processes.
- addInternalPane(Region) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiTabFX
Add an internal pane to the tab.
- addInternalPane(UserDisplayNodeFX) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiTabFX
Add an UserDisplayNodeFX to the graph.
- addItem(LookupItem) - Method in class generalDatabase.lookupTables.LookupList
Add an item to the list
- addItem(Object) - Method in class generalDatabase.external.crossreference.CrossReferenceSet
- addItemError() - Method in class loggerForms.ItemDescription
Add one to the item error count.
- addKeyListener(FormDescription, String) - Method in class loggerForms.FormsHotKeyControl
Add a new listener for a hotkey.
- addLatLong(LatLong) - Method in class Map.MapContour
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class PamView.panel.CornerLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class dataMap.DataMapLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class PamView.panel.CornerLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class PamView.panel.VerticalLayout
Not used by this class
- addLineData(SimpleLineData, boolean) - Method in class detectionPlotFX.plots.simple2d.Simple2DPlot
- addLineListener(PJSerialLineListener) - Method in class serialComms.jserialcomm.PJSerialComm
- addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickSpectrumTemplateEditDialog
- addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflineEventListPanel
- addListToDB(LookupList) - Method in class generalDatabase.lookupTables.LookUpTables
Adds the passed list to the end of the Lookup table in the current database.
- addLocalisationContents(int) - Method in class beamformer.localiser.BFLDataOutput
- addLocalisationContents(int) - Method in class bearinglocaliser.BearingDataBlock
- addLocalisationContents(int) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Add a single flag indicating what localisation information might be available for the data in this block.
- addLocaliserMenuItem(JPopupMenu, PamDataUnit) - Method in interface Localiser.DisplayLocaliserMenu
- addLocaliserMenuItem(JPopupMenu, PamDataUnit) - Method in class targetMotionModule.panels.EventControlPanel
If we want to add a menu item to pop menu in another module then we need to check we can localise the detection, if so then add an option to the menu to localise the selected detection.
- addLocaliserMenuItem(JPopupMenu, PamDataUnit) - Method in interface targetMotionModule.panels.TargetMotionControlPanel
- addLocaliserMenuItem(JPopupMenu, PamDataUnit) - Method in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionControl
- addLocalization(PamDataUnit) - Method in class tethys.localization.LocalizationBuilder
- addLocContent(int) - Method in interface PamDetection.LocalisationInfo
Add a flag to the loclaisation.
- addLocContent(int) - Method in class PamDetection.LocContents
- addLocContents(int) - Method in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
- addLocContents(int) - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.WhistleBearingInfo
- addMainComponent(Component) - Method in class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingPanel
Add the mainComponent to the hiding panel
- addManagesSymbol(ManagedSymbol) - Method in class PamView.PamOldSymbolManager
Add a managed symbol - wherever you want to use the symbol manager must implement the ManagedSymbol interface
- addMeasurementListener(AngleMeasurementListener) - Method in class angleMeasurement.AngleMeasurement
- addMenuItem(AbstractButton) - Method in class PamView.MenuItemEnabler
Add a menu item to a menu item enabler.
- addMenuItems(JComponent) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.jumping.ScrollJumper
- addMenuItems(JComponent) - Method in interface PamView.PamMenuParts
Add menu items to a menu or popup menu.
- addMenuItems(JMenuItem) - Method in class backupmanager.bespoke.BespokeBackups
- addMenuItems(JMenuItem, TDInfoMonitor) - Method in class
Add menu items to an existing menu.
- addMenuItems(JMenu, JFrame) - Method in class generalDatabase.external.CopyManager
- addMenuParts(PamMenuParts) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScroller
Add menuparts, items that will be added to the menus little popup menu that appears from the middle of the scroller controls.
- addMessage(String) - Method in interface
- addMissHistogram(PamHistogram) - Method in class qa.chart.QAPamChart
- addMissHistogram(PamHistogram, String) - Method in class qa.chart.QAPamChart
- addMissingClass(String) - Method in class PamController.DeserialisationWarning
- addMissingUID() - Method in class dataMap.OfflineDataMapPoint
- addModule(Frame, PamModuleInfo) - Method in class PamController.PamController
- addModule(Frame, PamModuleInfo) - Method in interface PamController.PamControllerInterface
Add a new PamControlledUnit
- addModule(Stage, PamModuleInfo) - Method in class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.ConnectionNodeFactory
Add an instance of this module type to the data model.
- addModule(PamModuleInfo, String) - Method in class PamController.PamController
Add a module to the controller.
- addMouseAdapter(MouseAdapter) - Method in class Map.MapController
- addMouseAdapterToMapPanel(MouseAdapter) - Method in class Map.MapController
- addMouseAdapterToMapPanel(MouseAdapter) - Method in class Map.MapTabPanelControl
- addMouseAdapterToMapPanel(MouseAdapter) - Method in class Map.SimpleMap
- addMouseHandler(ExtMouseAdapter) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.ExtMapMouseHandler
- addMouseListener(MouseListener) - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflineEventListPanel
- addMouseListenerToAllSubComponants(MouseListener, Component) - Static method in class loggerForms.controls.LoggerControl
- addMouseWheelSource(Component) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScrollerAWT
Add a component to the scrollers mouse wheel listener.
- addMultiPlexDataBlock(PamDataBlock) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamProcess
Adds the process as an observer to the data block.
- addNameSpaceToElements(Document, Element, String) - Method in class PamController.settings.output.xml.PamguardXMLWriter
Recursively walk the tree and add a namespace to every single element.
- addNewConnectionNode(StandardConnectionNode, double, double) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.ConnectionPane
Add a new connection node to the connection pane.
- addNewControl() - Method in class loggerForms.formdesign.FormEditDialog
Add a new control to the end of the controls list.
- addNewData(RawDataUnit) - Method in class Acquisition.AudioDataQueue
- addNewData(RawDataUnit, int) - Method in class Acquisition.AudioDataQueue
- addNewData(PamDataUnit) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticDataGramGraphics
- addNewData(PamDataUnit) - Method in interface pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticScrollerGraphics
Add new data units.
- addNewData(PamDataUnit) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.FFTScrollBarGraphics
- addNewData(PamDataUnit) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.RawScrollBarGraphics
- addNewEndTime(long, Long) - Method in class generalDatabase.DBOfflineDataMapPoint
Add a new end time to the data map
- addNewModule(PamControlledUnit, double, double) - Method in class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.ConnectionNodeFactory
Adds a new connection node to the
- addNewModule(PamModuleInfo, double, double) - Method in class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.ConnectionNodeFactory
Called whenever there is an attempt to add a new module to the pane.
- addNewPamData(PamDataUnit) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticScrollerFX
Add a new data unit to the scroll bar so it can be drawn on the background canvas.
- addNewRawData(RawDataUnit) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.rawDataPlotFX.RawSoundPlotDataFX
Convert new RawDataUnit to pixels and then add to
invalid @link
- addNewStructure(DataModelModulePane.StructureRectangle, double, double) - Method in class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.ConnectionNodeFactory
Called whenever there is an attempt to add a structure to the pane.
- addNoiseMeasurementBand(int, NoiseMeasurementBand) - Method in class noiseMonitor.NoiseSettings
Add a noise measurement band at a specific place in the list.
- addNoiseMeasurementBand(NoiseMeasurementBand) - Method in class noiseMonitor.NoiseSettings
Add a noise measurement band to the end of the list.
- addNotificationHandler(SUDNotificationHandler) - Method in class Acquisition.sud.SUDNotificationManager
- addNotifyable(QANotifyable) - Method in class qa.QAControl
Add something that can receive notifications from QA Control
- addObserver(FileDateObserver) - Method in class Acquisition.filedate.FileDateDialogStrip
- addObserver(FileDateObserver) - Method in class Acquisition.layoutFX.FileDataDialogStripFX
- addObserver(BackupObserver) - Method in class backupmanager.BackupManager
Add an observer that will get updates as backups take place.
- addObserver(EffortObserver) - Method in class effortmonitor.EffortControl
Add something that wants notificatins when status changes
- addObserver(PamObserver) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
- addObserver(PamObserver) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamObservable
Adds a PamObserver, which will then receive notifications when data is added.
- addObserver(PamObserver) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamRawDataBlock
- addObserver(PamObserver, boolean) - Method in class loggerForms.monitor.FormsMonitorMaster
- addObserver(PamObserver, boolean) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
- addObserver(PamObserver, boolean) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamObservable
- addObserver(PamObserver, boolean) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamRawDataBlock
- addObserver(PamScrollObserver) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScroller
Ad an observer that will receive notifications when the the scroller moves.
- addObserver(SimpleObserver<T>) - Method in class PamUtils.SimpleObservable
Add an observer
- addObserver(OverlayMarkObserver) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.OverlayMarker
- addObserver(OverlayMarkObserver) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.OverlayMarkObservers
Add a mark observer to the list.
- addObserver(DeploymentTableObserver) - Method in class tethys.swing.PAMGuardDeploymentsTable
- addOfflineDataMap(OfflineDataMap) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Adds a new offline datamap to the data block
- addOfflineMenuItems(Container, Frame) - Method in class whistleClassifier.offline.ClassifierOffline
- addOfflineSlice(SliceData) - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.ConnectedRegion
Add in a slice during offline mode.
- addOfflineTaskGroup(OfflineTaskGroup) - Method in class PamController.PamControlledUnit
Registers the offlineTaskGroup with the PamControlledUnit on instantiation.
- addOldPamData(Tunit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Add early PAM data to a datablock.
- addOneData(long) - Method in class dataMap.OfflineDataMapPoint
- addOtherRelatedMenuItems(Frame, JMenu, String) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickControl
- addOtherRelatedMenuItems(Frame, JMenu, String) - Method in class PamController.PamControlledUnit
- addOutgoingMessageToQueue(String) - Method in class rockBlock.RockBlockProcess2
Adds a new String object to the outgoing messages queue.
- addOutputDataBlock(PamDataBlock) - Method in class Array.HydrophoneProcess
- addOutputDataBlock(PamDataBlock) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamProcess
Adds an additional PamDataBlock to the process
- addPamData(AngleDataUnit) - Method in class IMU.IMUDataBlock
- addPamData(ClickDetection) - Method in class clickDetector.TrackedClickDataBlock
- addPamData(ClickTrainDetection) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickTrainDataBlock
- addPamData(OfflineEventDataUnit) - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflineEventDataBlock
- addPamData(CPODClickTrainDataUnit) - Method in class cpod.CPODClickTrainDataBlock
- addPamData(CPODClickTrainDataUnit, Long) - Method in class cpod.CPODClickTrainDataBlock
- addPamData(DetectionGroupDataUnit) - Method in class detectiongrouplocaliser.DetectionGroupDataBlock
- addPamData(DetectionGroupDataUnit, Long) - Method in class detectiongrouplocaliser.DetectionGroupDataBlock
- addPamData(DifarDataUnit) - Method in class difar.DifarDataBlock
- addPamData(GpsDataUnit) - Method in class GPS.GPSDataBlock
- addPamData(ArrayList<SimpleClick>) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.test.SimpleClickDataBlock
Add a list of simple clicks to the data block.
- addPamData(FormsDataUnit) - Method in class loggerForms.FormsDataBlock
- addPamData(NMEADataUnit) - Method in class NMEA.NMEADataBlock
- addPamData(RawDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamRawDataBlock
- addPamData(PamDataUnit, Long) - Method in class beamformer.localiser.BFLDataOutput
- addPamData(PamDataUnit, Long) - Method in class beamformer.localiser.QueuedDataBlock
- addPamData(PamDataUnit, Long) - Method in class bearinglocaliser.BearingDataBlock
- addPamData(T) - Method in class beamformer.continuous.BestBeamSelector
Add new pam data unit's here instead of to the output datablock.
- addPamData(T) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.ClickTrainDataBlock
- addPamData(T, Long) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.ClickTrainDataBlock
- addPamData(Tunit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Adds a new PamDataUnit to the PamDataBlock.
- addPamData(Tunit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.SingletonDataBlock
- addPamData(Tunit, Long) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Adds a new PamDataUnit to the PamDataBlock and force the UID to a specific value.
- addPamProcess(int, PamProcess) - Method in class PamController.PamControlledUnit
Adds a PamProcess to the PamConrolledUnit at a specified position in the process list.
- addPamProcess(PamProcess) - Method in class PamController.PamControlledUnit
Adds a PamProcess to the PamConrolledUnit
- addPamScroller(AbstractPamScroller) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractScrollManager
Add a new scroller to the managed list.
- addPamScroller(AbstractPamScroller) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.ViewerScrollerManager
- addPamTab(TabInfo, UserDisplayNodeFX, boolean) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiFX
Convenience function to add a closable tab to the display with a new UserDisplayNodeFX.
- addPassData(boolean) - Method in class angleVetoes.AngleVetoes
Add data to pas / fail stats for display
- addPeak(int, RWEDetectionPeak, int) - Method in class RightWhaleEdgeDetector.RWESound
Add a new peak to extend the slice.
- addPeak(WhistlePeak) - Method in class whistleDetector.WhistleShape
Add a new peak to the contour
- addPixel(int, int, FFTDataUnit) - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.ConnectedRegion
- addPlotData(PamDataUnit, ScrollingPlotSegmenter.PlotSegment, TDProjectorFX, double) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ScrollingPlotSegmenter
Add plot data to the plot segment.
- addPlotData(PamDataUnit, TDProjectorFX, double) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ScrollingPlotSegmenter
Draw the data on the plot segment
- addPlotListener(PlotMouseAdapter) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
Add a mouse plot adapter to each panel on the graph.
- addPlotMouseListener(PlotMouseListener) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
Add a plot mouse listener.
- addPlotMouseMotionListener(PlotMouseMotionListener) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
Add a plot mouse motion listener.
- addPlotZoomer(PlotZoomerAdapter) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
Add a plot zoomer adapter to the graph.
- addPoint(FFTDataUnit, double, double[], int) - Method in class gpl.DetectedPeak
Add a point that was above threshold.
- addPopupMenuItems(JPopupMenu, MouseEvent) - Method in class clipgenerator.clipDisplay.ClipDisplayPanel
- addPositionData(DeploymentRecoveryDetails) - Static method in class tethys.TethysLocationFuncs
Add position data to DeploymentRecoveryDetails.
- addPositionReport(AISPositionReport) - Method in class AIS.AISDataUnit
- addProvider(OverlayMarker) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.OverlayMarkProviders
Remove a provider of spectrogram marks.
- addQuadrature(PamVector...) - Static method in class pamMaths.PamVector
Add any number of vectors together in quadrature.
- addQueueList(StationQueue) - Method in class loc3d_Thode.CrossStationMatcher
- addRangeObserver(VisibleRangeObserver) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.scroller.TDAcousticScroller
The range spinner.
- addRangeObserver(VisibleRangeObserver) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.scroller.TDPamScrollerFX
Add an observer for visible range changes in the scroll bar.
- addRangeObserver(VisibleRangeObserver) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticScrollerFX
Add a range observer.
- addRangeSpinnerListener(RangeSpinnerListener) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.RangeSpinner
Add a range spinner listener.
- addRangeSpinnerListener(VisibleRangeObserver) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.TimeRangeScrollSpinner
Add a range spinner list
- addRawData(RawDataUnit, int) - Method in class Acquisition.rona.RonaGatherer
- addRawData(PamDataUnit, ScrollingPlotSegmenter.PlotSegment, TDProjectorFX, double, int, Color) - Method in class
Draw the data unit.
- addRelatedMenuItems(Frame, JMenu, String) - Method in class PamController.PamControlledUnit
- addRenderingHints(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxgraphics2d.FXGraphics2D
Adds all the supplied rendering hints.
- addReport(Report) - Method in class reportWriter.Report
Add another report.
- addReport(TethysReport) - Method in class tethys.reporter.TethysReporter
Add a report after attempting to write a document
- addRequiredDataBlock(RequiredDataBlockInfo) - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTask
Add a required data block.
- addRequiredDataBlock(PamDataBlock) - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTask
Add a required data block.
- addRequiredDataBlock(PamDataBlock, long, long) - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTask
Add a required data block.
- addResizeListeners() - Method in class dataPlotsFX.layout.AxisPane
Deprecated.Add a listeners to the canvas to check for resize and repaint.
- addResizeListeners() - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamAxis.PamAxisPane
Add a listeners to the canvas to check for resize and repaint.
- addResizeListeners(Canvas) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.layout.TDGraphFX.TDPlotPane
Add a listeners to the canvas to check for resize and repaint.
- ADDRESS - Static variable in class networkTransfer.send.NetworkSender
- addResult(UIDStatusReport) - Method in class PamguardMVC.uid.UIDStatusReport
Add the counts of another result to this one.
- addResults(GroupLocResult[]) - Method in class targetMotionOld.TargetMotionLocaliser
- addResults(TargetMotionResult[]) - Method in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionLocaliser
- addScaleInfo(TDScaleInfo) - Method in class
Add a scale info.
- addScroller(AbstractPamScroller) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.coupling.ScrollerCoupling
Add a new scroller to the coupling
- addSection(ReportSection) - Method in class reportWriter.Report
Add a new section to the report
- addSections(ReportSection[]) - Method in class reportWriter.Report
- addSectionText(String) - Method in class reportWriter.ReportSection
Add text to the section.
- addSelectedDataUnit(FoundDataUnit) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
Add a selected data unit to the current selected data unit list.
- addSelectedDataUnit(ArrayList<FoundDataUnit>) - Method in class dataPlots.layout.TDGraph
Add a list of data units to the end current selected data units.
- addSelectionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class PamView.dialog.SourcePanel
Add a listener to the data source drop down list
- addSelectionListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.SourcePaneFX
Add a listener to the data source drop down list
- addSelectionListener(ClusterSelectionListener) - Method in class qa.swing.ClusterSelectPanel
Add a selection listener which will receive notifications if any of the check boxes are changed.
- addSelectionMenuItems(JComponent, Window, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.OverlayDataManager
Add all items associated with the list to a
- addSelectObserver(SimpleDataObserver) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.jumping.ScrollJumper
Add an observer which will get notifications whenever the selected data unit changes.
- addSensorData(float[], int) - Method in class d3.D3DataUnit
- addSeries(String, double[], double[]) - Method in class qa.chart.fx.QAChart
Add a data series to the chart
- addSeries(String, double[], double[]) - Method in class reportWriter.ReportChart
Add a data series to the chart
- addSeries(PamChartSeries) - Method in class PamView.chart.PamChart
- addSet(int, SweepClassifierSet) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basicSweep.SweepClassifierParameters
- addSet(SweepClassifierSet) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basicSweep.SweepClassifierParameters
- addSettings(Serializable) - Method in class spectrogramNoiseReduction.SpectrogramNoiseSettings
- addSettings(PamControlledUnitSettings) - Method in class PamController.PamSettingsGroup
Add settings to the list of different unit settings
- addSettingsGroup(PamSettingsGroup) - Method in class generalDatabase.DBSettingsStore
- addSettingsListener(SettingsListener) - Method in interface pamViewFX.fxSettingsPanes.DynamicSettings
Add a settings listener to the pane.
- addSettingsListener(SettingsListener) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxSettingsPanes.DynamicSettingsPane
Add a settings listener to the pane.
- addSettingsListener(SettingsListener) - Method in class pamViewFX.symbol.StandardSymbolOptionsPane
- addSettingsListener(SettingsListener) - Method in class pamViewFX.symbol.SymbolModifierPane
Add a settings listener to the pane.
- addSettingsListener(SettingsListener) - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX.dlTransfroms.DLTransformPane
Add a settings listener to the pane.
- addSettingsPane(TDSettingsPane) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.layout.TDHidingTabPane
Add a settings pane to the hiding tab.
- addSimObject(SimObject) - Method in class simulatedAcquisition.SimParameters
- addSimpleClick(SimpleClick) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMAT.MHTAlgorithmMAT
Add a simple click to the click train.
- addSimpleClick(SimpleClick) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.test.MHTTestAlgorithm
Add a simple click to the click train.
- addSingleData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class gpl.GPLProcess
- addSingleData(PamObservable, PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.PamBlockProcess
Called in sequence for data in a block so it can run detectors
- addSonobuoyAnnotation(StreamerDataUnit, TimestampAnnotationType, long) - Method in class difar.SonobuoyManager
- addSource(PamDataBlock) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.SourcePaneFX
Add an additional source to the list of available datas.
- addSourcePanelMonitor(SourcePanelMonitor) - Method in class PamView.dialog.SourcePanel
- addSourcePanelMonitor(SourcePanelMonitor) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.SourcePaneFX
- addSourceType(Class) - Method in class PamView.dialog.SourcePanel
- addSourceType(Class, boolean) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.SourcePaneFX
Set the source type for this SourcePanel
- addSpecialTimeRange(double) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.RangeSpinner
Add a single special time range, e.g.
- addSpecialTimeRange(double[]) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.RangeSpinner
Add some special time ranges, e.g.
- addSpeciesParams(DifarParameters.SpeciesParams, boolean) - Method in class difar.DifarParameters
Create a new set of audio clip parameters for a given species
- addSpeciesTreeVotes(double[]) - Method in class rocca.RoccaSightingDataUnit
Adds the passed array of tree votes to the current array.
- addSpeciesTreeVotes(String, double[]) - Method in class rocca.RoccaSidePanel
Finds the RoccaSightingDataUnit with the passed sighting number, and adds the tree votes to the running total.
- addSpectrogramMarkObserver(SpectrogramMarkObserver) - Static method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramMarkObservers
- addSQLLogging(MarkDataBlock) - Method in class annotation.handler.AnnotationChoiceHandler
- addStateObserver(TethysStateObserver) - Method in class tethys.TethysControl
Add a new state observer.
- addStreamer(Streamer) - Method in class Array.PamArray
Add a streamer and return the streamer id which will be one less than the number of streamers.
- addStreamerListener(ArrayChangeListener) - Method in class Array.layoutFX.HydrophonesPane
Add a listener which is called whenever a hydrophone is added, removed or changed.
- addStreamerListener(ArrayChangeListener) - Method in class Array.layoutFX.StreamersPane
Add a listener which is called whenever a streamer is added, removed or changed.
- addSubDetection(ClickDetection) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickTrainDetection
- addSubDetection(PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDataUnit
- addSubDetection(QASequenceDataUnit) - Method in class qa.QATestDataUnit
- addSubDetection(T) - Method in class Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser.GroupDetection
- addSubDetection(T) - Method in class PamguardMVC.superdet.SuperDetection
Add a sub detection to the sub detection list.
- addSubDetectionInfo(SubdetectionInfo<T>) - Method in class PamguardMVC.superdet.SuperDetection
- addSubDetections(List<PamDataUnit>) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDataUnit
- addSubDetections(List<PamDataUnit>) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDetectionGroupDataUnit
- addSubDetections(List<T>) - Method in class PamguardMVC.superdet.SuperDetection
Add multiple sub detections from a list.
- addSubSettings(PamControlledUnitSettings) - Method in class PamController.settings.SettingsImportGroup
add sub settings which seem somehow related to the main setting.
- addSubtableItemToList(PamSubtableData) - Method in class generalDatabase.PamSubtableData
- addSuperDetection(SuperDetection) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataUnit
- addSymbol(PamSymbolFX, double, double) - Method in class detectionPlotFX.plots.simple2d.Simple2DPlot
- addSymbol(PamSymbolFX, Point2D) - Method in class detectionPlotFX.plots.simple2d.Simple2DPlot
- addSymbolChnageListener(SymbolChangeListener) - Method in class PamView.symbol.StandardSymbolManager
Add a symbol chnage listener
- addSymbolModifier(SymbolModifier) - Method in class PamView.symbol.PamSymbolChooser
Add a symbol modifier.
- addSymbolModifier(SymbolModifier, int) - Method in class PamView.symbol.PamSymbolChooser
Add a symbol modifier at a specific position in the list.
- addSymbolModifier(SymbolModifier, Class) - Method in class PamView.symbol.PamSymbolChooser
Add a symbol modifier directly after a different symbol modifier of a given class.
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class clickDetector.tdPlots.ClickDetSymbolManager
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.layout.ClickTrainSymbolManager
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.layout.UnconfirmedCTSymbolManager
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class cpod.CPODSymbolManager
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class gpl.graphfx.GPLSymbolManager
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class loggerForms.symbol.LoggerSymbolManager
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class PamguardMVC.superdet.swing.SuperDetectionSymbolManager
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class PamView.symbol.PamSymbolManager
Add a list of available (AVAILABLE, not used) symbol modifiers to the chooser when it is created.
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class PamView.symbol.SymbolOnlyManager
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class
- addSymbolModifiers(PamSymbolChooser) - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.plots.WhistleSymbolManager
- addSymbolOption(int) - Method in class PamView.symbol.StandardSymbolManager
Add an option to the symbol manager
- addTab(String, Icon, Component, boolean) - Method in class PamView.hidingpanel.TabbedHidingPane
- addTab(String, Icon, Component, boolean, int) - Method in class PamView.hidingpanel.TabbedHidingPane
- addTab(PamGuiTabFX) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiFX
Add a tab to the tab pane.
- addTabChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class PamView.hidingpanel.TabbedHidingPane
- addTabEndRegion(Region) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamTabPaneSkin
- addTableItem(PamTableItem) - Method in class generalDatabase.EmptyTableDefinition
Adds a new table item
- addTableItem(PamTableItem) - Method in class generalDatabase.external.CopyTableSourceDefinition
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class annotation.calcs.snr.SnrSqlAddon
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class annotation.calcs.spl.SPLSqlAddon
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class annotation.calcs.wav.WavSqlAddon
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class annotation.string.StringSQLLogging
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class annotation.timestamp.TimestampSQLLogging
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class annotation.userforms.UserFormSQLAddon
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class beamformer.annotation.BFAnnotationLogging
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class bearinglocaliser.annotation.BearingAnnotationSQL
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.annotation.ClickAnnotationSQL
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in interface generalDatabase.SQLLoggingAddon
Add a load of columns to an existing table definition
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class matchedTemplateClassifer.annotation.MatchedClickAnnotationSQL
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class nidaqdev.networkdaq.NIDaqLogging
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class PamUtils.LatLongDatabaseSet
Add the table items to a PAM Table Definition
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.logging.DLAnnotationSQL
- addTableItems(EmptyTableDefinition) - Method in class targetMotionOld.TargetMotionSQLLogging
- addTableObserver(StreamTableObserver) - Method in class tethys.swing.DatablockSynchPanel
- addTabStartRegion(Region) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamTabPaneSkin
- addTargetConfiguration(TargetConfiguration) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.TreeTableModel
Adds the target configuration.
- addTargetConfiguration(TargetConfiguration) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.TreeTableModelAdapter
Adds the target configuration.
- addTargetMotionResult(GroupLocResult) - Method in class targetMotionOld.TargetMotionLocalisation
Deprecated.Add a target motion result and return the number of results now in the localisation
- addTask(OfflineTask) - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTaskGroup
- addTasks(List<OfflineTask>) - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTaskGroup
Add a list of offline tasks.
- addTDGraph() - Method in class dataPlotsFX.layout.TDDisplayFX
Add a new graph to the time base display
- addTempSocket(ConnectorNode) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.ConnectionLine
Add a temporary socket to the line.
- addTestSet(String, QACluster, QALocationGenerator) - Method in class qa.generator.QAGeneratorProcess
- addTestSet(QATestDataUnit) - Method in class qa.generator.QAGeneratorProcess
- AddThenMultiplyThenAdd - Class in analoginput.calibration
Add Then Multiply then Add is a calibration method in it that has some unnecessary, but useful redundancy.
- AddThenMultiplyThenAdd() - Constructor for class analoginput.calibration.AddThenMultiplyThenAdd
- addTimingError(ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>, double, float) - Static method in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.Chi2TimeDelays
Adds the a constant timing error to the time delays error array e.g.
- addTip(PamTip) - Method in class tipOfTheDay.TipOfTheDayManager
- addTipRandom(PamTip) - Method in class tipOfTheDay.TipOfTheDayManager
- addToAverageWaveform(PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDataUnit
Adds to the average waveform is the data unit contains raw info.
- addToEvent(DetectionGroupSummary, PamDataUnit, boolean) - Method in class detectiongrouplocaliser.DetectionGroupProcess
Add some detections to an existing event
- addToolbarNode(Node) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiFX.ToolBarPane
Add a node to the content area of the toolbar.
- addToParent(JComponent, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class
Add the components to the parent component.
- addToSpecialDatablock(PamDataBlock) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractScrollManager
Add a data block to the special data block list.
- addToSpecialDatablock(PamDataBlock, long, long) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractScrollManager
Add a data block to the special data block list.
- addToSpectrum() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickSpectrumTemplateEditDialog
Save the average event data to a ClickTemplate class and add to list of click templates.
- addToTable(PamCursor, UIDTrackerData) - Method in class PamguardMVC.uid.DatabaseUIDFunctions
Add the name/uid pair to the tracker table.
- addTrackedGroup(String) - Method in class difar.DifarParameters
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.TreeTableModel
Adds a listener for TreeModel events.
- addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener) - Method in class PamView.symbol.modifier.swing.SymbolTreeModel
- addTriggerParams(DifarParameters.DifarTriggerParams) - Method in class difar.DifarParameters
Add a new trigger Parameters to the list.
- addUnitInfo(PamControlledUnit) - Method in class PamView.GuiFrameSettings
- addUpdatableComponent(LookupComponent) - Method in class generalDatabase.lookupTables.LookUpTables
Add a lookup component which can be updated automatically should there be any changes to the components topic.
- addUpdateUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class PamguardMVC.SaveRequirements
Add an update unit
- addURL(URL) - Method in class PamModel.PamModel.PluginClassloader
- addUserDefined(Detection.Parameters, String, String) - Method in class tethys.pamdata.AutoTethysProvider
- addUserDefined(LocalizationType.Parameters, String, String) - Method in class tethys.localization.LocalizationBuilder
- addUserDisplay(UserDisplayProvider, DisplayProviderParameters) - Method in class userDisplay.UserDisplayTabPanelControl
Ad a display generated by a different module
- addUserDisplayProvider(UserDisplayProvider) - Static method in class userDisplay.UserDisplayControl
Add a reference to the list of providers of user displays.
- addValueChangeListener(Object) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.SimpleFilterPaneFX
- addValueListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.ScrollBarPane
Convenience function which adds a change listener to the current value and visible amount prooperty.
- addVeto(AngleVeto) - Method in class angleVetoes.AngleVetoParameters
Add a veto to the list.
- addView(PamViewInterface) - Method in class PamController.PamController
- addView(PamViewInterface) - Method in interface PamController.PAMControllerGUI
Add a PAMView Interface.
- addView(PamViewInterface) - Method in interface PamController.PamControllerInterface
Adds a new view to the system
- addView(PamViewInterface) - Method in class PamView.GuiFrameManager
- addView(PamViewInterface) - Method in class PamView.NullGuiController
- addView(PamViewInterface) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiManagerFX
- addWarning(PamWarning) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.layout.warnings.CTWarningManager
Add a warning to the click train detector.
- addWarning(PamWarning) - Method in class warnings.WarningSystem
Add a warning, will remove first if the same one is already in there.
- addWaveform(double[], float) - Method in class PamUtils.avrgwaveform.AverageWaveform
Add a waveform to the average waveform and spectra.
- addWaveform(double[], float, boolean) - Method in class PamUtils.avrgwaveform.AverageWaveform
Add a waveform to the average waveform and spectra.
- addWaveform(double[], float, int, boolean) - Method in class PamUtils.avrgwaveform.AverageWaveform
Add a waveform to the average waveform and spectra.
- addWaveform(double, double, double, float, int) - Method in class PamUtils.avrgwaveform.AverageWaveform
Add to an average spectra when no raw data is present e.g.
- addWhistle(ShapeDataUnit) - Method in class whistleDetector.EventDataUnit
- addZoomables() - Method in class dataPlots.mouse.PlotZoomerAdapter
Clear any existing zoomables and add new zoomables to each plot panel.
- adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent) - Method in class JSSHTerminal.MainPanel
- AdminTools - Class in PamController
- AdminTools() - Constructor for class PamController.AdminTools
- ADSTATUSHUNG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ADV_POP_UP - Static variable in class dataPlotsFX.TDGraphParametersFX
Adv pop up menu;
- AdvElectricalNoisePane - Class in clickTrainDetector.layout.mht
Pane with controls to change advanced settings of the electrical noise pane.
- AdvElectricalNoisePane() - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.mht.AdvElectricalNoisePane
- AdvMHTVarPane - Class in clickTrainDetector.layout.mht
Pane with a few more advanced settings for the MHT variables.
- AdvMHTVarPane(SimpleChi2VarParams) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.mht.AdvMHTVarPane
- AdvMHTVarPane(SimpleChi2VarParams, ResultConverter) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.mht.AdvMHTVarPane
- AFTER_LAST - Static variable in class dataMap.OfflineDataMap
- afterLast() - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.NonScrollablePamCursor
- afterLast() - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.PamCursor
- afterLast() - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.ScrollablePamCursor
- AHEGATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AHLGATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AHLNEXTGATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AHLPREVGATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AHLTCPREVCTR - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_CURRENT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_FULL_BRIDGE_62PT5mVV - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_FULL_BRIDGE_7PT8mVV - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_HALF_BRIDGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_QUART_BRIDGE_120OHM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_QUART_BRIDGE_350OHM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_RESISTANCE_10K2W - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_RESISTANCE_10K4W - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_RESISTANCE_1K2W - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_RESISTANCE_1K4W - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_RTD_1000OHM_3W - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_RTD_1000OHM_4W - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_RTD_100OHM_3W - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_RTD_100OHM_4W - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_TC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHAN_TYPE_VOLTAGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AI_CHANNEL_ENABLE - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AI_ERROR_FLAGS - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AI_FLOAT_HOLDING_REGISTERS - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AI_FLOAT_INPUT_REGISTERS - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AI_INPUT_RANGE - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AI_INT_HOLDING_REGISTERS - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AI_INT_INPUT_REGISTERS - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AI_INTEGER_FORMAT - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AIFUNCTION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AIINPUTMODENOTCONFIGURABLE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- Air - Enum constant in enum class PamController.soundMedium.GlobalMedium.SoundMedium
- AirgunControl - Class in AirgunDisplay
- AirgunControl(String) - Constructor for class AirgunDisplay.AirgunControl
- AirgunDataUnit - Class in AirgunDisplay
- AirgunDataUnit(long, GpsData) - Constructor for class AirgunDisplay.AirgunDataUnit
- AirgunDimensionsDrawing - Class in AirgunDisplay
- AirgunDimensionsDrawing() - Constructor for class AirgunDisplay.AirgunDimensionsDrawing
- AirgunDisplay - package AirgunDisplay
- AirgunGraphics - Class in AirgunDisplay
- AirgunGraphics(AirgunControl) - Constructor for class AirgunDisplay.AirgunGraphics
- AirgunParameters - Class in AirgunDisplay
- AirgunParameters() - Constructor for class AirgunDisplay.AirgunParameters
- AirgunParametersDialog - Class in AirgunDisplay
- AirgunParametersDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class AirgunDisplay.AirgunParametersDialog
- AirgunProcess - Class in AirgunDisplay
- AirgunProcess(AirgunControl) - Constructor for class AirgunDisplay.AirgunProcess
- AIS - package AIS
- AISBinaryDataSource - Class in AIS
- AISBinaryDataSource(AISControl, AISDataBlock) - Constructor for class AIS.AISBinaryDataSource
- AISBugSearch - Class in AIS
Read in some AIS data which caused AIS to crash on certain strings.
- AISBugSearch() - Constructor for class AIS.AISBugSearch
- AISControl - Class in AIS
- AISControl(String) - Constructor for class AIS.AISControl
- AISDataBlock - Class in AIS
- AISDataBlock(AISControl, PamProcess) - Constructor for class AIS.AISDataBlock
- AISDataSet - Interface in NMEA
A set of AIS data strings which can combined with simulated NMEA data for testing purposes.
- AISDataUnit - Class in AIS
- AISDataUnit(long) - Constructor for class AIS.AISDataUnit
Constructor used in data collection - doesn't do much
- AISDataUnit(long, String, int) - Constructor for class AIS.AISDataUnit
Constructor used when reading back from binary files.
- AISDisplayDialog - Class in AIS
- AISGraphics - Class in AIS
- AISGraphics(AISControl, AISDataBlock) - Constructor for class AIS.AISGraphics
- AISLocalisation - Class in AIS
- AISLocalisation(AISDataUnit) - Constructor for class AIS.AISLocalisation
- AISLogger - Class in AIS
- AISLogger(AISDataBlock, ProcessAISData) - Constructor for class AIS.AISLogger
- AISParameters - Class in AIS
- AISParameters() - Constructor for class AIS.AISParameters
- AISPositionReport - Class in AIS
AIS Position report data
- AISPositionReport(long, int, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class AIS.AISPositionReport
Constructor to use when reading back from database.
- AISReport - Class in AIS
- AISReport() - Constructor for class AIS.AISReport
- AISSettingsDialog - Class in AIS
- AISStaticData - Class in AIS
- AISStaticData(String, String, int, long, double, String) - Constructor for class AIS.AISStaticData
Constructor for use when reading back from database.
- AISStringsTable - Class in AIS
- alarm - package alarm
- ALARM_CAN_DO - Static variable in class alarm.actions.AlarmAction
- ALARM_CANT_DO - Static variable in class alarm.actions.AlarmAction
- ALARM_DONT_KNOW - Static variable in class alarm.actions.AlarmAction
- alarm.actions - package alarm.actions
- - package
- alarm.actions.serial - package alarm.actions.serial
- alarm.actions.sound - package alarm.actions.sound
- alarm.actions.tast - package alarm.actions.tast
- alarm.actions.udp - package alarm.actions.udp
- ALARM1CHIP1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALARM1CHIP2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALARM1CHIP3 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALARM1CHIP4 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALARM2CHIP1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALARM2CHIP2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALARM2CHIP3 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALARM2CHIP4 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AlarmAction - Class in alarm.actions
- AlarmAction(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.actions.AlarmAction
- AlarmBackupFilter - Class in backupmanager.filter.alarm
- AlarmBackupFilter(BackupAction, String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.filter.alarm.AlarmBackupFilter
- alarmColours - Static variable in class alarm.AlarmParameters
- AlarmControl - Class in alarm
- AlarmControl(String) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmControl
- AlarmCounter - Class in alarm
- AlarmCounter(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmCounter
- AlarmCounterProvider - Class in alarm
- AlarmCounterProvider() - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmCounterProvider
- AlarmDataBlock - Class in alarm
- AlarmDataBlock(AlarmProcess, String) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmDataBlock
- AlarmDataPoint - Class in alarm
- AlarmDataPoint(long, double) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmDataPoint
- AlarmDataSource - Interface in alarm
- AlarmDataUnit - Class in alarm
- AlarmDataUnit(long) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmDataUnit
Constructor for normal operation.
- AlarmDataUnit(long, long[], long[], int, double) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmDataUnit
constructor to use when reading back from databse
- AlarmDecibelCounter - Class in alarm
BAse class for any alarm data source which is returning some kind of data measured in dB, which needs to be added in a different way to normal.
- AlarmDecibelCounter(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmDecibelCounter
- AlarmDialog - Class in alarm
- AlarmDisplayTable - Class in alarm
- AlarmDisplayTable(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmDisplayTable
- AlarmFilterDialogPanel - Class in backupmanager.filter.alarm
- AlarmFilterDialogPanel(AlarmBackupFilter) - Constructor for class backupmanager.filter.alarm.AlarmFilterDialogPanel
- AlarmFilterParams - Class in backupmanager.filter.alarm
- AlarmFilterParams() - Constructor for class backupmanager.filter.alarm.AlarmFilterParams
- AlarmLogging - Class in alarm
- AlarmLogging(AlarmDataBlock) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmLogging
- AlarmOfflineTask - Class in alarm
- AlarmOfflineTask(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmOfflineTask
- AlarmParameters - Class in alarm
- AlarmParameters() - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmParameters
- AlarmParamSet - Class in backupmanager.filter.alarm
Set of params for an individual alarm output.
- AlarmParamSet() - Constructor for class backupmanager.filter.alarm.AlarmParamSet
- AlarmProcess - Class in alarm
- AlarmProcess(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmProcess
- AlarmSerialAction - Class in alarm.actions.serial
Alarm action for serial port output.
- AlarmSerialAction(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.actions.serial.AlarmSerialAction
- AlarmSerialDialog - Class in alarm.actions.serial
- AlarmSerialInterface - Class in alarm.actions.serial
Singleton class for all alarm actions to share a single serial port, it's settings etc.
- AlarmSerialSettings - Class in alarm.actions.serial
- AlarmSerialSettings() - Constructor for class alarm.actions.serial.AlarmSerialSettings
- AlarmSidePanel - Class in alarm
- AlarmSidePanel(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.AlarmSidePanel
- alarmTxtAlert(ClickAlarm) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickSidePanel.SidePanel
Changes the label below the 'test alarm' button to indicate which, if any, alarm is currently sounding.
- AlarmUDPAction - Class in alarm.actions.udp
- AlarmUDPAction(AlarmControl) - Constructor for class alarm.actions.udp.AlarmUDPAction
- AlarmUDPDialog - Class in alarm.actions.udp
- AlarmUDPParams - Class in alarm.actions.udp
- AlarmUDPParams() - Constructor for class alarm.actions.udp.AlarmUDPParams
- ALEGATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- algoName - Static variable in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.gridsearch.MFPGridSearch
- ALGORITHM_FINISHED - Static variable in interface Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MinimisationAlgorithm
The algorithm has finished and a result is present
- ALGORITHM_FINISHED_ERR - Static variable in interface Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MinimisationAlgorithm
The algorithm has finished but no result is present
- ALGORITHM_RUNNING - Static variable in interface Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MinimisationAlgorithm
The algorithm is running
- ALGORITHM_SELECTION_CHANGED - Static variable in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionControl
a selected algorithm has been changed.
- AlgorithmCard - Class in tethys.swing.export
- AlgorithmCard(DetectionsExportWizard, TethysControl, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class tethys.swing.export.AlgorithmCard
- AlgorithmComboBoxEditor(String[]) - Constructor for class likelihoodDetectionModule.TreeTable.AlgorithmComboBoxEditor
Instantiates a new algorithm combo box editor.
- ALGORITHMFIELD - Static variable in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.CTAlgorithmInfoLogging
- algorithmProvider - Variable in class bearinglocaliser.BearingAlgorithmGroup
- ALIGN_AT_CENTRE - Static variable in class pamScrollSystem.jumping.ScrollJumpParams
Align next found data unit in centre of screen
- ALIGN_AT_EDGE - Static variable in class pamScrollSystem.jumping.ScrollJumpParams
Align next found data unit at edge of screen
- alignment - Variable in class pamScrollSystem.jumping.ScrollJumpParams
When the next sound is found, align it at the edge of the display or in the centre
- ALL_CANVAS - Static variable in class dataPlotsFX.layout.TDGraphFX.TDPlotPane
Repaint all canvas
- ALL_CHANNELS - Static variable in class clipgenerator.ClipGenSetting
- ALL_CHANNELS - Static variable in class difar.DifarParameters.DifarTriggerParams
include all channels in the clip
- ALL_EVENT_TYPES - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- allAvailable - Variable in class Map.MapDetectionData
Plot all available data, regardless of time.
- ALLDONE - Enum constant in enum class backupmanager.BackupProgress.STATE
- allFilesTask(FileListData<WavFileType>) - Method in class PamUtils.worker.filelist.WavListWorker
- allFilesTask(FileListData<T>) - Method in class PamUtils.worker.filelist.FileListWorker
Called once the main list of files has been made so that additional operations can be applied to every file, such as checking sample rates, etc.
- ALLGATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALLMODES - Static variable in interface PamModel.PamPluginInterface
Used in conjunction with
method to specify the plugin can be used in any PAMGUARD mode (Normal, Mixed and Viewer) - allocateComplexArray(int) - Static method in class fftManager.Complex
Allocate a new complex array in which each element has been created and it's contents set to 0 +i0;
- allocateComplexArray(int, int) - Static method in class fftManager.Complex
- allow3D - Variable in class Map.MapParameters
Allow 3D rotation using the shift key and mouse movement.
- allowAnyClassification - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.dataselector.CTSelectParams
True of the click train detector needs a classifcation No !!!! This 'needsClassification' variable was been used the wrong way around throughout and is screwing the classiifer.
- allowedModes() - Method in class angleMeasurement.angleMeasurementPlugin
- allowedModes() - Method in class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelPlugin
- allowedModes() - Method in class Azigram.AzigramPlugin
- allowedModes() - Method in class IMU.IMUPlugin
- allowedModes() - Method in class offlineProcessing.legacyremotestuff.offlineProcessingPlugin
- allowedModes() - Method in interface PamModel.PamPluginInterface
Specifies the type of PAMGuard mode that the plugin is allowed to run in.
- allowedModes() - Method in class quickAnnotation.quickAnnotationPlugin
- allowedModes() - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.RawDeepLearningPlugin
- allowMultipleChoices - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.dataselector.CTSelectParams
In the data selector, if this is false it will only look at the best classifier, i.e.
- allowMultipleParent - Variable in class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.DisplayConnectionNode
- allowOuterScroll - Variable in class pamScrollSystem.jumping.ScrollJumpParams
If no more sounds are found, look in the datamap for the datablocks and move the outer scroller to the next time with data.
- allowSubClasses - Variable in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.SourcePaneFX.SourceSelection
- allowViewerChanges - Variable in class loggerForms.FormsParameters
- allowWildcard - Variable in class GPS.GPSParameters
- ALLRANGES - Static variable in class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
- AllSpHiModRatio - Variable in class cpod.FPODReader.FPODHeader
- allTypes - Static variable in class PamDetection.LocContents
- alpha - Variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX.DLDetectionGraphics
- alpha - Variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX.DLGraphics
- ALREADYACTIVE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ALREADYENABLED - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- alwaysClassify - Variable in class whistleClassifier.WhistleClassificationParameters
classify anyway, even if not enough fragments when quitting due to low whistle numbers.
- ALWAYSLOW - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AMBIG - Static variable in class rocca.RoccaClassifier
- AMBIG - Static variable in class rocca.RoccaRFModel
- AMBIGPCMSLOTREF - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AMBIGSENSORONGP - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- amlitudeMinVal - Variable in class clipgenerator.clipDisplay.ClipDisplayParameters
- AMMC_EXPERIMENTAL - Enum constant in enum class difar.DifarParameters.DifarDemuxTypes
- AmmcDemux - Class in difar.demux
Experimental java based demultiplexer.
- AmmcDemux() - Constructor for class difar.demux.AmmcDemux
- AmpControl - Class in amplifier
- AmpControl(String) - Constructor for class amplifier.AmpControl
- AmpDialog - Class in amplifier
- ampJumpEnable - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.AmplitudeChi2Params
Whether the bearing jump is used.
- AmplifiedDataBlock - Class in amplifier
- AmplifiedDataBlock(String, PamProcess, int, float) - Constructor for class amplifier.AmplifiedDataBlock
- AmplifiedDataBlock(String, PamProcess, int, float, boolean) - Constructor for class amplifier.AmplifiedDataBlock
- amplifier - package amplifier
- amplifyMeasuredAmplitudeByDB(double) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataUnit
Amplifies the measured amplitude stored in the base unit by the gain (in dB).
- amplifyMeasuredAmplitudeByLinear(double) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataUnit
Amplifies the measured amplitude stored in the base unit by the linear gain.
- amplitude - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMAT.SimpleClick
The amplitude of the click in dB
- amplitude - Variable in class simulatedAcquisition.SimObject
- AMPLITUDE - Enum constant in enum class PamView.GeneralProjector.ParameterType
- AMPLITUDE - Static variable in class cpod.dataSelector.StandardCPODFilterParams
The peak frequency value
- AMPLITUDE_LIN - Enum constant in enum class PamView.GeneralProjector.ParameterType
- AMPLITUDE_SCALE_DBREMPA - Static variable in class PamguardMVC.DataUnitBaseData
Amplitude value is in dB relative to 1 micropascal
- AMPLITUDE_SCALE_LINREFSD - Static variable in class PamguardMVC.DataUnitBaseData
Amplitude scale is linear relative to full scale
- AMPLITUDE_STEM - Enum constant in enum class PamView.GeneralProjector.ParameterType
- AmplitudeChi2 - Class in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
Chi^2 value for dB amplitude of tracks.
- AmplitudeChi2() - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.AmplitudeChi2
- AmplitudeChi2AdvPane - Class in clickTrainDetector.layout.mht
- AmplitudeChi2AdvPane(SimpleChi2VarParams, ResultConverter) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.mht.AmplitudeChi2AdvPane
- AmplitudeChi2Params - Class in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
- AmplitudeChi2Params(SimpleChi2VarParams) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.AmplitudeChi2Params
- AmplitudeChi2Params(String) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.AmplitudeChi2Params
- AmplitudeChi2Params(String, String) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.AmplitudeChi2Params
- AmplitudeChi2Params(String, String, double, double) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.AmplitudeChi2Params
- AmplitudeChi2Params(String, String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.AmplitudeChi2Params
- amplitudeLimits - Variable in class dataPlotsFX.scroller.TDAcousticScrollerParams
The amplitude limits of the color scale.
- amplitudeLimits - Variable in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramParameters
Limits of amplitude range
- amplitudeLimitsSerial - Variable in class dataPlotsFX.scrollingPlot2D.PlotParams2D
Amplitude limits- only used when serializing;
- AmplitudeMHTVarPane - Class in clickTrainDetector.layout.mht
- AmplitudeMHTVarPane(SimpleChi2VarParams, ResultConverter) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.mht.AmplitudeMHTVarPane
- amplitudeMinMax - Variable in class dataPlotsFX.scroller.TDAcousticScrollerParams
The min and max allowed amplitude for the colour scale
- amplitudeRange - Variable in class clickDetector.BTDisplayParameters
- amplitudeRange - Variable in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basicSweep.SweepClassifierSet
- amplitudeRange - Variable in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ClickDisplayParams
The amplitude range
- amplitudeRangeVal - Variable in class clipgenerator.clipDisplay.ClipDisplayParameters
- amplitudeScaledLineLength - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
Auto scale line length depending on range
- amplitudeScaledOpacity - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
- amplitudeSelect - Variable in class clickDetector.BTDisplayParameters
- amplitudeSelectChanged() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickBTDisplay
- AmpParameters - Class in amplifier
- AmpParameters() - Constructor for class amplifier.AmpParameters
- AmpProcess - Class in amplifier
- AmpProcess(AmpControl) - Constructor for class amplifier.AmpProcess
- AmpReversals - Variable in class cpod.FPODReader.FPODdata
- AMPS - Enum constant in enum class analoginput.AnalogRangeData.AnalogType
- analEndTime - Variable in class PamController.PamViewParameters
Analysis offline may have gone through the data multiple times.
- ANALOG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- Analog_Add - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.UDColName
- ANALOG_DIFF - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- Analog_Multiply - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.UDColName
- ANALOG_SE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- analogarraysensor - package analogarraysensor
- analogarraysensor.swing - package analogarraysensor.swing
- AnalogArraySensorDataBlock - Class in analogarraysensor
- AnalogArraySensorDataBlock(String, ArraySensorControl, ArraySensorProcess) - Constructor for class analogarraysensor.AnalogArraySensorDataBlock
- AnalogArraySensorDataUnit - Class in analogarraysensor
- AnalogArraySensorDataUnit(long, int, AnalogSensorData[]) - Constructor for class analogarraysensor.AnalogArraySensorDataUnit
- AnalogChannelPanel - Class in analoginput.swing
Construct a dialog panel with range information for a list of named channels
- AnalogChannelPanel(SensorChannelInfo[], int, List<AnalogRangeData>, boolean) - Constructor for class analoginput.swing.AnalogChannelPanel
- AnalogDeviceParams - Class in analoginput
- AnalogDeviceParams() - Constructor for class analoginput.AnalogDeviceParams
- AnalogDevicesManager - Class in analoginput
- AnalogDevicesManager(SettingsNameProvider, AnalogSensorUser) - Constructor for class analoginput.AnalogDevicesManager
- AnalogDeviceType - Interface in analoginput
- AnalogDiagnosticsDisplay - Class in analoginput.swing
- AnalogDiagnosticsDisplay(AnalogDevicesManager, UserDisplayControl, String) - Constructor for class analoginput.swing.AnalogDiagnosticsDisplay
- AnalogDiagnosticsDisplayProvider - Class in analoginput.swing
- AnalogDiagnosticsDisplayProvider(AnalogDevicesManager) - Constructor for class analoginput.swing.AnalogDiagnosticsDisplayProvider
- AnalogDialogPanel - Class in analoginput.swing
- AnalogDialogPanel(AnalogDevicesManager, PamDialog) - Constructor for class analoginput.swing.AnalogDialogPanel
- analoginput - package analoginput
- analoginput.brainboxes - package analoginput.brainboxes
- analoginput.brainboxes.swing - package analoginput.brainboxes.swing
- analoginput.calibration - package analoginput.calibration
- analoginput.measurementcomputing - package analoginput.measurementcomputing
- analoginput.measurementcomputing.swing - package analoginput.measurementcomputing.swing
- analoginput.swing - package analoginput.swing
- AnalogInputObserver - Interface in analoginput
- AnalogInputParams - Class in analoginput
- AnalogInputParams() - Constructor for class analoginput.AnalogInputParams
- AnalogRangeData - Class in analoginput
- AnalogRangeData(double[], AnalogRangeData.AnalogType) - Constructor for class analoginput.AnalogRangeData
- AnalogRangeData.AnalogType - Enum Class in analoginput
- AnalogRangeDataComparatator - Class in analoginput
- AnalogRangeDataComparatator() - Constructor for class analoginput.AnalogRangeDataComparatator
- AnalogReadException - Exception Class in analoginput
- AnalogReadException(String) - Constructor for exception class analoginput.AnalogReadException
- AnalogSensorData - Class in analoginput
- AnalogSensorData(double, double) - Constructor for class analoginput.AnalogSensorData
- AnalogSensorDialog - Class in analogarraysensor.swing
- AnalogSensorUser - Interface in analoginput
Descriptions of a module that will use analog data.
- analSelection - Variable in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflineParameters
- analStartTime - Variable in class PamController.PamViewParameters
Analysis offline may have gone through the data multiple times.
- ANALYSE_ALLDATA - Static variable in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflineParameters
- ANALYSE_DATA - Static variable in class whistleClassifier.WhistleClassificationParameters
Analyse new data using existing settings.
- ANALYSE_LOADEDDATA - Static variable in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflineParameters
- analyseChain(MCMC.ChainResult) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.MCMC
Take an ArrayList of the Markov chain jumps and chi-squared values of each jump and calculate average values and the standard deviation for all dimensions.
- AnalyseMCMCResults(ArrayList<Point3f>, ArrayList<Double>, int) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.old.MCMCLocaliser
Deprecated.Take an ArrayList of the Markov chain jumps and chi-squared values of each jump and calculate source position.
- analyseTest(QATestDataUnit) - Method in class qa.analyser.QAAnalyser
This is probably going to get called with a data unit from the generator datablock.
- analyseTests(List<QATestDataUnit>) - Method in class qa.analyser.QAAnalyser
Call to process a whole load of tests, and if necessary, make a combined report with results of many different tests.
- analyseTests(QATestDataUnit[]) - Method in class qa.analyser.QAAnalyser
Call to process a whole load of tests, and if necessary, make a combined report with results of many different tests.
- analysisMethod - Variable in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.MCMC.ChainResult
The analysis method which was used to analyse the chain.
- analysisTime - Variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.genericModel.StandardPrediction
Analysis time in seconds.
- analyzeOfflineClicks(OfflineEventDataUnit) - Method in class rocca.RoccaControl
- anchor - Variable in class PamView.panel.CornerLayoutContraint
- Anchor - Enum Class in tethys.localization
Anchors for localization effort coordinate system.
- ang() - Method in class fftManager.Complex
Gets the angle of a complex number
- ang() - Method in class PamUtils.complex.ComplexArray
Gets the angle of all complex numbers in the array.
- ang(int) - Method in class PamUtils.complex.ComplexArray
Gets the angle of a single complex number in the array
- angle(PamVector) - Method in class pamMaths.PamVector
Calculate the angle between two vectors
- ANGLE_TAB - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRParametersDialog
- angleAverageDegrees(Double, Double) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamUtils
Get the average of two angles in degrees.
- angleAverageDegrees(Double, Double, double, double) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamUtils
Get the weighted average of two angles in degrees.
- AngleCalibration - Class in angleMeasurement
Class to sort out angle calibration data.
- AngleCalibration(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleCalibration
- AngleCalibrationDialog - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleControl - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleControl(String) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleControl
- angleCorrection - Variable in class videoRangePanel.VRMeasurement
difference between image bearing and bearing to animal.
- angleDataBlock - Variable in class videoRangePanel.VRParameters
The angle data block.
- AngleDataBlock - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleDataBlock(AngleControl, String, PamProcess) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleDataBlock
- AngleDataUnit - Class in angleMeasurement
Data unit for storing angular information, often used to store data from imu intruments (inertial measurement unit) and heading data from compass sensors.
- AngleDataUnit(long, double, double, double) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleDataUnit
Constructor for heading data: Primarily used in AngleMeasurment module
- AngleDataUnit(long, Double[]) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleDataUnit
Constructor for IMU angle data.
- AngleDataUnit(long, Double[], Double[]) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleDataUnit
Constructor for IMU angle data.
- AngleListener - Class in videoRangePanel.externalSensors
- AngleListener(VRControl) - Constructor for class videoRangePanel.externalSensors.AngleListener
- AngleLogging - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleLogging(AngleControl, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleLogging
- AngleLoggingDialogPanel - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleLoggingDialogPanel() - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleLoggingDialogPanel
- AngleLoggingParameters - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleLoggingParameters() - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleLoggingParameters
- angleMeasurement - package angleMeasurement
- AngleMeasurement - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleMeasurement(String) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleMeasurement
- AngleMeasurementListener - Interface in angleMeasurement
- angleMeasurementPlugin - Class in angleMeasurement
- angleMeasurementPlugin() - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.angleMeasurementPlugin
- angleOffset - Variable in class angleMeasurement.AngleParameters
- AngleParameters - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleParameters() - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleParameters
- AngleProcess - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleProcess(AngleControl) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleProcess
- angleRotation - Variable in class clickDetector.BTDisplayParameters
- AngleSidePanel - Class in angleMeasurement
- AngleSidePanel(AngleControl) - Constructor for class angleMeasurement.AngleSidePanel
- angleStep - Variable in class simulatedAcquisition.movement.CircularMovementParams
- angleTypeNames - Static variable in class clickDetector.BTDisplayParameters
- AngleVeto - Class in angleVetoes
Data for a single angle veto.
- AngleVeto() - Constructor for class angleVetoes.AngleVeto
- AngleVeto(int, double, double) - Constructor for class angleVetoes.AngleVeto
- AngleVetoDialog - Class in angleVetoes
Dialog to get data for a single angle veto.
- AngleVetoDisplay - Class in angleVetoes
Dispaly for angle veto.
- AngleVetoDisplay(AngleVetoes) - Constructor for class angleVetoes.AngleVetoDisplay
- angleVetoes - package angleVetoes
- AngleVetoes - Class in angleVetoes
Class to support functions to handle vetoes on angles to clicks
- AngleVetoes(PamControlledUnit) - Constructor for class angleVetoes.AngleVetoes
- AngleVetoesDialog - Class in angleVetoes
Dialog to manage multiple angle vetoes.
- AngleVetoParameters - Class in angleVetoes
PArameters controlling angle vetoes for a particular detector.
- AngleVetoParameters() - Constructor for class angleVetoes.AngleVetoParameters
- animalCol - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.LandMarkGUIAWT
- animalCol - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.LandMarkGUIFX
- animalMark - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.LandMarkGUIAWT
- animalMarker - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRPanel
- animalMarker - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.LandMarkGUIAWT
- animalMarker - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.LandMarkGUIFX
- animalPoint - Variable in class videoRangePanel.VRMeasurement
Animal point on the image
- animalSymbol - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRPanel
- annotateDataBlock(Window, PamDataBlock) - Method in class annotation.tasks.AnnotationManager
- annotateDataUnit(Window, PamDataUnit) - Method in class annotation.handler.AnnotationHandler
- annotation - package annotation
- annotation.binary - package annotation.binary
- annotation.calcs.snr - package annotation.calcs.snr
- annotation.calcs.spl - package annotation.calcs.spl
- annotation.calcs.wav - package annotation.calcs.wav
- annotation.classifier - package annotation.classifier
- annotation.dataselect - package annotation.dataselect
- annotation.dummy - package annotation.dummy
- annotation.handler - package annotation.handler
- annotation.localise.targetmotion - package annotation.localise.targetmotion
- annotation.string - package annotation.string
- annotation.tasks - package annotation.tasks
- annotation.timestamp - package annotation.timestamp
- annotation.userforms - package annotation.userforms
- annotation.userforms.datasel - package annotation.userforms.datasel
- AnnotationBinaryData - Class in annotation.binary
- AnnotationBinaryData(int, short, DataAnnotationType<?>, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class annotation.binary.AnnotationBinaryData
- AnnotationBinaryData(short, DataAnnotationType<?>, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class annotation.binary.AnnotationBinaryData
- AnnotationBinaryHandler<T extends DataAnnotation<?>> - Class in annotation.binary
Functions used by a specific DataAnnotationType to read and write binary data settings and retrieving that information in PamDataUnits.
- AnnotationBinaryHandler(DataAnnotationType<T>) - Constructor for class annotation.binary.AnnotationBinaryHandler
- AnnotationChoiceHandler - Class in annotation.handler
Annotation handler that provides functionality for the programmer to set things up so that the user can chose which types of annotation to use.
- AnnotationChoiceHandler(PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit>) - Constructor for class annotation.handler.AnnotationChoiceHandler
- AnnotationChoices - Class in annotation.handler
Class to handle choice of annotator and any other associated options.
- AnnotationChoices() - Constructor for class annotation.handler.AnnotationChoices
- AnnotationDataSelCreator<TDataAnnotation extends DataAnnotation> - Class in annotation.dataselect
- AnnotationDataSelCreator(DataAnnotationType) - Constructor for class annotation.dataselect.AnnotationDataSelCreator
- AnnotationDataSelector<TDataAnnotation extends DataAnnotation> - Class in annotation.dataselect
- AnnotationDataSelector(DataAnnotationType<TDataAnnotation>, PamDataBlock, String, boolean) - Constructor for class annotation.dataselect.AnnotationDataSelector
- AnnotationDialog - Class in annotation
General dialog that can be used with any annotation type.
- AnnotationDialogPanel - Interface in annotation
General interface for dialog panels which get incorporated into other dialog panels for editing one or more annotations of a data unit.
- AnnotationHandler - Class in annotation.handler
Manage annotation options for a datablock
- AnnotationHandler(PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit>) - Constructor for class annotation.handler.AnnotationHandler
- AnnotationList - Class in annotation
- AnnotationList() - Constructor for class annotation.AnnotationList
- AnnotationManager - Class in annotation.tasks
- AnnotationManager() - Constructor for class annotation.tasks.AnnotationManager
- annotationMark - package annotationMark
- annotationMark.fx - package annotationMark.fx
- annotationMark.spectrogram - package annotationMark.spectrogram
- ANNOTATIONNAME - Static variable in class beamformer.annotation.BFAnnotationType
- AnnotationOfflineTask - Class in annotation.tasks
- AnnotationOfflineTask(PamDataBlock, DataAnnotationType) - Constructor for class annotation.tasks.AnnotationOfflineTask
- AnnotationOptions - Class in annotation.handler
Annotation options.
- AnnotationOptions(AnnotationOptions) - Constructor for class annotation.handler.AnnotationOptions
- AnnotationOptions(String) - Constructor for class annotation.handler.AnnotationOptions
- AnnotationSettingsDialog - Class in annotation
- AnnotationSettingsPanel - Interface in annotation
Settings panel for configuring annotation types
- AnnotationsPopup - Class in PamView
- AnnotationsPopup(Window, Point, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class PamView.AnnotationsPopup
- AnnotationsSelectionPanel - Class in annotation.handler
- AnnotationsSelectionPanel(AnnotationChoiceHandler) - Constructor for class annotation.handler.AnnotationsSelectionPanel
- AnnotationSummaryPanel - Class in annotation
Display summary information about a data unit and it's annotations.
- AnnotationSummaryPanel() - Constructor for class annotation.AnnotationSummaryPanel
- AnnotationSymbolChooser - Interface in PamView.symbol
- AnnotationSymbolOptions - Class in PamView.symbol
Symbol options for annotations.
- AnnotationSymbolOptions() - Constructor for class PamView.symbol.AnnotationSymbolOptions
- AnnotationSymboloptsPanel - Class in PamView.symbol
- AnnotationSymboloptsPanel(AnnotationSymbolOptions) - Constructor for class PamView.symbol.AnnotationSymboloptsPanel
- annotationVersion - Variable in class annotation.binary.AnnotationBinaryData
- anotherScrollerMovedInner(long) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScroller
Another managed scroller moved it's position
- anotherScrollerMovedInner(long) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.PamScroller
- anotherScrollerMovedInner(long) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.PamScrollerFX
- anotherScrollerMovedInner(long) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.PamScrollSlider
- anotherScrollerMovedInner(long) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.ScrollPaneAddon
- anotherScrollerMovedInner(long) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller.AcousticScrollerFX
- anotherScrollerMovedOuter(long, long) - Method in class pamScrollSystem.AbstractPamScroller
Another managed scroller moved its outer position - will cause new data to be loaded.
- ANSIStandard - Class in Filters
- ANSIStandard() - Constructor for class Filters.ANSIStandard
- ANTHROPOGENIC - Static variable in class tethys.species.ITISTypes
- ANY_IFC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.DaqDeviceDescriptor
- anySubTableItems(PAMSelectClause, PAMSelectClause) - Method in class generalDatabase.SuperDetLogging
find if any sub table items that satisfy a particular clause.
- AOFUNCTION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- append(double[][]) - Method in class wavFiles.WavFileWriter
Append data to a file which may or may not be closed already.
- appendStringToOutputField(long, String) - Method in class UserInput.UserInputPanel
- appendStringToOutputField(String) - Method in class UserInput.UserInputPanel
- appendZoomMenuItems(Container) - Method in class PamView.zoomer.Zoomer
Add menu items associated with zooming into a pre-existing menu.
- apply_cal(float[]) - Method in class d3.calibration.CalibrationInfo
Apply this calibration to an aarry of data.
- apply_cal(float[], Double, Double) - Method in class d3.calibration.CalibrationInfo
Apply this calibration to an array of data.
- applyHanningWindow(double[]) - Static method in class clickDetector.ClickDetection
apply a Hanning window to the passed dataset.
- applyMask(double[], double[]) - Static method in class PamUtils.MatrixOps
- applyMask(Complex[], double[]) - Static method in class PamUtils.MatrixOps
- applyPropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent, JLayer) - Method in class PamView.PamWaitAnimation
- approx - Static variable in class gpl.dialog.GPLDialog
- AquisitionGUIFX - Class in Acquisition.layoutFX
FX GUI for the SoundAquisition module.
- AquisitionGUIFX(AcquisitionControl) - Constructor for class Acquisition.layoutFX.AquisitionGUIFX
- AquisitionLoadPoint - Class in Acquisition.offlineFuncs
- AquisitionLoadPoint(long, int) - Constructor for class Acquisition.offlineFuncs.AquisitionLoadPoint
- arbFreqs - Variable in class Filters.FilterParams
- arbGains - Variable in class Filters.FilterParams
- arbPanel - Variable in class Filters.FilterDialogPanel
- arbTableModel - Variable in class Filters.FilterDialogPanel
- ArchiveModelClassifier - Class in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel
A Tensorflow or PyTorch model zipped with a PAMGuard settings file.
- ArchiveModelClassifier(DLControl) - Constructor for class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel.ArchiveModelClassifier
- ArchiveModelPane - Class in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel
- ArchiveModelPane(ArchiveModelClassifier) - Constructor for class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel.ArchiveModelPane
- ArchiveModelUI - Class in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel
- ArchiveModelUI(ArchiveModelClassifier) - Constructor for class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel.ArchiveModelUI
SondSpot classifier.
- ArchiveModelWorker - Class in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel
Runs a Ketos deep learning model and performs feature extraction.
- ArchiveModelWorker() - Constructor for class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel.ArchiveModelWorker
SoundSpotWorker constructor.
- area(double[][]) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamUtils
Calculate the area of a polygon
- areConfigurationsWithErrors() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.LikelihoodDetectionParameters
Are configurations with errors scans the TargetConfigurations that are currently configured and returns a boolean value indicating whether any of them have erroneous values or are inconsistent with current acquisition (audio data source) settings.
- areFieldsSet() - Method in class rocca.RoccaClassifier
- areSampleSettingsOk(int, float) - Method in class Acquisition.DaqSystem
- areSampleSettingsOk(int, float) - Method in class asiojni.ASIOSoundSystem
- areWeRunningAncCalcsOnClicks() - Method in class rocca.RoccaParameters
- areWeRunningAncCalcsOnWhistles() - Method in class rocca.RoccaParameters
- arrangeWindows() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickTabPanel
- ArrangeWindows(Frame) - Constructor for class clickDetector.ClickTabPanelControl.ArrangeWindows
- Array - package Array
- ARRAY - Enum constant in enum class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.ModuleIconFactory.ModuleIcon
- ARRAY_MANAGER - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.LocationManager
Goes through the array manager and determines a location of the 'boat'.
- ARRAY_TYPE_LINE - Static variable in class Array.ArrayManager
Line array of two or more elements
- ARRAY_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class Array.ArrayManager
No array specified
- ARRAY_TYPE_PLANE - Static variable in class Array.ArrayManager
Three or more Hydrophones all in the same plane
- ARRAY_TYPE_POINT - Static variable in class Array.ArrayManager
Point array (single phone or multiple phones at same point)
- ARRAY_TYPE_VOLUME - Static variable in class Array.ArrayManager
Four or more hydrophones not in the same plane.
- Array.importHydrophoneData - package Array.importHydrophoneData
- Array.layoutFX - package Array.layoutFX
- Array.plot - package Array.plot
- Array.sensors - package Array.sensors
- Array.sensors.swing - package Array.sensors.swing
- Array.streamerOrigin - package Array.streamerOrigin
- Array.swing.sidepanel - package Array.swing.sidepanel
- array2BitSet(boolean[]) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMAT.MHTAlgorithmMAT
Convert a boolean array to a BitSet.
- array2String(double[], int) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamArrayUtils
Convert an array to a comma delimited string.
- array2String(double[], int, String) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamArrayUtils
Convert an array to a delimited string.
- array2String(float[], int, String) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamArrayUtils
Convert an array to a delimited string.
- array2String(Number[], int, String) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamArrayUtils
Convert an array to a delimited string.
- Array3DPane - Class in Array.layoutFX
Create a 3D visualisation of the array.
- Array3DPane() - Constructor for class Array.layoutFX.Array3DPane
- ArrayAccelControl - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelControl(String) - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelControl
- ArrayAccelDataBlock - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelDataBlock(String, ArrayAccelControl, ArrayAccelProcess) - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelDataBlock
- ArrayAccelDataUnit - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelDataUnit(long, ArrayAccelControl, Double[], Double[]) - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelDataUnit
- ArrayAccelDialog - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelerometer - package ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelLogging - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelLogging(ArrayAccelControl, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelLogging
- ArrayAccelPanel - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelPanel(ArrayAccelControl) - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelPanel
- ArrayAccelParams - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelParams() - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelParams
- ArrayAccelPlugin - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelPlugin() - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelPlugin
- ArrayAccelProcess - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelProcess(ArrayAccelControl) - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelProcess
- ArrayAccelSidePanel - Class in ArrayAccelerometer
- ArrayAccelSidePanel(ArrayAccelControl) - Constructor for class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelSidePanel
- arrayChanged(int, Object) - Method in interface Array.layoutFX.ArrayChangeListener
Called whenever a hydrophone or streamer changes.
- ArrayChangeListener - Interface in Array.layoutFX
- arrayDeserialized() - Method in class Array.PamArray
called just after the array settings have been loaded so that data can be loaded back into the Hydrophone localisers.
- ArrayDialog - Class in Array
Main dialog for hydrophone array configuration
- ArrayDimComponent - Class in Array.sensors.swing
- ArrayDimComponent(int) - Constructor for class Array.sensors.swing.ArrayDimComponent
- ArrayDimComponent(int, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class Array.sensors.swing.ArrayDimComponent
- ArrayDisplay - Class in Array.swing.sidepanel
Array display panel showing tilt, roll, etc.
- ArrayDisplay() - Constructor for class Array.swing.sidepanel.ArrayDisplay
- ArrayDisplayPanel - Class in Array.swing.sidepanel
- ArrayDisplayPanel(ArrayDisplayParamsProvider) - Constructor for class Array.swing.sidepanel.ArrayDisplayPanel
- ArrayDisplayParameters - Class in Array.sensors
Parameters for all of the three display - pitchroll, heading and depth
- ArrayDisplayParameters() - Constructor for class Array.sensors.ArrayDisplayParameters
- ArrayDisplayParamsDialog - Class in Array.sensors.swing
- ArrayDisplayParamsProvider - Interface in Array.sensors
- ArrayDump - Class in PamUtils
- ArrayDump() - Constructor for class PamUtils.ArrayDump
- ArrayGraphicDisplay - Class in Array.swing.sidepanel
- ArrayGraphicDisplay(ArrayDisplayParamsProvider) - Constructor for class Array.swing.sidepanel.ArrayGraphicDisplay
- ArrayGUIFX - Class in Array.layoutFX
JavaFX UI bits of the Array Manager.
- ArrayGUIFX(ArrayManager) - Constructor for class Array.layoutFX.ArrayGUIFX
- ArrayLineGraphs - Class in Array.swing.sidepanel
- ArrayLineGraphs() - Constructor for class Array.swing.sidepanel.ArrayLineGraphs
- ArrayManager - Class in Array
Manager for different array configurations.
- arrayManagerType - Static variable in class Array.ArrayManager
The array manager.
- ArrayNumberDisplay - Class in Array.swing.sidepanel
- ArrayNumberDisplay(ArrayDisplayParamsProvider) - Constructor for class Array.swing.sidepanel.ArrayNumberDisplay
- ArrayParameters - Class in Array
Parameters wrapper for array data.
- ArrayParameters(ArrayList<PamArray>) - Constructor for class Array.ArrayParameters
- ArrayParameterType - Enum Class in Array.sensors
Types of value which might occur in streamer data for height, head, pitch and roll where values can be fixed, default or from a sensor default not applicable to depth, 0 for pitch and roll, GPS head for heading
- ArrayPlotProviderFX - Class in Array.plot
- ArrayPlotProviderFX(StreamerDataBlock) - Constructor for class Array.plot.ArrayPlotProviderFX
- ArrayReferenceSystem - Class in PamController.masterReference
- ArrayReferenceSystem() - Constructor for class PamController.masterReference.ArrayReferenceSystem
- ArraySensorComponent - Class in Array.sensors.swing
HPR on a user display.
- ArraySensorComponent(ArraySensorPanelProvider, UserDisplayControl, String) - Constructor for class Array.sensors.swing.ArraySensorComponent
- ArraySensorControl - Class in analogarraysensor
- ArraySensorControl(String) - Constructor for class analogarraysensor.ArraySensorControl
- ArraySensorDataBlock - Interface in Array.sensors
Label for a datablock that has sensor data.
- ArraySensorDataUnit - Interface in Array.sensors
this is nominally an add on to data units, but we do also add it to GpsData so that GpsData and StremerDataUnits can both be passed to array graphics.
- ArraySensorFieldType - Enum Class in Array.sensors
- ArraySensorLogging - Class in analogarraysensor
- ArraySensorLogging(ArraySensorControl, AnalogArraySensorDataBlock) - Constructor for class analogarraysensor.ArraySensorLogging
- ArraySensorPanelProvider - Class in Array.sensors.swing
- ArraySensorPanelProvider() - Constructor for class Array.sensors.swing.ArraySensorPanelProvider
- ArraySensorParams - Class in analogarraysensor
- ArraySensorParams() - Constructor for class analogarraysensor.ArraySensorParams
- ArraySensorProcess - Class in analogarraysensor
- ArraySensorProcess(ArraySensorControl) - Constructor for class analogarraysensor.ArraySensorProcess
- ArraySettingsPane - Class in Array.layoutFX
The main settings pane for settings up a hydrophone array.
- ArraySettingsPane() - Constructor for class Array.layoutFX.ArraySettingsPane
- ArraySidePanel - Class in Array.swing.sidepanel
- ArraySidePanel(ArrayDisplayParamsProvider) - Constructor for class Array.swing.sidepanel.ArraySidePanel
- ArraySidePanelControl - Class in Array
- ArraySidePanelControl(String) - Constructor for class Array.ArraySidePanelControl
- ArrayTDDataInfo - Class in Array.plot
- ArrayTDDataInfo(TDDataProviderFX, TDGraphFX, StreamerDataBlock) - Constructor for class Array.plot.ArrayTDDataInfo
- arrayToMatrix(PamVector[]) - Static method in class pamMaths.PamVector
convert a series of vectors into a Matrix
- arrEquals(double[], double[]) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamArrayUtils
Check if two double arrays contain the same elements
- arrEquals(int[], int[]) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamArrayUtils
Check if two int arrays contain the same elements
- arrEquals(long[], long[]) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamArrayUtils
Check if two long arrays contain the same elements
- arrEquals(Long[], Long[]) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamArrayUtils
Check if two Long arrays contain the same elements
- arrowLeft - Variable in class detectionPlotFX.DetectionGroupDisplay
Arrow to move data units
- arrowRight - Variable in class detectionPlotFX.DetectionGroupDisplay
Arrow to move data units to the left.
- arrowSize - Static variable in class PamView.PamObjectViewer
- ASCII6 - Static variable in class NMEA.NMEABitArray
Lookup table to convert from integer to 6 bit ASCII data for AIS vessel names, destinations, etc.
- Ascii6Bit - Class in PamUtils
Utilities for converting data to and from an Ascii 6 bit format.
- Ascii6Bit(byte[]) - Constructor for class PamUtils.Ascii6Bit
- Ascii6Bit(String, int) - Constructor for class PamUtils.Ascii6Bit
- asioController - Variable in class asiojni.AsioJniInterface
- AsioController() - Constructor for class asiojni.AsioJniInterface.AsioController
- AsioDriverInfo - Class in asiojni
- asioDriverInfos - Variable in class asiojni.AsioJniInterface
- AsioDriverInfos - Class in asiojni
- asioDriverSettings - Variable in class asiojni.AsioJniInterface
- ASIOFilePlaybackSystem - Class in asiojni
- ASIOFilePlaybackSystem(FilePlayback) - Constructor for class asiojni.ASIOFilePlaybackSystem
- ASIOInterface - Class in asiojni
- ASIOInterface() - Constructor for class asiojni.ASIOInterface
- asiojni - package asiojni
- asioJniInterface - Variable in class asiojni.AsioDriverInfos
- AsioJniInterface - Class in asiojni
- AsioJniInterface(ASIOSoundSystem) - Constructor for class asiojni.AsioJniInterface
- AsioJniInterface.AsioController - Class in asiojni
- AsioJniInterface.AsioDriverSettings - Class in asiojni
- ASIOPlaybackDialogComponent - Class in soundPlayback.swing
This currently doens't seem to need to do anything.
- ASIOPlaybackDialogComponent(ASIOSoundSystem, ASIOPlaybackSystem) - Constructor for class soundPlayback.swing.ASIOPlaybackDialogComponent
- ASIOPlaybackSystem - Class in asiojni
- ASIOPlaybackSystem(ASIOSoundSystem) - Constructor for class asiojni.ASIOPlaybackSystem
- ASIOSoundSystem - Class in asiojni
Everything and everything to do with controlling and reading ASIO sound cards.
- ASIOSoundSystem(AcquisitionControl) - Constructor for class asiojni.ASIOSoundSystem
- asioStart() - Method in class asiojni.AsioJniInterface.AsioController
- asioStop() - Method in class asiojni.AsioJniInterface.AsioController
- assessDutyCycle() - Method in class tethys.deployment.RecordingList
Work out whether or not the data are evenly duty cycled by testing the distributions of on and off times.
- assign(double, double) - Method in class fftManager.Complex
Assign new real and imaginary values to an existing Complex number
- assign(Complex) - Method in class fftManager.Complex
Assign new real and imaginary values to an existing Complex number
- assign(FilterParams) - Method in class Filters.FilterParams
- assign(Coordinate3d) - Method in class PamUtils.Coordinate3d
- assign(MapContourValues) - Method in class PamUtils.MapContourValues
- assignClassification - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
Spectrogram marks will be assigned the selected classification in sidebar
- assignLabels - Variable in class quickAnnotation.QuickAnnotationParameters
- AssociatedSignalBandEditor(Vector<String>) - Constructor for class likelihoodDetectionModule.TreeTable.AssociatedSignalBandEditor
Instantiates a new associated signal band editor.
- associatedSignalBandIdentifier - Variable in class likelihoodDetectionModule.GuardBand
The identifier of the signal band that this guard band should be associated with.
- asStringList() - Method in class fileOfflineData.OfflineFileList
Get a list of files in the catalog as a simple string list.
- atmosphericPressure - Variable in class videoRangePanel.RefractionParameters
Atmospheric pressure in millibars.
- attemptModuleDisconnect(ModuleConnectionNode, ModuleConnectionNode) - Method in class dataModelFX.DataModelPaneFX
Disconnect two modules.
- attenuateWaveform(double[], double, double) - Method in interface propagation.AttenuationModel
Attenuate a waveform using a frequency dependent attenuation model for seawater.
- attenuateWaveform(double[], double, double) - Method in class propagation.FrequencyAttenutationModel
- attenuateWaveform(double[], double, double) - Method in class propagation.NullAttenuationModel
- AttenuationModel - Interface in propagation
Attenuation model.
- AttTest - Class in rocca
Generates a little ARFF file with different attribute types.
- AttTest() - Constructor for class rocca.AttTest
- audio_file - Variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot.OrcaSpotParams
Non user changeable
- audio_file - Variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot.OrcaSpotParams2
Non user changeable
- AudioDataQueue - Class in Acquisition
Better management of new data list.
- AudioDataQueue() - Constructor for class Acquisition.AudioDataQueue
- AudioFileFuncs - Class in Acquisition
- AudioFileFuncs() - Constructor for class Acquisition.AudioFileFuncs
- audioMoth - package audioMoth
- AudioMothControl - Class in audioMoth
- AudioMothControl(String, String) - Constructor for class audioMoth.AudioMothControl
- AutecDataBlock - Class in autecPhones
- AutecDataBlock(PamProcess) - Constructor for class autecPhones.AutecDataBlock
- AutecDataUnit - Class in autecPhones
- AutecDataUnit(double, double) - Constructor for class autecPhones.AutecDataUnit
- AutecDataUnit(int, double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class autecPhones.AutecDataUnit
- AutecGraphics - Class in autecPhones
- AutecGraphics() - Constructor for class autecPhones.AutecGraphics
- autecPhones - package autecPhones
- AutecPhonesControl - Class in autecPhones
- AutecPhonesControl(String) - Constructor for class autecPhones.AutecPhonesControl
- AUTO_UPDATE_CANT - Static variable in class loggerForms.controls.LoggerControl
- AUTO_UPDATE_FAIL - Static variable in class loggerForms.controls.LoggerControl
- AUTO_UPDATE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class loggerForms.controls.LoggerControl
- AUTOALERT - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.PropertyTypes
- AutoAlertPanel - Class in loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels
- AutoAlertPanel(FormEditor, PropertyTypes) - Constructor for class loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels.AutoAlertPanel
- autoAnnotate(PamDataUnit) - Method in class annotation.calcs.snr.SNRAnnotationType
- autoAnnotate(PamDataUnit) - Method in class annotation.calcs.spl.SPLAnnotationType
- autoAnnotate(PamDataUnit) - Method in class annotation.calcs.wav.WavAnnotationType
- autoAnnotate(PamDataUnit) - Method in class annotation.DataAnnotationType
Automatically annotate the data unit with this annotation.
- autoAnnotate(PamDataUnit) - Method in class annotation.localise.targetmotion.TMAnnotationType
- Autoclear - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.UDColName
- autoDuration - Variable in class SoundRecorder.RecorderSettings
Duration of automatic recordings in seconds
- autoEffortProvider() - Method in class Acquisition.DaqStatusDataBlock
- autoEffortProvider() - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Auto generate an effort provider.
- autoEffortProvider() - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamRawDataBlock
- AUTOEXIT - Static variable in class PamController.PamController
- autoFixTable(DBControl, TableInformation, TableInformationMonitor) - Method in class generalDatabase.external.CopyManager
Attempt to create / automatically fix an output table
- autoGenerate(Object) - Static method in class PamModel.parametermanager.PamParameterSet
- autoGenerate(Object, int) - Static method in class PamModel.parametermanager.PamParameterSet
Automatically generate a parameter set for a class.
- autoGenerate(Object, PamParameterSet.ParameterSetType) - Static method in class PamModel.parametermanager.PamParameterSet
Automatically generate a parameter set for a class.
- autoHide() - Method in class dataMap.DataStreamPanel
- autoInterval - Variable in class SoundRecorder.RecorderSettings
Number of seconds between automatic recordings
- AUTOMATIC - Enum constant in enum class PamguardMVC.DataAutomation
- AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser.DetectionGroupLocaliser2
Flag to use whatever the abstract localiser has.
- autoNewFiles - Variable in class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStoreSettings
- autoNudgeScrollBar() - Method in class dataMap.ScrollingDataPanel
- autoProcess - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
whether to autoprocess vessel clips(now the only ones that can be)
- AUTORECORD - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.PropertyTypes
- autoSaveAngleOnly - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
when auto saving the difar result either the angle can be saved or the angle and range can be saved if it has range
- autoSaveDResult - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
- autoSaveTime - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
time afterwhich item has been sitting in difargram to autosave if no user interaction
- autoScale - Variable in class dataPlots.layout.GraphParameters
- autoScale - Variable in class dataPlotsFX.TDGraphParametersFX
Auto scale the axis.
- autoScale - Variable in class dbht.DbHtDisplayParams
- autoScale - Variable in class IshmaelDetector.IshDisplayParams
Indicates whether the Ishmael spectrogram plugin autoscales.
- autoScale - Variable in class noiseMonitor.NoiseDisplaySettings
- autoScale - Variable in class noiseOneBand.OneBandDisplayParams
- autoScaleWaveform - Variable in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramParameters
- autoSelect(int) - Method in class JSSHTerminal.TerminalEmulator
- autoSetDataBlockMixMode() - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
- autoSortPanes(int) - Method in class pamViewFX.PamGuiTabFX
Sort panes.
- AUTOSTART - Static variable in class PamController.PamController
- AutoTethysProvider - Class in tethys.pamdata
Automatically provides Tethys data for a PAMGuard datablock.
- AutoTethysProvider(TethysControl, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class tethys.pamdata.AutoTethysProvider
- autoUpdate() - Method in class loggerForms.controls.LatLongControl
- autoUpdate() - Method in class loggerForms.controls.LatLongTimeControl
- autoUpdate() - Method in class loggerForms.controls.LoggerControl
Automatically update a control.
- autoUpdate() - Method in class loggerForms.controls.NMEAControl
- autoUpdate() - Method in class loggerForms.controls.TimeControl
- autoUpdate() - Method in class loggerForms.controls.TimestampControl
- AutoUpdate - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.UDColName
- AUXIN0 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXIN1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXIN2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXIN3 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXIN4 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXIN5 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXOUT0 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXOUT1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXOUT2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXPORT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXPORT0 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXPORT1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- AUXPORT2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- available() - Method in class binaryFileStorage.CountingInputStream
- average() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectra.RealBlockAverage
Returns the processed average data.
- averageAngleAngleData(List<BeamOGramDataUnit>) - Static method in class beamformer.continuous.BeamOGramDataUnit
Average a list of beamogram data units over time , collapsing Frequency and also transposing so that angle1 is on x and angle2 on y.
- averageChains(ArrayList<MCMC.ChainResult>) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.MCMC
Take different MCMC chains and average the results.
- averageChains(ArrayList<MCMCTDResults>) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.old.MCMCLocaliser
- AveragedSpectraDataUnit - Class in likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectra
This is the data type produced by the linearAverageSpectra
- AveragedSpectraDataUnit(long, int, long, long) - Constructor for class likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectra.AveragedSpectraDataUnit
- averageFrequencyAngle1Data(List<BeamOGramDataUnit>) - Static method in class beamformer.continuous.BeamOGramDataUnit
Average a list of beamogram data units over time , collapsing Angle2 and also transposing so that angle1 is on x and frequency on y.
- averageReady() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectra.RealBlockAverage
- averageStartSample() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectra.RealBlockAverage
- AverageSubtraction - Class in spectrogramNoiseReduction.averageSubtraction
- AverageSubtraction() - Constructor for class spectrogramNoiseReduction.averageSubtraction.AverageSubtraction
- AverageSubtractionDialogBits - Class in spectrogramNoiseReduction.averageSubtraction
- AverageSubtractionDialogBits(AverageSubtraction) - Constructor for class spectrogramNoiseReduction.averageSubtraction.AverageSubtractionDialogBits
- AverageSubtractionNodeFX - Class in spectrogramNoiseReduction.averageSubtraction
- AverageSubtractionNodeFX(AverageSubtraction) - Constructor for class spectrogramNoiseReduction.averageSubtraction.AverageSubtractionNodeFX
- AverageSubtractionParameters - Class in spectrogramNoiseReduction.averageSubtraction
- AverageSubtractionParameters() - Constructor for class spectrogramNoiseReduction.averageSubtraction.AverageSubtractionParameters
- averageTimestamp() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectra.RealBlockAverage
- averageWaveform - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.CTDataUnit
The average waveform.
- averageWaveform() - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDataUnit
- AverageWaveform - Class in PamUtils.avrgwaveform
Create average waveform and FFT spectrum.
- AverageWaveform() - Constructor for class PamUtils.avrgwaveform.AverageWaveform
- awtColorToFx(Color) - Static method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamColorsFX
- awtMenuItemToFX(MenuItem) - Static method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilsFX.PamUtilsFX
Convert an AWT menu item into an FX menu Item.
- AWTScheduler - Class in PamController
Class to schedule SwingWorker tasks so that they execute one at a time.
- awtToFXColor(Color) - Static method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilsFX.PamUtilsFX
- AXIS - Enum constant in enum class PamView.PamColors.PamColor
- AXIS - Enum constant in enum class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamColorsFX.PamColor
- AXIS_SIZE - Static variable in class rocca.RoccaSpecPopUp
- AxisPane - Class in dataPlotsFX.layout
- AxisPane(PamAxisFX) - Constructor for class dataPlotsFX.layout.AxisPane
- Azigram - package Azigram
- AzigramControl - Class in Azigram
Module that implements the Azigram algorithm from Thode et al 2019 J.
- AzigramControl(String) - Constructor for class Azigram.AzigramControl
- AzigramDataUnit - Class in Azigram
Just a dirty hack for testing.
- AzigramDataUnit(long, int, long, long, ComplexArray, int) - Constructor for class Azigram.AzigramDataUnit
- AzigramDisplayDialog - Class in Azigram
- AzigramDisplayDialog(Window, AzigramControl) - Constructor for class Azigram.AzigramDisplayDialog
- AzigramParameters - Class in Azigram
- AzigramParameters() - Constructor for class Azigram.AzigramParameters
- AzigramPlugin - Class in Azigram
Module that implements the Azigram algorithm from Thode et al 2019 J.
- AzigramPlugin() - Constructor for class Azigram.AzigramPlugin
- AzigramProcess - Class in Azigram
Azigram process will take FFT data from a DIFAR sonobuoy source, demux, and then compute Azigram (Thode et al 2019 JASA).
- AzigramProcess(PamControlledUnit, FFTDataBlock) - Constructor for class Azigram.AzigramProcess
- B - Enum constant in enum class AIS.StationType
- BACK - Enum constant in enum class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionLocaliser.Interractive
- BACK - Enum constant in enum class targetMotionOld.TargetMotionLocaliser.Interractive
- backButtonProperty() - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.flipPane.PamFlipPane
The back button property.
- backCol - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRMetaDataPanel
- BACKGROUND - Enum constant in enum class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.BlockState
- BACKGROUND - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BACKGROUND_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class PamView.PamColors.PamColor
- BACKGROUND_ALPHA - Enum constant in enum class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamColorsFX.PamColor
- BACKGROUND_DATA - Static variable in class binaryFileStorage.BinaryTypes
- backgroundAlpha - Variable in class likelihoodDetectionModule.normalizer.DecayingAverageNormAlphas
- BackgroundBinaryWriter<Tunit extends BackgroundDataUnit> - Class in PamguardMVC.background
- BackgroundBinaryWriter(BackgroundManager<Tunit>) - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.background.BackgroundBinaryWriter
- backgroundConst - Variable in class RightWhaleEdgeDetector.RWEParameters
- BackgroundDataBlock<Tunit extends BackgroundDataUnit> - Class in PamguardMVC.background
- BackgroundDataBlock(Class, BackgroundManager<Tunit>) - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.background.BackgroundDataBlock
- BackgroundDataUnit - Class in PamguardMVC.background
- BackgroundDataUnit(long) - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.background.BackgroundDataUnit
- BackgroundDataUnit(long, int, double) - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.background.BackgroundDataUnit
- BackgroundDataUnit(DataUnitBaseData) - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.background.BackgroundDataUnit
- backgroundIntervalMillis - Variable in class clickDetector.ClickParameters
Interval for storing background measurements.
- BackgroundManager<Tunit extends BackgroundDataUnit> - Class in PamguardMVC.background
Trying to standardise measures of background noise for detectors.
- BackgroundManager(PamProcess, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.background.BackgroundManager
- backgroundNoise - Variable in class simulatedAcquisition.SimParameters
- backgroundSeconds - Variable in class likelihoodDetectionModule.GuardBand
The background seconds.
- backgroundSeconds - Variable in class likelihoodDetectionModule.SignalBand
The background seconds.
- backgroundTimeConstant - Variable in class likelihoodDetectionModule.normalizer.NormalizerProcessTimeConstants
- backgroundTimeSecs - Variable in class gpl.GPLParameters
Time constant for background whitener and also for blocking of data.
- backgroundWidth - Variable in class likelihoodDetectionModule.normalizer.SplitWindowNormWidths
- BackgroundWorker() - Constructor for class PamUtils.worker.PamWorker.BackgroundWorker
- BackupAction - Class in backupmanager.action
- BackupAction(ActionMaker, BackupStream) - Constructor for class backupmanager.action.BackupAction
- BackupActionPanel - Class in backupmanager.swing
- BackupActionPanel(BackupControlPanel, BackupStream, BackupAction, JPanel, GridBagConstraints) - Constructor for class backupmanager.swing.BackupActionPanel
- BackupCatalog - Class in backupmanager.database
Catalogue data that are already backed up.
- BackupCatalog(BackupStream, String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.database.BackupCatalog
- backupComplete() - Method in class backupmanager.database.BackupCatalog
Called when backup of a stream is complete so that catalogue can be closed.
- backupComplete() - Method in class backupmanager.database.DatabaseCatalog
- backupComplete() - Method in class
Called when backup of a stream is complete so that catalogue can be closed, etc.
- backupComplete() - Method in class
- BackupControlPanel - Class in backupmanager.swing
Main panel for handling, configuring and displaying backup progress.
- BackupControlPanel(Window, BackupManager) - Constructor for class backupmanager.swing.BackupControlPanel
- BackupDisplayComponent - Class in backupmanager.swing
- BackupDisplayComponent(BackupManager) - Constructor for class backupmanager.swing.BackupDisplayComponent
- BackupDisplayProvider - Class in backupmanager.swing
- BackupDisplayProvider(BackupManager) - Constructor for class backupmanager.swing.BackupDisplayProvider
- BackupException - Exception Class in backupmanager.action
Exception thrown when a backup operation fails.
- BackupException(String) - Constructor for exception class backupmanager.action.BackupException
- BackupFilter - Class in backupmanager.filter
- BackupFilter(BackupAction, String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.filter.BackupFilter
- BackupFilterParams - Interface in backupmanager.filter
- BackupFunction - Interface in backupmanager
Base interface for all BackupStream, BackupAction and BackupDecision items to facilitate dialog creation and display.
- BackupInformation - Class in backupmanager
Class that can be returned by a PAMControlled unit which gives backup information which is mostly a list of BackupStream objects (or just one of, but some modules may have multiple streams which do not necessarily relate directly to the datablocks.
- BackupInformation() - Constructor for class backupmanager.BackupInformation
- BackupInformation(BackupStream) - Constructor for class backupmanager.BackupInformation
- backupmanager - package backupmanager
- BackupManager - Class in backupmanager
PAMGuard module to automatically back up files.
- BackupManager(String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.BackupManager
- backupmanager.action - package backupmanager.action
- backupmanager.bespoke - package backupmanager.bespoke
- backupmanager.database - package backupmanager.database
- backupmanager.filter - package backupmanager.filter
- backupmanager.filter.alarm - package backupmanager.filter.alarm
- backupmanager.schedule - package backupmanager.schedule
- backupmanager.settings - package backupmanager.settings
- - package
- backupmanager.swing - package backupmanager.swing
- BackupModulePanel - Class in backupmanager.swing
- BackupModulePanel() - Constructor for class backupmanager.swing.BackupModulePanel
- BackupObserver - Interface in backupmanager
Observers of backup progress.
- BackupParams - Class in backupmanager
- BackupParams() - Constructor for class backupmanager.BackupParams
- BackupProcess - Class in backupmanager
- BackupProcess(BackupManager) - Constructor for class backupmanager.BackupProcess
- BackupProgress - Class in backupmanager
Class to send progress data to backup observers.
- BackupProgress(BackupStream, BackupAction, BackupProgress.STATE) - Constructor for class backupmanager.BackupProgress
Bckup progress.
- BackupProgress(BackupStream, BackupAction, BackupProgress.STATE, int, int, String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.BackupProgress
Bckup progress.
- BackupProgress.STATE - Enum Class in backupmanager
- BackupResult - Class in backupmanager.schedule
- BackupResult(Integer, String, Long, Long, BackupResult.RESULT, String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.schedule.BackupResult
- BackupResult(String, Long) - Constructor for class backupmanager.schedule.BackupResult
- BackupResult.RESULT - Enum Class in backupmanager.schedule
- BackupSchedule - Class in backupmanager.schedule
- BackupSchedule(BackupManager) - Constructor for class backupmanager.schedule.BackupSchedule
- BackupSettings - Class in backupmanager.settings
- BackupSettings() - Constructor for class backupmanager.settings.BackupSettings
- BackupStream - Class in
This is the central management class for each datastream that's going to get automatically backed up.
- BackupStream(SettingsNameProvider, String) - Constructor for class
- BackupStreamPanel - Class in backupmanager.swing
- BackupStreamPanel(Window, BackupControlPanel, BackupStream) - Constructor for class backupmanager.swing.BackupStreamPanel
- BAD_CTRL_REG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BAD_MEM_HANDLE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BAD_OUTP_REG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BAD_PCI_INDEX - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BAD_RDBK_REG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BAD_RTD_CONVERSION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADADCHAN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADAIMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADBCDFLAG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADBITNUMBER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADBOARD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADBOARDTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADBRIDGETYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADBUFFERSIZE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADBURSTIOCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCALFACTORS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCALLBACKFUNC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCHANTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCHIPNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCNTRCONFIG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCOMPARE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCONFIGITEM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCONFIGTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCONNECTION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCOUNTERDEVNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCOUNTEREDGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCOUNTERMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCOUNTMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCTRCONTROL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADCTRREG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADDACHAN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADDADEVNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADDAVAL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADDEBOUNCETIME - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADDEBOUNCETRIGMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADDIRECTION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADDIVIDER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADDUTYCYCLE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADENCODING - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADERRCODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADEUADD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADEVENTPARAM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADEVENTSIZE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADEVENTTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADEXCITATION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADEXPCHAN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADFILENAME - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADFILENUMBER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADFIRSTPOINT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADFLAGPINS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADFREQUENCY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADGATECNTRL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADGATEINTERVAL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADINDEX - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADINDEXMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADINITIALDELAY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADINT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADINVERTINDEX - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADLOADVAL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADMAPPEDCOUNTER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADMEMMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADOPTION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADOUTCONTROL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADPCMSLOTREF - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADPOINTER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADPORTCONFIG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADPORTNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADPRETRIGCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADQUADRATURE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADRANGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADRATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADRECYCLEFLAG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADRELOAD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADSAMPLEMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADSENSORTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADSIGNAL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADSOURCE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADSPCLGATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTCCHANMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTEMPSCALE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTICKSIZE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTIMEOFDAY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTRIGCHAN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTRIGEVENT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTRIGLEVEL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTRIGSENSE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTRIGTHRESHOLD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTRIGTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BADTRIGVALUE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BAND_ENERGY - Static variable in class noiseMonitor.NoiseDisplaySettings
- band1Energy - Variable in class clickDetector.ClickTypeParams
- band1Freq - Variable in class clickDetector.ClickTypeParams
- band2Energy - Variable in class clickDetector.ClickTypeParams
- band2Freq - Variable in class clickDetector.ClickTypeParams
- BandAnalyser - Class in noiseBandMonitor
Class to assess the performance of a bank of filters and decimators.
- BandAnalyser(NoiseBandControl, double, NoiseBandSettings) - Constructor for class noiseBandMonitor.BandAnalyser
- bandChanged() - Method in class noiseMonitor.NoiseTabPanel
- BandData - Class in noiseBandMonitor
Class to create a set of octave or third octave bands using base-two exact steps according to the standard ANSI S1.11-2004.
- bandEnergyDifference - Variable in class clickDetector.ClickTypeParams
- bandIndex() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.thresholdDetector.DetectionKey
- bandIndex() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.thresholdDetector.TestConsumer.EventInfo
- bandOption - Variable in class noiseMonitor.NoiseDisplaySettings
Band option - 0 = band energy, 1 = convert to spectrum level.
- BANDPASS - Enum constant in enum class Filters.FilterBand
- BandPerformance - Class in noiseBandMonitor
Contains data on the performance of a single filter band.
- BandPerformance(int, double[], FilterMethod) - Constructor for class noiseBandMonitor.BandPerformance
- BANDSTOP - Enum constant in enum class Filters.FilterBand
- bandType - Variable in class noiseBandMonitor.NoiseBandSettings
- BandType - Enum Class in noiseBandMonitor
- BANDWIDTH - Enum constant in enum class PamView.GeneralProjector.ParameterType
- bartlett(int) - Static method in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
- BARTLETT - Enum constant in enum class difar.DifarParameters.DifarOutputTypes
- BARTLETT - Static variable in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
- BASE_CANVAS - Static variable in class dataPlotsFX.layout.TDGraphFX.TDPlotPane
Repaint the back canvas.
- BASE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class
Override other nPlots and display number of panels
- Base3xWhitener - Class in gpl.whiten
Whitens data in time using the methods provided by Gerald d'Spain and used in Tyler Helbles paper.
- Base3xWhitener(int, double, int, int) - Constructor for class gpl.whiten.Base3xWhitener
- BaseAccessSystem - Class in generalDatabase
- BaseAccessSystem() - Constructor for class generalDatabase.BaseAccessSystem
- BaseClassificationAnnotation - Class in annotation.classifier
- BaseClassificationAnnotation(BaseClassificationAnnotationType, double, String, String) - Constructor for class annotation.classifier.BaseClassificationAnnotation
- BaseClassificationAnnotationType - Class in annotation.classifier
- BaseClassificationAnnotationType(String) - Constructor for class annotation.classifier.BaseClassificationAnnotationType
- BaseClassificationBinary - Class in annotation.classifier
- BaseClassificationBinary(BaseClassificationAnnotationType) - Constructor for class annotation.classifier.BaseClassificationBinary
- BaseClassSymbolModifier - Class in annotation.classifier
- BaseClassSymbolModifier(DataAnnotationType, String, PamSymbolChooser) - Constructor for class annotation.classifier.BaseClassSymbolModifier
- BaseFFTBearingAlgorithm - Class in bearinglocaliser.algorithms
- BaseFFTBearingAlgorithm(BearingProcess, BearingAlgorithmParams, int) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.algorithms.BaseFFTBearingAlgorithm
- BaseProcessCheck - Class in PamController.status
Basic checks of one or more processes in a module.
- BaseProcessCheck(PamProcess, Class, double, double) - Constructor for class PamController.status.BaseProcessCheck
Class to check a PAMProcess is doing it's stuff
- BaseProcessCheck.IOCounter - Class in PamController.status
- BasePropertySet - Class in loggerForms.formdesign.controlpropsets
Property set for all
- BasePropertySet(FormDescription, ControlTitle) - Constructor for class loggerForms.formdesign.controlpropsets.BasePropertySet
- BASESTATION - Enum constant in enum class AIS.StationType
- BasicClickIdentifier - Class in clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic
- BasicClickIdentifier(ClickControl) - Constructor for class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic.BasicClickIdentifier
- BasicClickIdParameters - Class in clickDetector
- BasicClickIdParameters() - Constructor for class clickDetector.BasicClickIdParameters
- BasicFragmentStore - Class in whistleClassifier
- BasicFragmentStore(float) - Constructor for class whistleClassifier.BasicFragmentStore
- BasicFreqDomBeam - Class in beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain
- BasicFreqDomBeam(BasicFreqDomBeamFormer, int, int, PamVector, PamVector[], int[], double[], double[], double) - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain.BasicFreqDomBeam
Main Constructor.
- BasicFreqDomBeamFormer - Class in beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain
A basic frequency-domain beamformer
- BasicFreqDomBeamFormer(BasicFreqDomBeamProvider, BeamFormerBaseProcess, BasicFreqDomParams, int, int) - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain.BasicFreqDomBeamFormer
- BasicFreqDomBeamogramPane - Class in beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain
- BasicFreqDomBeamogramPane(Object) - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain.BasicFreqDomBeamogramPane
- BasicFreqDomBeamProvider - Class in beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain
- BasicFreqDomBeamProvider(BeamFormerBaseControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain.BasicFreqDomBeamProvider
Main Constructor
- BasicFreqDomParams - Class in beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain
- BasicFreqDomParams(String, int, int) - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain.BasicFreqDomParams
Main constructor
- BasicFreqDomParamsPane2 - Class in beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain
Dialog for the basic frequency domain beam former parameters
- BasicFreqDomParamsPane2(Object, BeamFormerBaseControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain.BasicFreqDomParamsPane2
- BasicIdentifierPaneFX - Class in clickDetector.layoutFX.clickClassifiers
Pane for the basic click classifier.
- BasicIdentifierPaneFX(ClickIdentifier, ClickControl) - Constructor for class clickDetector.layoutFX.clickClassifiers.BasicIdentifierPaneFX
Create a BasicClickIdParameters pane which allows users to add multiple basic click identifiers to the PAMGuard click classifier.
- BasicIdentifierPanel - Class in clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic
- BasicIdentifierPanel(BasicClickIdentifier, Frame, ClickControl) - Constructor for class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic.BasicIdentifierPanel
- BasicKeyItem - Class in PamView
- BasicKeyItem() - Constructor for class PamView.BasicKeyItem
- BasicKeyItem(Component, String) - Constructor for class PamView.BasicKeyItem
- BasicKeyItem(Icon, String) - Constructor for class PamView.BasicKeyItem
- BasicMarkDataSelector - Class in PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark
- BasicMarkDataSelector(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Constructor for class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.BasicMarkDataSelector
- BasicPDProvider - Class in whistleDetector
- BasicPDProvider() - Constructor for class whistleDetector.BasicPDProvider
- BasicPeakDetector - Class in whistleDetector
- BasicPeakDetector(WhistleControl, WhistleDetector, FFTDataBlock, int) - Constructor for class whistleDetector.BasicPeakDetector
- BasicSidebarLayout - Class in soundPlayback.swing
Simple layout for side bar components.
- BasicStreamItem - Class in
- BasicStreamItem(long, String, Long, Long, Long) - Constructor for class
- BAT - Enum constant in enum class rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX.exampleSounds.ExampleSoundFactory.ExampleSoundCategory
- BAT_CALL - Enum constant in enum class rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX.exampleSounds.ExampleSoundFactory.ExampleSoundType
- BatchCommand - Class in PamController.command
- BatchCommand(CommandManager) - Constructor for class PamController.command.BatchCommand
- batchConvertClickDatabase(Frame) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickControl
- BATCHFLAG - Static variable in class pamguard.GlobalArguments
Put some common flags here for convenience.
- batchProcessingComplete() - Method in class PamController.PamController
- BatchRainbowFileConversion - Class in clickDetector.offlineFuncs.rcImport
- BatchResultSet - Class in
Container for batch processing results
- BatchResultSet(int, int, double, Matrix, Matrix) - Constructor for class
- BatchStatusCommand - Class in PamController.command
Command to get PAMGuard to send back the batch processing status.
- BatchStatusCommand() - Constructor for class PamController.command.BatchStatusCommand
- BatchTMLocalisation - Class in targetMotionModule.offline
- BatchTMLocalisation(TargetMotionControl) - Constructor for class targetMotionModule.offline.BatchTMLocalisation
- BatchTrainingDialog - Class in
- BatchTrainingDialog(Window, ClassifierTrainingDialog, FragmentClassifierParams) - Constructor for class
- BatchTrainingMonitor - Interface in
- BatchTrainingParams - Class in
- BatchTrainingParams() - Constructor for class
- BatchTrainingProgress - Class in
- BatchTrainingProgress(int, boolean) - Constructor for class
- BatchTrainingProgress(long) - Constructor for class
- BatchTrainingProgress(String) - Constructor for class
- BatchTrainingWorker - Class in
- BatchTrainingWorker(ClassifierTrainingDialog, BatchTrainingParams, BatchTrainingMonitor) - Constructor for class
- BatchViewSettingsImport - Class in PamController.settings
A set of functions to handle importing and overriding settings imported from a psfx during batch mode processing in viewer mode.
- BatchViewSettingsImport(PamController, PamSettingsGroup) - Constructor for class PamController.settings.BatchViewSettingsImport
- batPyTorchTest() - Static method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.genericModel.GenericModelTest
The bat Pytorch test.
- BatterySwitchLevel - Variable in class cpod.FPODReader.FPODHeader
- BBDialogPanel - Class in analoginput.brainboxes.swing
- BBDialogPanel(BrainBoxDevices, AnalogSensorUser) - Constructor for class analoginput.brainboxes.swing.BBDialogPanel
- BBED549 - Class in modbustcp.brainbox
- BBED549(String) - Constructor for class modbustcp.brainbox.BBED549
Create a Modbus TCP connnection to the BainBoxes ED-549
- BCD_ENCODING - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BCLDetectionChunk - Class in soundtrap.sud
- BCLDetectionChunk(long, long, boolean, String, Chunk) - Constructor for class soundtrap.sud.BCLDetectionChunk
- bclFileEnd - Static variable in class soundtrap.STToolsControl
- BCLLine - Class in soundtrap
Unpacked contents of a line of BCL data.
- BCLReader - Class in soundtrap
Reader for BCL files.
- BCLReader(File) - Constructor for class soundtrap.BCLReader
- BEAKED_WHALE - Enum constant in enum class clickTrainDetector.classification.templateClassifier.DefualtSpectrumTemplates.SpectrumTemplateType
- BEAKED_WHALE - Enum constant in enum class rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX.exampleSounds.ExampleSoundFactory.ExampleSoundType
- beakedWhale1 - Static variable in class matchedTemplateClassifer.DefaultTemplates
Beaked whale click template, sR is 192000;
- beakedWhale1 - Static variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX.exampleSounds.ExampleSoundFactory
Beaked whale click template, sR is 192000;
- BeakedWhaleCluster - Class in qa.generator.clusters
- BeakedWhaleCluster() - Constructor for class qa.generator.clusters.BeakedWhaleCluster
- beakedWhaleDefaults() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basicSweep.SweepClassifierSet
- beam - Enum constant in enum class tethys.localization.TimeReference
- Beam2DPlot - Class in bearinglocaliser.beamformer.display
- Beam2DPlot(WrappedBeamFormAlgorithm, String, int, BeamAlgorithmParams) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.beamformer.display.Beam2DPlot
- BeamAlgoParamsPane - Class in beamformer.algorithms
- BeamAlgoParamsPane(Object, BeamFormerBaseControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.BeamAlgoParamsPane
- BeamAlgoParamsPane.BeamgramStatus - Enum Class in beamformer.algorithms
- BeamAlgoParamsPane.BeamInfo - Class in beamformer.algorithms
Inner class, containing beam information for each beam in the spreadsheet
- BeamAlgorithmParams - Class in beamformer
- BeamAlgorithmParams(String, int, int) - Constructor for class beamformer.BeamAlgorithmParams
Main constructor
- BeamAlgorithmProvider - Interface in beamformer.algorithms
Provider of beam former algorithms - may need > 1 algorithm object if channels are grouped into separate array sections, e.g.
- BeamDataDisplay - Class in beamformer.localiser.plot
- BeamDataDisplay(BeamFormLocaliserControl, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.plot.BeamDataDisplay
- BeamDataDisplayF - Class in beamformer.localiser.plot
- BeamDataDisplayF(BeamFormLocaliserControl, int, String, String) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.plot.BeamDataDisplayF
- BeamFormBearingWrapper - Class in bearinglocaliser.beamformer
Class to wrap the beam former control system and extract from it the algorithms that can create beamograms and then wrap each of those up so that they become available to the more generic bearing localiser.
- BeamFormBearingWrapper(BearingLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.beamformer.BeamFormBearingWrapper
- BeamformControl - Class in difar.beamforming
This module requires audio from a DIFAR sonobuoy and will output directional audio by using simple beamforming algorithms.
- BeamformControl(String) - Constructor for class difar.beamforming.BeamformControl
- beamFormDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class beamformer.localiser.BeamFormLocaliserControl
Run the beam former within the given time-frequency box.
- beamFormDataUnit(PamDataUnit) - Method in class beamformer.localiser.BeamFormLocProcess
Run the beam former within the given time-frequency box.
- beamformer - package beamformer
- beamformer.algorithms - package beamformer.algorithms
- beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain - package beamformer.algorithms.basicFreqDomain
- beamformer.algorithms.mvdr - package beamformer.algorithms.mvdr
- beamformer.algorithms.nullalgo - package beamformer.algorithms.nullalgo
- beamformer.annotation - package beamformer.annotation
- beamformer.continuous - package beamformer.continuous
- beamformer.loc - package beamformer.loc
- beamformer.localiser - package beamformer.localiser
- beamformer.localiser.dialog - package beamformer.localiser.dialog
- beamformer.localiser.plot - package beamformer.localiser.plot
- beamformer.plot - package beamformer.plot
- BeamFormerAlgorithm - Interface in beamformer.algorithms
- BeamFormerAnnotation - Class in beamformer.annotation
Beam former annotation that can be added to any data unit as an annotation.
- BeamFormerAnnotation(DataAnnotationType, BeamFormerLocalisation) - Constructor for class beamformer.annotation.BeamFormerAnnotation
- BeamFormerBaseControl - Class in beamformer
- BeamFormerBaseControl(String, String) - Constructor for class beamformer.BeamFormerBaseControl
- BeamFormerBaseProcess - Class in beamformer
Base process for both continuous and detect-then-localise beam forming.
- BeamFormerBaseProcess(BeamFormerBaseControl, boolean) - Constructor for class beamformer.BeamFormerBaseProcess
- BeamFormerControl - Class in beamformer.continuous
- BeamFormerControl(String) - Constructor for class beamformer.continuous.BeamFormerControl
Main constructor
- BeamFormerDataBlock - Class in beamformer.continuous
- BeamFormerDataBlock(String, PamProcess, int, int, int) - Constructor for class beamformer.continuous.BeamFormerDataBlock
- BeamFormerDataUnit - Class in beamformer.continuous
- BeamFormerDataUnit(long, int, int, long, long, ComplexArray, int) - Constructor for class beamformer.continuous.BeamFormerDataUnit
- BeamFormerLocalisation - Class in beamformer.loc
- BeamFormerLocalisation(PamDataUnit, int, int, double[], double) - Constructor for class beamformer.loc.BeamFormerLocalisation
- BeamFormerParams - Class in beamformer
- BeamFormerParams() - Constructor for class beamformer.BeamFormerParams
Main constructor
- BeamFormerProcess - Class in beamformer.continuous
Main beam forming process.
- BeamFormerProcess(BeamFormerControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.continuous.BeamFormerProcess
- BeamformerSettingsPane - Class in beamformer
- BeamformerSettingsPane(Object, BeamFormerBaseControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.BeamformerSettingsPane
- beamFormGroup(PamDataUnit, BeamFormLocProcess.BeamOGroup) - Method in class beamformer.localiser.BeamFormLocProcess
Beam for a data unit within a particular beam group.
- BeamFormLocaliserControl - Class in beamformer.localiser
- BeamFormLocaliserControl(String) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.BeamFormLocaliserControl
- BeamFormLocProcess - Class in beamformer.localiser
This process doesn't calculate continuous beams, but when data do arrive, it calculates a beam'O'Gram for data in that time-frequency box and estimates a best location based on that time interval.
- BeamFormLocProcess(BeamFormLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.BeamFormLocProcess
- BeamformParameters - Class in difar.beamforming
- BeamformParameters() - Constructor for class difar.beamforming.BeamformParameters
- BeamformParamsDialog - Class in difar.beamforming
- BeamformProcess - Class in difar.beamforming
- BeamformProcess(PamControlledUnit) - Constructor for class difar.beamforming.BeamformProcess
- BeamformSidePanel - Class in difar.beamforming
The DIFAR SidePanel contains the list of DIFAR classifications, to allow the user to choose which classification is assigned by default.
- BeamformSidePanel(BeamformControl) - Constructor for class difar.beamforming.BeamformSidePanel
- BeamGroupProcess - Class in beamformer
Handle channel groupings so that the actual algorithm gets called with a complete array of all channels in it's group in one call.
- BeamGroupProcess(BeamFormerBaseProcess, BeamAlgorithmProvider, BeamAlgorithmParams, int, int, int) - Constructor for class beamformer.BeamGroupProcess
- BeamInfo(int, int, int, int, double[]) - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.BeamAlgoParamsPane.BeamInfo
- BeamInformation - Class in beamformer.algorithms
Information about a specific beam
- BeamInformation() - Constructor for class beamformer.algorithms.BeamInformation
- BeamLocaliserData - Class in beamformer.localiser
Temporary data used during beam forming, e.g.
- BeamLocaliserData(long) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.BeamLocaliserData
- BeamLocaliserData(long, FFTDataBlock, BeamOGramDataBlock, List<FFTDataUnit>, List<BeamOGramDataUnit>, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.BeamLocaliserData
- BeamLocaliserObservable - Class in beamformer.localiser
Observe things like updated graphics on beam former.
- BeamLocaliserObservable() - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.BeamLocaliserObservable
- BeamLocDisplayComponent - Class in beamformer.localiser.plot
- BeamLocDisplayComponent(BeamLocDisplayProvider, BeamFormLocaliserControl, UserDisplayControl, String) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.plot.BeamLocDisplayComponent
- BeamLocDisplayProvider - Class in beamformer.localiser.plot
- BeamLocDisplayProvider(BeamFormLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.plot.BeamLocDisplayProvider
- BEAMOGRAMBAD - Enum constant in enum class beamformer.algorithms.BeamAlgoParamsPane.BeamgramStatus
- BeamOGramControlPane - Class in beamformer.plot
- BeamOGramControlPane(TDGraphFX, BeamOGramPlotInfo) - Constructor for class beamformer.plot.BeamOGramControlPane
- BeamOGramDataBlock - Class in beamformer.continuous
- BeamOGramDataBlock(String, PamProcess, int) - Constructor for class beamformer.continuous.BeamOGramDataBlock
- BeamOGramDataUnit - Class in beamformer.continuous
Data output for the BaemOGram.
- BeamOGramDataUnit(long, int, int, long, long, double[][][], int) - Constructor for class beamformer.continuous.BeamOGramDataUnit
- BEAMOGRAMGOOD - Enum constant in enum class beamformer.algorithms.BeamAlgoParamsPane.BeamgramStatus
- BeamOGramLocalisation - Class in beamformer.plot
- BeamOGramLocalisation(BeamOGramDataUnit, int, double) - Constructor for class beamformer.plot.BeamOGramLocalisation
- BEAMOGRAMNOTUSED - Enum constant in enum class beamformer.algorithms.BeamAlgoParamsPane.BeamgramStatus
- BeamOGramPlotData - Class in beamformer.plot
- BeamOGramPlotData(Scrolling2DPlotInfo, int) - Constructor for class beamformer.plot.BeamOGramPlotData
- BeamOGramPlotInfo - Class in beamformer.plot
- BeamOGramPlotInfo(TDDataProviderFX, TDGraphFX, BeamFormerBaseControl, DataBlock2D) - Constructor for class beamformer.plot.BeamOGramPlotInfo
- BeamOGramPlotParams - Class in beamformer.plot
- BeamOGramPlotParams() - Constructor for class beamformer.plot.BeamOGramPlotParams
- BeamOGramPlotProvider - Class in beamformer.plot
- BeamOGramPlotProvider(BeamFormerBaseControl, BeamOGramDataBlock) - Constructor for class beamformer.plot.BeamOGramPlotProvider
- Bearing - Enum constant in enum class tethys.localization.LocalizationTypes
- BEARING - Enum constant in enum class loggerForms.PropertyTypes
- BEARING - Enum constant in enum class PamView.GeneralProjector.ParameterType
- Bearing2DPlot - Class in bearinglocaliser.display
Can plot lines or scaled images or both.
- Bearing2DPlot(String) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.display.Bearing2DPlot
- BearingAdvMHTPane - Class in clickTrainDetector.layout.mht
An advanced pane for bearing measurements.
- BearingAdvMHTPane(SimpleChi2VarParams, ResultConverter) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.mht.BearingAdvMHTPane
- bearingAlgorithm - Variable in class bearinglocaliser.BearingAlgorithmGroup
- BearingAlgorithm - Interface in bearinglocaliser.algorithms
- BearingAlgorithmGroup - Class in bearinglocaliser
- BearingAlgorithmGroup(int, int, BearingAlgorithmProvider, BearingAlgorithm) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.BearingAlgorithmGroup
- BearingAlgorithmParams - Class in bearinglocaliser.algorithms
- BearingAlgorithmParams() - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.algorithms.BearingAlgorithmParams
Constructor used mainly by the beamogram wrapper class (
), where the bearing params aren't set but the beamogram params are - BearingAlgorithmParams(int, int) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.algorithms.BearingAlgorithmParams
Standard constructor
- BearingAlgorithmProvider - Class in bearinglocaliser.algorithms
- BearingAlgorithmProvider() - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.algorithms.BearingAlgorithmProvider
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickLocalisation
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class difar.DifarLocalisation
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class difar.trackedGroups.TrackedGroupLocalisation
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class loc3d_Thode.TowedArray3DLocalization
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser.GroupLocalisation
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class targetMotionOld.TargetMotionLocalisation
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class whistleDetector.WhistleLocalisation
- bearingAmbiguity() - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.WhistleBearingInfo
- BearingAnnotation - Class in bearinglocaliser.annotation
- BearingAnnotation(BearingAnnotationType, BearingLocalisation) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.annotation.BearingAnnotation
- BearingAnnotationBinary - Class in bearinglocaliser.annotation
- BearingAnnotationBinary(BearingAnnotationType) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.annotation.BearingAnnotationBinary
- BearingAnnotationSQL - Class in bearinglocaliser.annotation
- BearingAnnotationSQL(BearingAnnotationType) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.annotation.BearingAnnotationSQL
- BearingAnnotationType - Class in bearinglocaliser.annotation
- BearingAnnotationType() - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.annotation.BearingAnnotationType
- BearingChi2 - Class in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
Chi2 value for changing bearing.
- BearingChi2() - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2
- BearingChi2Delta - Class in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
Measures the difference in change between three bearing measurements.
- BearingChi2Delta() - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2Delta
- BearingChi2VarParams - Class in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
Subclass of parameters for bearing.
- BearingChi2VarParams(SimpleChi2VarParams) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2VarParams
- BearingChi2VarParams(String) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2VarParams
- BearingChi2VarParams(String, String) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2VarParams
- BearingChi2VarParams(String, String, double, double) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2VarParams
- BearingChi2VarParams(String, String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2VarParams
- BearingChi2VarParams.BearingJumpDrctn - Enum Class in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
Simple Enum indicating the direction the jump can be.
- BearingClassification - Class in clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier
Classification result from the bearing classifier.
- BearingClassification(int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassification
Constructor for the bearing classifier.
- BearingClassification(String) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassification
Bearing classification from a JSON string.
- BearingClassifier - Class in clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier
A bearing based classifier for click train.
- BearingClassifier(int) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassifier
Constructor for the bearing classifier
- BearingClassifier(ClickTrainControl, int) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassifier
Constructor for the bearing classifier
- BEARINGCLASSIFIER - Enum constant in enum class clickTrainDetector.classification.CTClassifierType
- BearingClassifierGraphics - Class in clickTrainDetector.layout.classification.bearingClassifier
Manager for UI stuff for the bearing classifier.
- BearingClassifierGraphics(ClickTrainControl, BearingClassifier) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassifierGraphics
The bearing classifier graphics.
- BearingClassifierJSON - Class in clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier
JSON string logging for the bearing classifier.
- BearingClassifierJSON() - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassifierJSON
- BearingClassifierPane - Class in clickTrainDetector.layout.classification.bearingClassifier
The Bearing classifier settings pane.
- BearingClassifierPane(Object) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassifierPane
- BearingClassifierParams - Class in clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier
The bearing classifier parameters.
- BearingClassifierParams() - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassifierParams
- bearingCorrection - Variable in class Azigram.AzigramParameters
Bearing bias/correction (degrees?) (parameter from Thode Azigram)
- BearingDataBlock - Class in bearinglocaliser
- BearingDataBlock(BearingLocaliserControl, BearingProcess, String) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.BearingDataBlock
- BearingDataDisplay - Interface in bearinglocaliser.display
Display component interface for one bearing channel group.
- BearingDisplayComponent - Class in bearinglocaliser.display
- BearingDisplayComponent(BearingDisplayProvider, BearingLocaliserControl, UserDisplayControl, String) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.display.BearingDisplayComponent
- BearingDisplayProvider - Class in bearinglocaliser.display
- BearingDisplayProvider(BearingLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.display.BearingDisplayProvider
- BEARINGinfo - Class in loggerForms.propertyInfos
- BEARINGinfo(ControlDescription, int, BearingTypes, boolean) - Constructor for class loggerForms.propertyInfos.BEARINGinfo
- bearingJumpDrctn - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2VarParams
Whether the bearing jump can be in both directions, positive or negative.
- bearingJumpEnable - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2VarParams
Whether the bearing jump is used.
- bearingLimMax - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassifierParams
The maximum limit in which the classifier works.
- bearingLimMin - Variable in class clickTrainDetector.classification.bearingClassifier.BearingClassifierParams
The minimum bearing limits in which the classifier works
- bearingLims - Variable in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basicSweep.SweepClassifierSet
- bearingLineWidth - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
- BearingLocalisation - Class in bearinglocaliser
- BearingLocalisation(PamDataUnit, String, int, int, double[], double[], double[]) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.BearingLocalisation
- bearinglocaliser - package bearinglocaliser
- BearingLocaliser - Interface in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc
Class to estimate bearings, with errors from a closely spaced hydrophone array
- bearinglocaliser.algorithms - package bearinglocaliser.algorithms
- bearinglocaliser.annotation - package bearinglocaliser.annotation
- bearinglocaliser.beamformer - package bearinglocaliser.beamformer
- bearinglocaliser.beamformer.display - package bearinglocaliser.beamformer.display
- bearinglocaliser.dialog - package bearinglocaliser.dialog
- bearinglocaliser.display - package bearinglocaliser.display
- bearinglocaliser.offline - package bearinglocaliser.offline
- bearinglocaliser.toad - package bearinglocaliser.toad
- bearinglocaliser.toad.display - package bearinglocaliser.toad.display
- BearingLocaliserControl - Class in bearinglocaliser
- BearingLocaliserControl(String) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.BearingLocaliserControl
- BearingLocaliserParams - Class in bearinglocaliser
- BearingLocaliserParams() - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.BearingLocaliserParams
- BearingLocaliserSelector - Class in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc
Class to automatically select / create the most appropriate type of bearing localiser.
- BearingLocaliserSelector() - Constructor for class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.BearingLocaliserSelector
- BearingLocAnnotation - Class in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation
- BearingLocAnnotation(BearingLocAnnotationType, double[][]) - Constructor for class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation.BearingLocAnnotation
- BearingLocAnnotationBinary - Class in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation
- BearingLocAnnotationBinary(DataAnnotationType<BearingLocAnnotation>) - Constructor for class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation.BearingLocAnnotationBinary
- BearingLocAnnotationType - Class in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation
- BearingLocAnnotationType() - Constructor for class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation.BearingLocAnnotationType
- BearingLocSettingsPane - Class in bearinglocaliser.dialog
- BearingLocSettingsPane(Object, BearingLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.dialog.BearingLocSettingsPane
- BearingMean - Class in PamUtils
Calculate the mean of a load of angles in degrees.
- BearingMean(double[]) - Constructor for class PamUtils.BearingMean
- BearingMHTVarPane - Class in clickTrainDetector.layout.mht
- BearingMHTVarPane(SimpleChi2VarParams, ResultConverter) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.mht.BearingMHTVarPane
- bearingOverlap(HoverData) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.MarkDataMatcher
Does a bearing line to the point from the detection origin overlap the mark.
- BearingPanel - Class in loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels
- BearingPanel(FormEditor, PropertyTypes) - Constructor for class loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels.BearingPanel
- BearingProcess - Class in bearinglocaliser
- BearingProcess(BearingLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.BearingProcess
- bearingRange - Variable in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ClickDisplayParams
The bearing range.
- BEARINGS_GROUP - Static variable in class Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser.DetectionGroupLocaliser2
Flag to use the bearings to localise.
- bearingTo(LatLong) - Method in class PamUtils.LatLong
Get the bearing in degree to this latlong to another latlong.
- bearingToReference() - Method in class landMarks.LandmarkData
- BearingTypes - Enum Class in loggerForms
- BearLocAlgorithmPane - Class in bearinglocaliser.dialog
- BearLocAlgorithmPane(Object, BearingLocaliserControl, BearingLocSettingsPane) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.dialog.BearLocAlgorithmPane
- BearLocGroupPane - Class in bearinglocaliser.dialog
- BearLocGroupPane(Object, BearingLocaliserControl, BearingLocSettingsPane) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.dialog.BearLocGroupPane
- BearLocSourcePane - Class in bearinglocaliser.dialog
- BearLocSourcePane(Object, BearingLocaliserControl, BearingLocSettingsPane) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.dialog.BearLocSourcePane
- BEFORE_FIRST - Static variable in class dataMap.OfflineDataMap
- beforeFirst() - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.NonScrollablePamCursor
- beforeFirst() - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.PamCursor
- beforeFirst() - Method in class generalDatabase.pamCursor.ScrollablePamCursor
- BELOW_LEVEL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BELOW_RIGHT - Static variable in class Layout.PamAxis
- BELOW_RIGHT - Static variable in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamAxis.PamAxisFX
- BeskopeClassifierManager - Class in matchedTemplateClassifer.bespokeClassification
Manages classification flags and/or any bespoke alteration to specific types of data units after an MT Classification has been processed.
- BeskopeClassifierManager(MTProcess) - Constructor for class matchedTemplateClassifer.bespokeClassification.BeskopeClassifierManager
- BespokeBackups - Class in backupmanager.bespoke
Can back up anything, PAMGuard or not.
- BespokeBackups(BackupManager) - Constructor for class backupmanager.bespoke.BespokeBackups
- BespokeDataMapGraphic - Interface in dataMap
Bespoke drawing on datamap.
- bespokeDataUnitFlags(PamDataUnit, boolean) - Method in class matchedTemplateClassifer.bespokeClassification.BeskopeClassifierManager
Classifies specific data units if they have bespoke data unit specific species flags.
- BespokeFileStream - Class in backupmanager.bespoke
- BespokeFileStream(SettingsNameProvider, String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.bespoke.BespokeFileStream
- BespokeIdentity - Class in backupmanager.bespoke
- BespokeIdentity(String) - Constructor for class backupmanager.bespoke.BespokeIdentity
- BespokeNameDialog - Class in backupmanager.bespoke
- BespokeSettings - Class in backupmanager.bespoke
- BespokeSettings() - Constructor for class backupmanager.bespoke.BespokeSettings
- BestBeamSelector<T extends PamDataUnit> - Class in beamformer.continuous
This class can be used within a detector that may or may not be attached to a beam former (alternative is probably raw fft data).
- BestBeamSelector(PamDataBlock, PamDataBlock<T>) - Constructor for class beamformer.continuous.BestBeamSelector
Needs the source data (to see if it's beam data or not) and the output data block.
- BETA - Enum constant in enum class PamController.PamguardVersionInfo.ReleaseType
- BetterPDProvider - Class in whistleDetector
- BetterPDProvider() - Constructor for class whistleDetector.BetterPDProvider
- BetterPeakDetector - Class in whistleDetector
- BetterPeakDetector(WhistleControl, WhistleDetector, FFTDataBlock, int) - Constructor for class whistleDetector.BetterPeakDetector
- BFAnnotationBinary - Class in beamformer.annotation
- BFAnnotationBinary(DataAnnotationType<BeamFormerAnnotation>) - Constructor for class beamformer.annotation.BFAnnotationBinary
- BFAnnotationLogging - Class in beamformer.annotation
- BFAnnotationLogging(BFAnnotationType) - Constructor for class beamformer.annotation.BFAnnotationLogging
- BFAnnotationType - Class in beamformer.annotation
- BFAnnotationType(BeamFormLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.annotation.BFAnnotationType
- BFDetectionMonitor - Class in beamformer.localiser
- BFDetectionMonitor(BeamFormLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.BFDetectionMonitor
- BFLDataOutput - Class in beamformer.localiser
- BFLDataOutput(BeamFormLocaliserControl, BeamFormLocProcess, String) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.BFLDataOutput
- BFLocAlgorithmPane - Class in beamformer.localiser.dialog
- BFLocAlgorithmPane(Object, BeamFormLocaliserControl, BFLocSettingsPane2) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.dialog.BFLocAlgorithmPane
- BFLocaliserParams - Class in beamformer.localiser
Parameters for beam former localiser
- BFLocaliserParams() - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.BFLocaliserParams
- BFLocGroupPane - Class in beamformer.localiser.dialog
- BFLocGroupPane(Object, BeamFormLocaliserControl, BFLocSettingsPane2) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.dialog.BFLocGroupPane
- BFLocSettingsPane2 - Class in beamformer.localiser.dialog
- BFLocSettingsPane2(Object, BeamFormLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.dialog.BFLocSettingsPane2
- BFLocSourcePane - Class in beamformer.localiser.dialog
- BFLocSourcePane(Object, BeamFormLocaliserControl, BFLocSettingsPane2) - Constructor for class beamformer.localiser.dialog.BFLocSourcePane
- BI330OPMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BI9513CHIPNSRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADAIMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADCFG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADCHANAIMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADCHANTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADCSETTLETIME - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADDATARATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADFIFOSIZE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADINPUTMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADPOLARITY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADRES - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADSOURCE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADTIMINGMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADTRIGCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADTRIGSRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIADXFERMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIAIWAVETYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIBASEADR - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIBNCSRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIBNCTHRESHOLD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIBOARDTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIBURSTMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICALFACTOR1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICALFACTOR2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICALOUTPUT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICALTABLETYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICHANBRIDGETYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICHANCFG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICHANRTDTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICHANTCTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICIDEVNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICINUMDEVS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICLOCK - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICOMADDR2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTLRNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR0SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR10SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR11SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR12SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR13SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR14SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR1SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR2SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR3SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR4SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR5SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR6SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR7SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR8SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTR9SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTRINTSRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTRLINKING - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTRLLINES - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTRTRIGCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTSRTS1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BICTSRTS2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDAC0VREF - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDAC1VREF - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACFORCESENSE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACINSTALLED - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACPOLARITY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACRANGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACRES - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACSAMPLEHOLD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACSTARTUP - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACTRIG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACTRIGCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACUPDATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACUPDATECMD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDACUPDATEMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDAQITRIGCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDETECTOPENTC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDEVMACADDR - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDEVNOTES - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDEVSERIALNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDEVUNIQUEID - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDEVVERSION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDIALARMMASK - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDIDEBOUNCESTATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDIDEBOUNCETIME - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDIDEVNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDINUMDEVS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDIOENABLE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDISOFILTER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDITHERON - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDITRIGCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDMACHAN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDOTRIGCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIDTBOARD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIEXCITATION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIEXTCLKTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIEXTINPACEREDGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIEXTOUTPACEREDGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIFACTORYID - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIFWVERSION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIGGEST - Enum constant in enum class gpl.contour.ContourMerge
- BIHIDELOGINDLG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIHTTPPORT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINDEXCFG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINITIALIZED - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINPUTPACEROUT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINT32PRIORITY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINT32SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINTEDGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINTLEVEL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINTP1LEVEL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIINTP2LEVEL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIIRQCONNECT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIMEMCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIMEMSIZE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIMFGSERIALNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- binArray(int, int, double) - Method in class matchedTemplateClassifer.MTClassifier
- BINARY - Enum constant in enum class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.ModuleIconFactory.ModuleIcon
- BINARY_ENCODING - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BINARY_FILE_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class generalDatabase.PamSubtableDefinition
- BinaryBackupParams - Class in binaryFileStorage.backup
- BinaryBackupParams() - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.backup.BinaryBackupParams
- BinaryBackupStream - Class in binaryFileStorage.backup
- BinaryBackupStream(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.backup.BinaryBackupStream
- binaryClassification - Variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.animalSpot.StandardModelParams
Which classes to apply binary classification to.
- binaryClassification - Variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot.OrcaSpotModelResult
Do we call this a yes/no classification
- BinaryClickProcess - Class in clickDetector
- BinaryClickProcess(ClickControl) - Constructor for class clickDetector.BinaryClickProcess
- BinaryConnectionNode - Class in dataModelFX.connectionNodes
Connection node for the binary storage module.
- BinaryConnectionNode(DataModelConnectPane) - Constructor for class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.BinaryConnectionNode
- BinaryDataSink - Interface in binaryFileStorage
Interface for users of binary data as it's being read from a file.
- BinaryDataSource - Class in binaryFileStorage
Not just a source, but also a sink for binary data from the binary store.
- BinaryDataSource(PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryDataSource
Create a binary data source.
- BinaryDataSource(PamDataBlock, boolean) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryDataSource
Create a binary data source.
- BINARYFILE - Static variable in class generalDatabase.PamSubtableDefinition
- BinaryFileMatcher - Class in PamguardMVC
Match data based on binary file information.
- BinaryFileMatcher() - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.BinaryFileMatcher
- binaryFileStorage - package binaryFileStorage
- binaryFileStorage.backup - package binaryFileStorage.backup
- binaryFileStorage.checker - package binaryFileStorage.checker
- binaryFileStorage.layoutFX - package binaryFileStorage.layoutFX
- binaryFooter - Variable in class binaryFileStorage.BinaryHeaderAndFooter
- BinaryFooter - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryFooter() - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryFooter
- BinaryFooter(long, long, int, long) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryFooter
- binaryHeader - Variable in class binaryFileStorage.BinaryHeaderAndFooter
- BinaryHeader - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryHeader() - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryHeader
- BinaryHeader(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryHeader
- BinaryHeaderAndFooter - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryHeaderAndFooter() - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryHeaderAndFooter
- BinaryInputStream - Class in binaryFileStorage
Used to read data back from a binary data file and either send it off to the associated PamDataBlock or hand it back to the BinaryStore controller, e.g.
- BinaryInputStream(BinaryStore, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryInputStream
- BinaryIntegrityChecker - Class in binaryFileStorage.checker
- BinaryIntegrityChecker(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.checker.BinaryIntegrityChecker
- BinaryMapMakeProgress - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryMapMakeProgress(int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryMapMakeProgress
- BinaryMapMakingDialog - Class in binaryFileStorage
Not really a dialog, but displayed by BinaryStore while its making maps of stored data during Viewer operation.
- BinaryObjectData - Class in binaryFileStorage
Class to temporarily hold an objected data that has just been read from a binary file.
- BinaryObjectData(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryObjectData
Version of constructor to replace previous calls to PackedbinaryObject which is now deprecated and removed.
- BinaryObjectData(int, int, byte[], int) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryObjectData
Constructor used when header / footer or other non-data objects are read from a stream.
- BinaryObjectData(int, int, DataUnitBaseData, int, byte[], int) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryObjectData
Constructor used when data units are being read from a data stream.
- BinaryOfflineDataMap - Class in binaryFileStorage
A binary offline data map is a datamap for a single data stream (i.e.
- BinaryOfflineDataMap(BinaryStore, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryOfflineDataMap
- BinaryOfflineDataMapPoint - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryOfflineDataMapPoint() - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryOfflineDataMapPoint
- BinaryOfflineDataMapPoint(BinaryStore, File, BinaryHeader, BinaryFooter, ModuleHeader, ModuleFooter, Datagram) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryOfflineDataMapPoint
- BinaryOutputStream - Class in binaryFileStorage
Handles writing of an actual binary data file.
- BinaryOutputStream(BinaryStore, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryOutputStream
- BinarySettingsStorage - Class in binaryFileStorage
Manage storage and retrieval of PAMGUARD serialised settings storage in binary files.
- BinarySettingsStorage(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinarySettingsStorage
- binarySpace - Variable in class PamguardMVC.DataUnitBaseData
Used to calculate the number of bytes in the base data.
- BinaryStorageDialog - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryStorageDialogPanel - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryStorageDialogPanel(Window, boolean) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStorageDialogPanel
- BinaryStore - Class in binaryFileStorage
The binary store will work very much like the database in that it monitors the output of data streams and when data is added to them it writes it to the binary store.
- BinaryStore(String) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStore
- BinaryStoreDeleter - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryStoreDeleter(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStoreDeleter
- BinaryStoreGUIFX - Class in binaryFileStorage.layoutFX
The JavaFX GUI for the binary store module.
- BinaryStoreGUIFX(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.layoutFX.BinaryStoreGUIFX
The Binary store control.
- BinaryStoreProcess - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryStoreProcess(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStoreProcess
- BinaryStoreSettings - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryStoreSettings() - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStoreSettings
- BinaryStoreSettingsPaneFX - Class in binaryFileStorage.layoutFX
- BinaryStoreSettingsPaneFX(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.layoutFX.BinaryStoreSettingsPaneFX
- BinaryStoreStatus - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryStoreStatus(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStoreStatus
- BinaryStoreStatus(BinaryStore, BinaryHeader, BinaryFooter, BinaryFooter) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStoreStatus
- BinaryStoreStatusFuncs - Class in binaryFileStorage
Set of functions used at restarts to determine the status of the binary store.
- BinaryStoreStatusFuncs(BinaryStore) - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStoreStatusFuncs
- BinaryTypes - Class in binaryFileStorage
- BinaryTypes() - Constructor for class binaryFileStorage.BinaryTypes
- binaryUIDFunctions - Class in PamguardMVC.uid
Class to handle basic UID functions related to the binary store
- binaryUIDFunctions(PamController) - Constructor for class PamguardMVC.uid.binaryUIDFunctions
Main constructor
- bindConnectionNode(StandardConnectionNode) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.structures.ConnectionGroupStructure
Bind a connection node to the group structure i.e.
- bindConnectionNode(StandardConnectionNode, boolean) - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.structures.ConnectionGroupStructure
Bind a connection node to the group structure i.e.
- bindPlotParams() - Method in class beamformer.plot.BeamOGramPlotInfo
- bindPlotParams() - Method in class dataPlotsFX.scrollingPlot2D.Scrolling2DPlotInfo
Set up binding between display and control panels.
- bindPlotParams() - Method in class dataPlotsFX.spectrogramPlotFX.FFTPlotInfo
- bindTest() - Method in class videoRangePanel.layoutFX.VRDisplayFX
- binDurationS - Variable in class tethys.output.StreamExportParams
Bin duration, seconds.
- BINETCONNECTCODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BINETIOTIMEOUT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- binFileIndex - Variable in class
- binHi - Variable in class gpl.GPLProcess
- binLo - Variable in class gpl.GPLProcess
- BinnedGranularityHandler - Class in tethys.detection
Binned granularity Will have to collect different counts for each type of call for each datablock (if there are such things) so a little more complicated than might be expected.
- BinnedGranularityHandler(TethysControl, PamDataBlock, TethysExportParams, StreamExportParams) - Constructor for class tethys.detection.BinnedGranularityHandler
- BINODEID - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BINOITEM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- binStatusReport - Variable in class
- binsToHz(double) - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.AbstractWhistleDataBlock
- binsToHz(int) - Method in class whistleDetector.WhistleDetector
Convert a number of frequency bins in the spectrgram matrix to a frequency in Hz.
- binsToSeconds(double) - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.AbstractWhistleDataBlock
- binsToSeconds(int) - Method in class whistleDetector.WhistleDetector
Convert a number of time bins in the spectrgram matris to a a time in seconds
- BINUMADCHANS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BINUMDACHANS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BINUMEXPS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BINUMIOPORTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BINUMTEMPCHANS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIOUTPUTPACEROUT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP10VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP15VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP1PT25VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP1PT67VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP1VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP20VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP2PT5VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP2VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP30VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP4VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP5VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIP60VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPACERCTR0SRC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPANID - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPARENTBOARD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPATTERNTRIGPORT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPCIREVID - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPHACFG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPHBCFG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPOLAR - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- bipolarRanges - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
List of all bipolar ranges
- BIPPIODIO - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT005VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT01VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT025AMPS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT025VOLTSPERVOLT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT05VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT078VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT125VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT156VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT1VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT25VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT2VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT312VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT5VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPPT625VOLTS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPRNDELAY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPRNPORT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPROTOCOL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPWRJMPR - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIPWRUPSTATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIRANGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIRFCHANNEL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIRSS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIRTDCHANTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX0ADDRESS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX0BOARDNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX0DMACHAN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX0INTLEVEL0 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX0INTLEVEL1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX1ADDRESS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX1BOARDNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX1DMACHAN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX1INTLEVEL0 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBX1INTLEVEL1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISBXBUSWIDTH - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISERIALNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISLOTNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISRCADPACER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BISYNCMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIT_16 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIT_32 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIT_48 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIT_NOT_ONE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIT_NOT_ZERO - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITCCHANRANGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITCCHANTYPE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITCCJCSTATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITCFWVERSION - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITCGLOBALAVG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- bitDepth - Variable in class Acquisition.FileInputParameters
- BITDEPTHS - Static variable in class SoundRecorder.RecorderSettings
Allowable bit depths.
- BITEMPAVG - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITEMPMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITEMPREJFREQ - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITEMPSCALE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITERMCOUNTSTATBIT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITRIGEDGE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITRIGPOLARITY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- bitSet2Array(BitSet, int) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMAT.MHTAlgorithmMAT
Convert a BitSet to a boolean array.
- bitSetString(BitSet, int) - Static method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.MHTKernel
Print bit set.
- bitsPerSecond - Variable in class alarm.actions.serial.AlarmSerialSettings
- bitsPerSecondList - Variable in class NMEA.NMEAParametersDialog
- BITUSEDFORALARM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BITUSEDFORTERMINALCOUNTSTATUS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIUSERDEVID - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIUSERDEVIDNUM - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIUSESEXPS - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIWAITSTATE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIWAITSTATEP1 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BIWAITSTATEP2 - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BlackFishCluster - Class in qa.generator.clusters
- BlackFishCluster() - Constructor for class qa.generator.clusters.BlackFishCluster
- blackman(int) - Static method in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
- BLACKMAN - Static variable in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
- blackmanharris(int) - Static method in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
- BLACKMANHARRIS - Static variable in class Spectrogram.WindowFunction
- blend(Color, Color) - Static method in class
- BLOCK_COUNT - Static variable in class generalDatabase.CreateMapInfo
- BLOCKBYFILE - Enum constant in enum class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.BlockMode
- BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.BlockMode
- BLOCKEND - Enum constant in enum class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.BlockState
- BLOCKFIRST - Enum constant in enum class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.BlockMode
- BLOCKIO - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- blockLengthMillis - Variable in class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.PamBlockParams
- blockMode - Variable in class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.PamBlockParams
- BlockMode - Enum Class in PamguardMVC.blockprocess
Possible blocking modes, none, always blocked, each processed independently, block the first block to get the background then continue as normal, or reverse the first block, then continue as normal.
- blockModes - Static variable in class gpl.GPLProcess
- blockNum - Variable in class PamUtils.MapContourValues
- blockParams - Variable in class gpl.GPLParameters
Params controlling blocking of data
- BLOCKSTART - Enum constant in enum class PamguardMVC.blockprocess.BlockState
- BlockState - Enum Class in PamguardMVC.blockprocess
- BlockTimeStamp - Class in likelihoodDetectionModule.normalizer
This is a convenience class which stores the critical non-static information about the data blocks being processed.
- BlockTimeStamp(long, int, long, long, int) - Constructor for class likelihoodDetectionModule.normalizer.BlockTimeStamp
- BLOfflineTask - Class in bearinglocaliser.offline
- BLOfflineTask(BearingLocaliserControl) - Constructor for class bearinglocaliser.offline.BLOfflineTask
- BLUE - Enum constant in enum class PamView.ColourArray.ColourArrayType
- BLUE - Enum constant in enum class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilsFX.ColourArray.ColourArrayType
- BLUE_WHALE - Enum constant in enum class rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX.exampleSounds.ExampleSoundFactory.ExampleSoundType
- BLUETOOTH_IFC - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.DaqDeviceDescriptor
- BlueWhaleD - Class in simulatedAcquisition.sounds
- BlueWhaleD() - Constructor for class simulatedAcquisition.sounds.BlueWhaleD
- BMCONTINUOUSCOUNT - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- boardIndex - Variable in class mcc.mccacquisition.MCCDaqParams
- boardIndexToNumber(int) - Static method in class mcc.mccjna.MCCUtils
Turn a board index (0 to ...) to a board number.
- BOARDINFO - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BOARDNAMELEN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BOARDNOTEXIST - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- boardNumber - Variable in class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelParams
Really the board index - need to handle this in the code.
- BOARDNUMINUSE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- boardRange - Variable in class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelParams
- BOAT - Enum constant in enum class clickTrainDetector.classification.templateClassifier.DefualtSpectrumTemplates.SpectrumTemplateType
- bodcURL - Static variable in class Map.gridbaselayer.GridbaseControl
- bodePlot - Variable in class dbht.DbHtDialog
- BooleanCtrlColPanel - Class in loggerForms.formdesign.itempanels
- BooleanCtrlColPanel(ControlTitle, UDColName) - Constructor for class loggerForms.formdesign.itempanels.BooleanCtrlColPanel
- BooleanPanel - Class in loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels
- BooleanPanel(FormEditor, PropertyTypes, String) - Constructor for class loggerForms.formdesign.propertypanels.BooleanPanel
- bootStrapN - Variable in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.hyperbolic.HyperbolicParams
Number of iterations to calculate error.
- bootStrapN - Variable in class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.hyperbolic.HyperbolicParams
Number of iterations to calculate error.
- BORDER - Enum constant in enum class PamView.PamColors.PamColor
- BORDER - Enum constant in enum class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamColorsFX.PamColor
- BorderPaneFX2AWT - Class in pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes
- BorderPaneFX2AWT(JDialog) - Constructor for class pamViewFX.fxNodes.utilityPanes.BorderPaneFX2AWT
- BOSymbolChooser - Class in beamformer.plot
- BOSymbolChooser() - Constructor for class beamformer.plot.BOSymbolChooser
- BOTH - Enum constant in enum class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2VarParams.BearingJumpDrctn
- BOTH - Static variable in class PamView.panel.VerticalLayout
The horizontal alignment constant that designates stretching the component horizontally.
- BOTH_SIDES - Static variable in class Layout.PamAxis
- BOTH_SIDES - Static variable in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamAxis.PamAxisFX
- BOTTOM - Static variable in class PamView.panel.VerticalLayout
The anchoring constant that designates anchoring to the bottom of the display area
- BOTTOMBAR - Enum constant in enum class PamView.chart.SeriesType
- boundingRectangle - Variable in class userDisplay.UserFrameParameters
- BrainBoxDevices - Class in analoginput.brainboxes
- BrainBoxDevices(AnalogDevicesManager, SettingsNameProvider, AnalogSensorUser) - Constructor for class analoginput.brainboxes.BrainBoxDevices
- BrainBoxParams - Class in analoginput.brainboxes
- BrainBoxParams() - Constructor for class analoginput.brainboxes.BrainBoxParams
- BranchedChirp - Class in simulatedAcquisition.sounds
- BranchedChirp(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class simulatedAcquisition.sounds.BranchedChirp
- BRIDGE_FULL - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BRIDGE_HALF - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BRIDGE_QUARTER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- brighten(Color, int) - Static method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramHidingPanel
- browseDatabases(Component) - Method in class generalDatabase.DBControl
- browseDatabases(Component) - Method in class generalDatabase.DBSystem
- browseDatabases(Component) - Method in class generalDatabase.MSAccessSystem
- browseDatabases(Component) - Method in class generalDatabase.ServerBasedSystem
- browseDatabases(Component) - Method in class generalDatabase.sqlite.SqliteSystem
- browseDatabases(Component) - Method in class generalDatabase.sqlServerExpress.SQLServerSystem
- browseDatabases(Component) - Method in class generalDatabase.ucanAccess.UCanAccessSystem
- browseDatabasesFX(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.DBSystem
Browse for databases using an FX dialog.
- browseDatabasesFX(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.MSAccessSystem
- browseDatabasesFX(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.ServerBasedSystem
- browseDatabasesFX(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.sqlite.SqliteSystem
FX methods to browse for an sqlite file.
- browseDatabasesFX(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.sqlServerExpress.SQLServerSystem
- browseDatabasesFX(int) - Method in class generalDatabase.ucanAccess.UCanAccessSystem
- browseDirectories() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickStorageOptionsDialog
- browseFiles() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickAlarmDialog
Allow the user to select a wav file
- BScan - Class in difar
DIFAR Calculations, based on the Matlab bScanNew functions
- BScan(DifarControl, double[][], int, int, float, double[], int, DifarParameters.DifarOutputTypes, DifarProcess.DifarDemuxWorker) - Constructor for class difar.BScan
- BTAmplitudeSelector - Class in clickDetector
- BTAmplitudeSelector(ClickControl, ClickBTDisplay) - Constructor for class clickDetector.BTAmplitudeSelector
- BTDisplayParameters - Class in clickDetector
- BTDisplayParameters() - Constructor for class clickDetector.BTDisplayParameters
- BTHCONNECTIONFAILED - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BTOverlayMarker - Class in clickDetector
- BTOverlayMarker(ClickBTDisplay, Object, int) - Constructor for class clickDetector.BTOverlayMarker
- BTProjector - Class in clickDetector
- BTProjector(ClickBTDisplay) - Constructor for class clickDetector.BTProjector
- BubbleSort - Class in PamUtils
Class to sort indexes, leaving original data intact.
- BubbleSort() - Constructor for class PamUtils.BubbleSort
- budgetPeriodHours - Variable in class clipgenerator.ClipGenSetting
Budget period in hours.
- bufferCheck(double, double) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ScrollingImageSegmenter
Check the writable images and remove fringe images if necessary.
- bufferCheck(double, double) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ScrollingPlotSegmenter
Check the writable images and remove fringe images if necessary.
- BufferedSQLLogging - Class in generalDatabase
Version of SQLLogging which buffers up the data units for a few seconds before writing them so that other parts of PAMguard get a chance to modify them before they go into the database.
- BufferedSQLLogging(PamDataBlock, int) - Constructor for class generalDatabase.BufferedSQLLogging
- bufferLength - Variable in class SoundRecorder.RecorderSettings
Length of the buffered data to store
- bufferMillis - Variable in class annotation.calcs.snr.SNRAnnotationParameters
Buffer between both the start and end of the sound being measured and the noise measurement period
- BufferPanel() - Constructor for class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot.OrcaSpotSidePanel.BufferPanel
- BufferPanel(int) - Constructor for class clickTrainDetector.layout.mht.MHTSidePaneSwing.BufferPanel
- buildAxes(double) - Method in class Array.layoutFX.Array3DPane
Create a 3D axis with default colours set.
- buildAxes(double, Color, String, String, String, Color) - Static method in class pamViewFX.threeD.Utils3D
- buildAxes(double, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color) - Method in class Array.layoutFX.Array3DPane
Create a 3D axis.
- buildAxes(double, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color) - Static method in class pamViewFX.threeD.Utils3D
- buildAxes(double, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, Color, String, String, String) - Static method in class pamViewFX.threeD.Utils3D
Create a 3D axis.
- buildCamera() - Method in class map3D.fx.CameraControl
- buildDatabaseUrl(String, int, String) - Method in class generalDatabase.MySQLSystem
- buildDatabaseUrl(String, int, String) - Method in class generalDatabase.postgresql.PostgreSQLSystem
- buildDatabaseUrl(String, int, String) - Method in class generalDatabase.ServerBasedSystem
- BuildSineArray() - Static method in class cpod.FPODReader
- BuoyCalibration - Class in difar
used to store and process information about each buoy.
- BuoyCalibration(DifarControl, int) - Constructor for class difar.BuoyCalibration
- BuoyCalibration(DifarControl, long, LatLong, int) - Constructor for class difar.BuoyCalibration
- buoyDataBlock - Variable in class difar.SonobuoyManager
- BuoyDataSerialiser - Class in networkTransfer.receive
Clas for saving buoystatus data into the serialised settings.
- BuoyDataSerialiser(NetworkReceiver) - Constructor for class networkTransfer.receive.BuoyDataSerialiser
- buoyEndButton() - Method in class difar.display.DifarActionsVesselPanel
- BuoyStatusData - Class in networkTransfer.receive
Separate out from BuoyStatusDataunit so that it can be serialized
- BuoyStatusData(int, int, int) - Constructor for class networkTransfer.receive.BuoyStatusData
- BuoyStatusDataBlock - Class in networkTransfer.receive
- BuoyStatusDataBlock(PamProcess) - Constructor for class networkTransfer.receive.BuoyStatusDataBlock
- BuoyStatusDataUnit - Class in networkTransfer.receive
Class for collecting data to do with individual buoys receiving data over the network.
- BuoyStatusDataUnit(NetworkReceiver, int, int, int) - Constructor for class networkTransfer.receive.BuoyStatusDataUnit
- BuoyStatusDataUnit(NetworkReceiver, BuoyStatusData) - Constructor for class networkTransfer.receive.BuoyStatusDataUnit
- BuoyStatusLogging - Class in networkTransfer.receive
- BuoyStatusLogging(NetworkReceiver, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class networkTransfer.receive.BuoyStatusLogging
- BuoyStatusValue - Class in networkTransfer.receive
- BuoyStatusValue(long, Serializable) - Constructor for class networkTransfer.receive.BuoyStatusValue
- BuoyStatusValue(Serializable) - Constructor for class networkTransfer.receive.BuoyStatusValue
- BURSTIO - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BURSTMODE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- BusyLayeredPane - Class in PamView
- BusyLayeredPane(JLayeredPane) - Constructor for class PamView.BusyLayeredPane
- BUTTERWORTH - Enum constant in enum class Filters.FilterType
- ButterworthMethod - Class in Filters
- ButterworthMethod(double, FilterParams) - Constructor for class Filters.ButterworthMethod
- BUTTON_AUTO - Static variable in interface SoundRecorder.RecorderView
- BUTTON_OFF - Static variable in interface SoundRecorder.RecorderView
- BUTTON_SIZE - Static variable in class pamViewFX.PamLauncherPane
- BUTTON_START - Static variable in class PamController.PamController
- BUTTON_START - Static variable in interface SoundRecorder.RecorderView
- BUTTON_START_BUFFERED - Static variable in interface SoundRecorder.RecorderView
- BUTTON_STOP - Static variable in class PamController.PamController
- BUTTONFACE - Enum constant in enum class PamView.PamColors.PamColor
- BUTTONFACE - Enum constant in enum class pamViewFX.fxNodes.PamColorsFX.PamColor
- buttonWidthStandard - Static variable in interface dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.OverlayMenuItem
- BW - Static variable in class cpod.dataSelector.StandardCPODFilterParams
The bandwidth value
- BW - Variable in class cpod.FPODReader.FPODdata
- BW10DB - Enum constant in enum class rocca.RoccaContourStats.ParamIndx
- BW10DBHIGH - Enum constant in enum class rocca.RoccaContourStats.ParamIndx
- BW10DBLOW - Enum constant in enum class rocca.RoccaContourStats.ParamIndx
- BW3DB - Enum constant in enum class rocca.RoccaContourStats.ParamIndx
- BW3DBHIGH - Enum constant in enum class rocca.RoccaContourStats.ParamIndx
- BW3DBLOW - Enum constant in enum class rocca.RoccaContourStats.ParamIndx
- BWaddon - Variable in class cpod.FPODReader.FPODHeader
- ByteConverter - Class in wavFiles
Classes to convert between various wav and aif stream formats and double data scaled from -1 to +1 for PAMGUARD.
- ByteConverter() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverter
- ByteConverterAifInt16 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterAifInt16() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterAifInt16
- ByteConverterAifInt24 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterAifInt24() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterAifInt24
- ByteConverterAifInt32 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterAifInt32() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterAifInt32
- ByteConverterAifInt8 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterAifInt8() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterAifInt8
- ByteConverterFloat32 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterFloat32() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterFloat32
- ByteConverterWavInt16 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterWavInt16() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterWavInt16
- ByteConverterWavInt24 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterWavInt24() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterWavInt24
- ByteConverterWavInt32 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterWavInt32() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterWavInt32
- ByteConverterWavInt8 - Class in wavFiles
- ByteConverterWavInt8() - Constructor for class wavFiles.ByteConverterWavInt8
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverter
Converts a byte array into a double array.
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterAifInt16
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterAifInt24
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterAifInt32
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterAifInt8
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterFloat32
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterWavInt16
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterWavInt24
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterWavInt32
- bytesToDouble(byte[], double[][], int) - Method in class wavFiles.ByteConverterWavInt8
- bytesToSamples(byte[], long, int, AudioFormat) - Static method in class Acquisition.FileInputSystem
Format one channel of the data in a byte array into a sample array.
- BYTEXFER - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- ByValue() - Constructor for class mcc.mccjna.DaqDeviceDescriptor.ByValue
- c - Variable in class PamView.hidingpanel.TabbedHidingPane.ShowingPanel
- C_COMPARE - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- C_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class nidaqdev.networkdaq.CRioErrorStrings
- C_ERROR - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- C_INDEX - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- C_OVERFLOW - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- C_SIGN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- C_UNDERFLOW - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- C_UP_DOWN - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- C0 - Static variable in class JSSHTerminal.TextTerminal
- CAL_TAB - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRParametersDialog
- CAL_TABLE_FACTORY - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- CAL_TABLE_FIELD - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- calc(boolean, int, int, double[], double, double, double, int, double, double[], int, double, int) - Method in class IshmaelLocator.LM
See the long comment for the LM class for details.
- calc_simple(boolean, int, int, double, double[]) - Method in class IshmaelLocator.LM
Run the Levenberg-Marquardt method using reasonable guesses for many of the input parameters.
- CALC_TAB - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRParametersDialog
- calcAborption(double[], double, double) - Method in class propagation.Absorption
Absorption coefficient in seawater in dB/m
After Kinsler and Frey pp. - calcAborption(double, double, double) - Method in class propagation.Absorption
Absorption coefficient in seawater in dB/m
After Kinsler and Frey pp. - calcAnimalBearing(double, Point, Point, double) - Static method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculates the bearing of the target animal based on a landmark point, the animal location and a calibration value;
- calcAnimalPitch(double, Point, Point, double) - Static method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculates the pitch of the target animal based on a landmark point, the animal location and a calibration value;
- calcBearingDiffAnimal(double, Point, Point) - Static method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculates the bearing of the animal in pixels
- calcChi2(SnapshotGeometry, TOADInformation, double[]) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadbase.TOADBaseAlgorithm
Calculate a chi2 value for the given geometry and set of delays.
- calcChi2(ArrayList<PamDataUnit>, IDIManager) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.IDIChi2
- calcChi2(ArrayList<PamDataUnit>, IDIManager) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.SimpleChi2Var
- calcChi2(ArrayList<T>, IDIManager) - Method in interface clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.MHTChi2Var
Calculate the chi2 value for a particular variable from a list of data units in a track.
- calcCorrelationMatch(ComplexArray, float) - Method in class matchedTemplateClassifer.MTClassifier
Calculate a value for the click reject and match template ration correlation
- calcCorrelationMatchTest(ComplexArray, float) - Method in class matchedTemplateClassifer.MTClassifier
Tests the correlation function by outputting data to .mat file.
- calcCSDM() - Method in class PamUtils.complex.ComplexArray
Calculate the Cross-Spectral Density Matrix (CSDM) from this complex array.
- calcDeltaChi2(double[], double[], double) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.TimeDelayChi2Delta
Calculate the chi2 for two different delta values.
- calcDeltaChi2(double, double, double) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.AmplitudeChi2
- calcDeltaChi2(double, double, double) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.BearingChi2Delta
- calcDeltaChi2(double, double, double) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.SimpleChi2VarDelta
Calculate the chi2 for two different delta values.
- calcDivisor() - Method in class
Automatically calculate the unit divisor.
- calcErrorEllipse(double[][]) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.locErrors.ErrorEllipse
Calculate the error for a set of points.
- calcErrors - Variable in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.hyperbolic.HyperbolicParams
Calculates errors from a random distribution of time delay errors
- calcErrors - Variable in class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.hyperbolic.HyperbolicParams
Calculates errors from a random distribution of time delay errors
- calcErrors(ArrayList<Double>, ArrayList<Double>, ArrayList<Point3f>, double, int) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.hyperbolic.Hyperbolic
Calculate the errors in source position.
- calcErrors(GroupLocResult, PamDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry, TOADInformation, HyperbolicParams) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.hyperbolic.HyperbolicLocaliser
Calculate and add the errors in source position.
- calcErrors(PamDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry, TOADInformation, HyperbolicParams) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.hyperbolic.HyperbolicLocaliser
Calculate the errors in source position.
- calcFilter(double[], double) - Method in class clickDetector.layoutFX.ClickTriggerGraph
- calcFreq(int) - Static method in class noiseBandMonitor.BandData
- calcFrequencyRangeDisplay() - Method in class dataPlotsFX.spectrogramPlotFX.FFTPlotInfo
Checks the frequency range range to be displayed.
- calcFrequencyRangeDisplay() - Method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramDisplay
Checks the frequency range range to be displayed.
- calcHydrophoneNumber(int) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamUtils
For N synchronised hydrophones there are N*(N-1)/2 time delays.
- calcLocLatLong(VRMeasurement) - Method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.AbstractVRMethod
Calculates the lat long of an animal based on heading, range and the image origin.
- calcLogLikelihood(SnapshotGeometry, TOADInformation, double[]) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadbase.TOADBaseAlgorithm
Calculate a Log Likelihood value for the given geometry and set of delays.
- calcMinMaxAng() - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDetectionGroupDataUnit
Calculate the minimum and maximum angle of the whole click train.
- calcPeakContourWidths(ConnectedRegionDataUnit) - Static method in class export.MLExport.MLWhistleMoanExport
Calculate summary contour information to allow people to conveniently plot whisltle data
- calcPerpPoint(double, double, Point) - Static method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculates the point at which the perpendicular corner of the pitch/bearing triangle resides.
- calcPerpPoint(double, Point, Point, LandMark, LandMark, LatLong) - Method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculates location of the perpendicular vertex of the triangle defined by landmarks 1 and 2, with the side of the triangle following the tilt of the picture.
- calcPitch(LandMark, LatLong) - Static method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculate the pitch between a landMark and image location.
- calcPitchDiffAnimal(double, Point, Point) - Static method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculates the pitch of the animal in pixels
- calcProcessModel() - Method in class dataModelFX.connectionNodes.ModuleProcessDiagram
Figure out the process chains.
- calcSnapshotGeometry() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickDetection
- calcSnapshotGeometry() - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataUnit
- calcSource(ArrayList<Double>, ArrayList<Point3f>, double) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.hyperbolic.Hyperbolic
Calculate the position of a source from time delays.
- calcSpectrogram(double[][], int, int, int) - Method in class clipgenerator.ClipSpectrogram
Calculate the click spectrum for all channels.
- calcStartSample() - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDetectionGroupDataUnit
Calculate a valid start sample.
- calcStreamerPath(TargetMotionInformation, long, long, TMManager.TMInfoWorker) - Static method in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionControl
Calculate the path of all streamers over the loaded GPS data.
- calcStreamerPath(TMManager.TMInfoWorker) - Method in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionControl
Calculate the path of all streamers over the loaded GPS data.
- calcSummaryUnits(CTSelectParams) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.CTDetectionGroupDataUnit
Update the data unit list.
- calcTDHyperboloid(double, double, double, float, float, int) - Static method in class Localiser.algorithms.TDHyperboleUtils
Calculates a series of points for the hyperboloid defined by a time delay and between two hydrophones separated by hDistance;
- calcTDHyperboloid(double, double, double, float, float, int) - Static method in class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.hyperbolic.TDHyperboleUtils
Calculates a series of points for the hyperboloid defined by a time delay and between two hydrophones separated by hDistance;
- calcTDNumber(int) - Static method in class PamUtils.PamUtils
For N synchronised hydrophones there are N*(N-1)/2 time delays.
- calcTilt(Point, Point, double, double) - Static method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculates the tilt of the image based on two landmarks selected on that image and the known angles between those landmarks.
- calcTilt(Point, Point, LandMark, LandMark, LatLong) - Static method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
- calcTime(PamDataUnit, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.IDIManager
Calculate the time between two data units
- calcTimeDelays(double[], ArrayList<ArrayList<double[]>>, double) - Static method in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.Chi2TimeDelays
Calculate the theoretical time delays if a source was located at position in space.
- calcTimeSeriesData(List<PamDataUnit<?, ?>>) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.IDIInfo
- calcTimeSR(PamDataUnit, PamDataUnit) - Method in class clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar.IDIManager
Calculate the time between two data units
- calcTMDetectionInfo(ArrayList<PamDataUnit>, TargetMotionLocaliserProvider) - Method in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionControl
Calculates the targetMotiojnInfo for a set of detections.
- calculate(double[]) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.spectralEti.SpectralBand
Calculates the energy in the given band.
- calculateAmplitude(int) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickDetection
Calculate the peak waveform amplitude making the correction of rotating the wave so it's two ends are at zero.
- calculateArch() - Static method in class PamUtils.PlatformInfo
- calculateBeamPattern() - Method in class beamformer.algorithms.BeamAlgoParamsPane.BeamInfo
Based on concepts from Matlab code
- calculateBearing() - Method in class whistleDetector.WhistleLocalisation
- calculateClickStats() - Method in class rocca.RoccaContourDataBlock
Calculate the statistics specific to a click detection
- calculateClickTimeParams() - Method in class rocca.RoccaSightingDataUnit
serialVersionUID=22 2015/06/23 added function to calculate time params on clicks Calculate sighting parameters based on time data.
- calculateDifarGain() - Method in class difar.DifarDataUnit
Now also work out the DIFAR gain for that angle.
- calculateDifarGain(Double, Double) - Method in class difar.DifarDataUnit
Calculate teh DIFAR gain for a given angle and frequency
- calculateFilter() - Method in class Filters.FIRArbitraryFilter
- calculateFilterThings(double) - Method in class dbht.DbHtParameters
- calculateGroupDelays(double) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.grouper.DetectionGrouper
- calculateHorizonTilt() - Method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.AbstractVRMethod
Gets called when a second horizon point is added and then calculates the horizon tilt, based on the two points.
- calculateInsets(Graphics) - Method in class PamView.chart.swing.SwingChartRenderer
- calculateInsets(Graphics) - Method in class qa.chart.swing.QASwingChartRenderer
- calculateOmegaValues() - Method in class Filters.IIRFilterMethod
- calculateOpacity(long, long, long) - Method in class Map.MapDrawingOptions
work out how opaque the lines should be.
- calculateOS() - Static method in class PamUtils.PlatformInfo
- calculatePerformance() - Method in class noiseBandMonitor.BandAnalyser
- calculateRMSAmplitude() - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.ConnectedRegion
- calculateSEL(OneBandDataUnit, int) - Method in class noiseOneBand.OneBandProcess
Calculate SEL and add it to a data unit.
- calculateStatistics() - Method in class rocca.RoccaContourDataBlock
Once the Datablock is filled, this routine will calculate the statistics of the contour.
- calculateTrueSampleRate(DaqStatusDataUnit) - Method in class Acquisition.DaqStatusDataUnit
- calculateWeights() - Method in class beamformer.algorithms.BeamAlgoParamsPane.BeamInfo
- calculateWhistleTimeParams() - Method in class rocca.RoccaSightingDataUnit
Calculate sighting parameters based on time data.
- calcVals() - Method in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.VRLandMarkMethod
Calculate the mean pixels per degree and the tilt of the mean tilt of the image based on the set landmarks.
- calDocumentExists(String) - Method in class tethys.calibration.CalibrationHandler
See if a document already exists.
- CalendarControl - Class in PamUtils.time
- CalFileReader - Class in d3.calibration
- calibrate(AcquisitionSettings, int) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.TargetConfiguration
Calibrate the TargetConfiguration against the supplied audio source parameters (the AcquisitionSettings) and the channel map.
- calibrate(AcquisitionSettings, LikelihoodFFTParameters) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.GuardBand
Calibrate the guard band with the audio source parameters (acquisition) and the FFT parameters.
- calibrate(AcquisitionSettings, LikelihoodFFTParameters) - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.SignalBand
Calibrates the SignalBand according to the supplied audio data source (acquisition) and FFT parameters.
- CALIBRATE_1 - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.calibration.AddCalibrationMethod
- CALIBRATE_2 - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.calibration.AddCalibrationMethod
- CALIBRATEDATA - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- Calibration_FrequencyResponse - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Id - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_IntensityReference_uPa - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_MetadataInfo - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_MetadataInfo_Contact - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_MetadataInfo_Contact_contactInfo_onlineResource - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_MetadataInfo_Date - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_MetadataInfo_UpdateFrequency - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Process - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Process_Method - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Process_Parameters - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Process_Software - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Process_SupportSoftware - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Process_SupportSoftware_Parameters - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Process_SupportSoftware_Version - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Process_Version - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_QualityAssurance_AlternateCalibration - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_QualityAssurance_Quality - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_ResponsibleParty - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_ResponsibleParty_contactInfo_onlineResource - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Sensitivity_dBFS - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Sensitivity_dBV - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Sensitivity_V - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_TimeStamp - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- Calibration_Type - Static variable in class tethys.tooltips.TethysTips
- CALIBRATION_USE_MEAN - Static variable in class difar.DifarParameters
- CALIBRATION_USE_MODE - Static variable in class difar.DifarParameters
Choices for calibration dialog when user right clicks and / or new data arrive.
- calibrationChoice - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
- CalibrationClip - Static variable in class difar.DifarParameters
- calibrationData - Variable in class videoRangePanel.VRMeasurement
Camera calibration data.
- CalibrationData - Class in analoginput.calibration
Really simple calibration data class - may change at later date to be a lot more sophisticated.
- CalibrationData(double[]) - Constructor for class analoginput.calibration.CalibrationData
- CalibrationDataBlock - Class in difar.calibration
- CalibrationDataBlock(DifarProcess) - Constructor for class difar.calibration.CalibrationDataBlock
- CalibrationDataUnit - Class in difar.calibration
- CalibrationDataUnit(long, long, double, double, int) - Constructor for class difar.calibration.CalibrationDataUnit
- CalibrationDialog - Class in difar.calibration
- CalibrationException - Exception Class in analoginput.calibration
- CalibrationException(String) - Constructor for exception class analoginput.calibration.CalibrationException
- CALIBRATIONFAILED - Static variable in class mcc.mccjna.MCCConstants
- calibrationGpsSource - Variable in class difar.DifarParameters
- CalibrationGUIAWT - Class in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.calibration
- CalibrationGUIAWT(AddCalibrationMethod) - Constructor for class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.calibration.CalibrationGUIAWT
- CalibrationHandler - Class in tethys.calibration
- CalibrationHandler(TethysControl) - Constructor for class tethys.calibration.CalibrationHandler
- CalibrationHistogram - Class in difar.calibration
Contains data for a Difar calibration histogram.
- CalibrationHistogram(DifarControl, int, double) - Constructor for class difar.calibration.CalibrationHistogram
- CalibrationInfo - Class in d3.calibration
Information for a specific calibration type.
- CalibrationInfo(String) - Constructor for class d3.calibration.CalibrationInfo
- CalibrationLogging - Class in difar.calibration
- CalibrationLogging(DifarProcess, PamDataBlock) - Constructor for class difar.calibration.CalibrationLogging
- calibrationMarker - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRPanel
- calibrationMethods - Static variable in class tethys.calibration.CalibrationHandler
- CalibrationProcess - Class in difar.calibration
Handle the calibration process for a single channel
- CalibrationProcess(DifarControl, int) - Constructor for class difar.calibration.CalibrationProcess
- CalibrationProcessCard - Class in tethys.calibration.swing
Calibrations Process card attempts to fill in the calibration data for the Quality Assurance and Process fields.
- CalibrationProcessCard(PamWizard) - Constructor for class tethys.calibration.swing.CalibrationProcessCard
- Calibrations - Enum constant in enum class tethys.Collection
- CalibrationsCard - Class in tethys.calibration.swing
- CalibrationsCard(PamWizard, String) - Constructor for class tethys.calibration.swing.CalibrationsCard
- CalibrationsContactCard - Class in tethys.calibration.swing
- CalibrationsContactCard(PamWizard) - Constructor for class tethys.calibration.swing.CalibrationsContactCard
- CalibrationSet - Class in d3.calibration
- CalibrationSet(String, String, String) - Constructor for class d3.calibration.CalibrationSet
- CalibrationsExportWizard - Class in tethys.calibration.swing
- CalibrationsMainPanel - Class in tethys.calibration.swing
- CalibrationsMainPanel(TethysControl, CalibrationHandler) - Constructor for class tethys.calibration.swing.CalibrationsMainPanel
- CalibrationsTable - Class in tethys.calibration.swing
- CalibrationsTable(TethysControl, CalibrationHandler) - Constructor for class tethys.calibration.swing.CalibrationsTable
- calibrationSymbol - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRPanel
- CALIBRATIONTAB - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutFX.VRSettingsPane
Flag for opening the image calibration tab.
- CalibrationTableView - Class in difar.display
- CalibrationTableView(DifarProcess) - Constructor for class difar.display.CalibrationTableView
- callback(int, int, int, Pointer) - Method in interface mcc.mccjna.MCCJNA.MCCLibrary.EVENTCALLBACK
- CallGranularityHandler - Class in tethys.detection
- CallGranularityHandler(TethysControl, PamDataBlock, TethysExportParams, StreamExportParams) - Constructor for class tethys.detection.CallGranularityHandler
- callJniGetAsioDrivers(AsioDriverInfos) - Method in class asiojni.AsioJniInterface
- callSettings() - Method in class alarm.AlarmOfflineTask
- callSettings() - Method in class bearinglocaliser.offline.BLOfflineTask
- callSettings() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.ClickDelayTask
- callSettings() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.ClickReClassifyTask
- callSettings() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.ClickTrainClass
- callSettings() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.EchoDetectionTask
- callSettings() - Method in class clickTrainDetector.offline.ClickTrainOfflineTask
- callSettings() - Method in class clickTrainDetector.offline.CTClassifierOfflineTask
- callSettings() - Method in class crossedbearinglocaliser.offline.CBOfflineTask
- callSettings() - Method in class dbht.offline.DbHtSummaryTask
- callSettings() - Method in class export.swing.ExportTask
Call any task specific settings
- callSettings() - Method in class group3dlocaliser.offline.Group3DOfflineTask
- callSettings() - Method in class matchedTemplateClassifer.offline.MTClassifierOfflineTask
- callSettings() - Method in class noiseOneBand.offline.OneBandSummaryTask
- callSettings() - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTask
Call any task specific settings
- callSettings() - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.offline.DLOfflineTask
- callSettings() - Method in class whistleClassifier.offline.ReclassifyTask
- callSign - Variable in class AIS.AISStaticData
- calltypeConfidence - Variable in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot.OrcaSpotModelResult
The call type confidence
- calMeanAnnotation - Variable in class difar.SonobuoyManager
- calStdDevAnnotation - Variable in class difar.SonobuoyManager
- CAMERA_POS - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRParametersDialog
- CameraControl - Class in map3D.fx
Class for controlling everything to do with the FX Camera observing the scene.
- CameraControl(Test3DDisplayFX) - Constructor for class map3D.fx.CameraControl
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.calcs.snr.SNRAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.calcs.spl.SPLAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.calcs.wav.WavAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.classifier.BaseClassificationAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.DataAnnotationType
Find out whether or not a particular type of data can be annotated
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.dummy.DummyAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.localise.targetmotion.TMAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.string.StringAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.timestamp.TimestampAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class annotation.userforms.UserFormAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class beamformer.annotation.BFAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class bearinglocaliser.annotation.BearingAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.annotation.ClickClassificationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation.BearingLocAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class matchedTemplateClassifer.annotation.MatchedClickAnnotationType
- canAnnotate(Class) - Method in class rawDeepLearningClassifier.logging.DLAnnotationType
- canArrayShape(int) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.gridsearch.TOADGridSearch
- canArrayShape(int) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.LocaliserAlgorithm3D
Ask if the algorithm can process this type of array data.
- canArrayShape(int) - Method in class group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadsimplex.ToadSimplexLocaliser
- canAutoAnnotate() - Method in class annotation.calcs.snr.SNRAnnotationType
- canAutoAnnotate() - Method in class annotation.calcs.spl.SPLAnnotationType
- canAutoAnnotate() - Method in class annotation.calcs.wav.WavAnnotationType
- canAutoAnnotate() - Method in class annotation.DataAnnotationType
- canAutoAnnotate() - Method in class annotation.localise.targetmotion.TMAnnotationType
- canAutoAnnotate() - Method in class annotation.string.StringAnnotationType
- canAutoAnnotate() - Method in class annotation.timestamp.TimestampAnnotationType
- canAutoAnnotate() - Method in class annotation.userforms.UserFormAnnotationType
- canAutoProcess() - Method in class difar.DifarDataUnit
Autoprocess everything except "Default" clips
- canAutoSave() - Method in class difar.DifarDataUnit
//this is a bit pointless now as action performed doesn't attempt save if timer is stopped whether the difar unit has been interacted with causing autosave to be inapropriate
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX.ClickReclassifyMenuItem
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.copyImage.CopyDetectionPlot
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.copyImage.CopyTDDataPlot
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.CSVExportOverlayMenu
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.MLExportOverlayMenu
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in interface dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.OverlayMenuItem
Check whether the menu item can be used within a group of data units.
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.RExportOverlayMenu
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.StandardOverlayMenuItem
- canBeUsed(DetectionGroupSummary, int, OverlayMark) - Method in class dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.menuOptions.WavExportOverlayMenu
- cancel - Variable in class PamguardMVC.dataOffline.OfflineDataLoadInfo
Changed by threads to cancel an order.
- cancel - Variable in class PamguardMVC.RequestCancellationObject
- cancel(boolean) - Method in class PamUtils.DetectionMatchWorker
- CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionLocaliser.Interractive
- CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class targetMotionOld.TargetMotionLocaliser.Interractive
- CANCEL - Static variable in interface pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamDialogFX.PamInternalDialogFX.InternalDialogAction
- CANCEL_BACK_BUTTON - Static variable in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.flipPane.PamFlipPane
The back button is cancelled
- CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class PamView.dialog.warn.WarnOnce
- CANCEL_OPTION - Static variable in class PamView.JFontChooser
Return value from
. - cancelAutoSave() - Method in class difar.DifarDataUnit
//this is a bit pointless now as action performed doesn't attempt save if timer is stopped
- cancelAutoSaveTimer() - Method in class difar.DifarProcess
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Acquisition.AcquisitionDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Acquisition.CheckWavFileHeaders
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Acquisition.filedate.FileDateDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class AirgunDisplay.AirgunParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class AIS.AISDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class AIS.AISSettingsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class alarm.actions.serial.AlarmSerialDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class alarm.actions.sound.PlaySoundDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class alarm.actions.udp.AlarmUDPDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class alarm.AlarmDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class amplifier.AmpDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class analogarraysensor.swing.AnalogSensorDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class angleMeasurement.AngleCalibrationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class angleMeasurement.FluxgateWorldDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class angleVetoes.AngleVetoDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class angleVetoes.AngleVetoesDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class annotation.AnnotationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class annotation.AnnotationSettingsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class annotationMark.MarkAnnotationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class annotationMark.spectrogram.SpectrogramMarkDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Array.ArrayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Array.HydrophoneElementDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Array.importHydrophoneData.StreamerOriginDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Array.sensors.swing.ArrayDisplayParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Array.StreamerDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class ArrayAccelerometer.ArrayAccelDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Azigram.AzigramDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class backupmanager.bespoke.BespokeNameDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class backupmanager.swing.ActionDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class backupmanager.swing.FileBackupDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class backupmanager.swing.GenericBackupDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class binaryFileStorage.BinaryMapMakingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class binaryFileStorage.BinaryStorageDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class cepstrum.CepstrumDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class classifier.WekaOptionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.alarm.ClickAlarmDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic.ClickTypeDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basicSweep.SweepClassifierDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.ClickClassifyDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.ClickTypesDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickSpectrumDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickSpectrumTemplateDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickSpectrumTemplateEditDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.ConcatenatedSpectrogramdialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickAlarmDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickDelayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickMapDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickStorageOptionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.ClickTrainIdDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.OverlayOptionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.dialogs.WaveDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.echoDetection.EchoDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.IDI_DisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.localisation.ClickLocalisationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.DatabaseCheckDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.EditOfflineEventDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.EventListDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.LabelClicksDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflienEventViewer
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflineEventDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.OfflineEventViewer
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.rcImport.BatchRainbowFileConversion
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.offlineFuncs.rcImport.RainbowDatabaseConversion
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.waveCorrector.WaveCorrector
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clickDetector.WignerPlotdialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clipgenerator.ClipDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clipgenerator.ClipDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class clipgenerator.ClipGenSettingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class cpod.CPODDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class dataGram.DatagramDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class dataGram.DatagramProgressDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class dataMap.filemaps.FileMapMakingdialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class dbht.alarm.DbHtAlarmParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class dbht.DbHtDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class dbht.DbHtDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class dbht.offline.DbHtSummaryDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class decimator.DecimatorParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class depthReadout.DepthDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class depthReadout.MccDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class detectiongrouplocaliser.dialogs.DetectionGroupDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class difar.beamforming.BeamformParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class difar.calibration.CalibrationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class difar.dialogs.DifarDisplayParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class difar.dialogs.DifarParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class difar.dialogs.SonobuoyDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class effortmonitor.swing.EffortDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class envelopeTracer.EnvelopeDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class fftFilter.FFTFilterDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class fftManager.FFTParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class fftManager.FFTPluginParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class fileOfflineData.OfflineFileProgressDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class fileOfflineData.OfflineFilesDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Filters.FilterDataSourceDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Filters.FilterDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Filters.FilterDialogPanel
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class generalDatabase.DatabaseSpeedDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class generalDatabase.dataExport.DataExportDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class generalDatabase.dataExport.ValueFilterDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class generalDatabase.DBDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class generalDatabase.DBMapMakingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class generalDatabase.external.CopyDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class generalDatabase.lookupTables.LookupEditDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class gpl.dialog.GPLDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class GPS.GPSParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class GPS.ImportGGADialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class GPS.ImportGPSDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class IMU.IMUCalibrationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class IMU.IMUImportDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class IMU.IMUSettingsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class IshmaelDetector.IshDetParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class IshmaelDetector.IshDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class IshmaelLocator.IshLocParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class KernelSmoothing.KernelSmoothingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class landMarks.LandmarkDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class landMarks.LandmarksDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class levelMeter.LevelMeterDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.LikelihoodDetectionParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class listening.ListeningDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class loc3d_Thode.TowedArray3DParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.old.MCMCParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.DelayOptionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class loggerForms.formdesign.FormEditDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class loggerForms.formdesign.PreviewDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class loggerForms.FormsDataUnitEditDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class loggerForms.FormsPlotOptionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class ltsa.LtsaDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Map.gridbaselayer.GridbaseDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Map.MapCommentDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Map.MapDetectionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Map.MapParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class mapgrouplocaliser.MapGrouperDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class metadata.swing.MetaDataDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class networkTransfer.emulator.EmulateDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class networkTransfer.receive.swing.NetworkReceiveDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class networkTransfer.send.NetworkSendDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class NMEA.NMEAParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class NMEA.NMEASimDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class NMEA.NMEAStringsTable
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class nmeaEmulator.NMEAOutdialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class nmeaEmulator.TimesDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseBandMonitor.NoiseBandDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseMonitor.alarm.NoiseAlarmDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseMonitor.NoiseDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseMonitor.NoiseDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseMonitor.UserBandDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseOneBand.alarm.OneBandAlarmParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseOneBand.offline.OneBandSummaryDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseOneBand.OneBandDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class noiseOneBand.OneBandDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class offlineProcessing.OLProcessDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.DisplayScalingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.fileprocessing.ReprocessChoiceDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.ModuleOrderDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.NewModuleDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.settings.output.xml.NodeSelectDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.settings.output.xml.PAMGuardXMLPreview
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.settings.output.xml.XMLWriterDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.settings.SettingsImportDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.SettingsFileDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamController.StorageOptionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamguardMVC.datakeeper.DataKeepDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamguardMVC.dataSelector.DataSelectDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class pamMaths.MatrixDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamModel.AboutPluginDisplay
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamModel.DeprecatedModuleDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamModel.parametermanager.swing.ManagedParameterDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamModel.ThreadingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class pamScrollSystem.coupling.CouplerDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class pamScrollSystem.jumping.ScrollJumpDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class pamScrollSystem.LoadingDataDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class pamScrollSystem.LoadOptionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamUtils.LatLongDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamUtils.time.GlobalTimeDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamUtils.time.nmea.NMEATimeDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamUtils.time.ntp.NTPDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamUtils.time.TimeZoneDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamUtils.worker.PamWorkDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.AnnotationsPopup
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.dialog.GenericSwingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.dialog.PamDialog
called when the cancel button is pressed before the dialog closes.
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.dialog.warn.WarnOnceDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.dialog.warn.WarnOnceDialogFX
If the cancel button is pressed, check if this is a warning message.
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.hidingpanel.HidingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.importData.ImportDataDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.ImportLoadBar
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.PamObjectList
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.PamSymbolDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.GeneralMarkDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.SwingRelationshipsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class PamView.ViewTimesDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamDialogFX.PamDialogFX2AWT
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class patchPanel.PatchPanelDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class performanceTests.PerformanceDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class printscreen.swing.PrintScreenDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class qa.swing.OpsEditDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class qa.swing.QAReportDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class quickAnnotation.importAnnotation.QuickAnnotationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class quickAnnotation.QuickAnnotationParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class radardisplay.RadarParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class ravendata.swing.RavenImportDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class RightWhaleEdgeDetector.RWEDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class rocca.RoccaParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class rockBlock.RockBlockParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class seismicVeto.VetoParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class simulatedAcquisition.movement.CircularMovementDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class simulatedAcquisition.movement.GridMovementDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class simulatedAcquisition.SimObjectDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class soundPlayback.swing.PlaybackDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class SoundRecorder.RecorderSettingsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class SoundRecorder.trigger.TriggerOptionsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class soundtrap.ImportBCLDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class soundtrap.sud.SUDParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramParamsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class spectrogramNoiseReduction.SpectrogramNoiseDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class targetMotionModule.offline.TMOfflineFunctions.TMOLProcessDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class targetMotionOld.dialog.TargetMotionDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.calibration.swing.CalibrationsExportWizard
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.deployment.swing.DeploymentWizard
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.deployment.swing.EffortProblemDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.deployment.swing.RecordingGapDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.species.swing.DataBlockSpeciesDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.species.swing.SpeciesMapIODialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.species.swing.SpeciesSearchDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.swing.documents.TethysDocumentsFrame
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.swing.export.DetectionsExportWizard
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.swing.NewProjectDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.swing.ProjectDeploymentsDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.swing.SelectProjectDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.swing.SelectServerdDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tethys.swing.XMLStringView
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class tipOfTheDay.PamTipViewer
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.AcceptMeasurementDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.HeightDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.LandMarkAddDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.LandMarkGroupDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.ManualLocationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRCalibrationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class whistleClassifier.ClassifierTrainingDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class whistleClassifier.WhistleClassificationDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class whistleDetector.WhistleParametersDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.alarm.WMAlarmDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.WhistleToneDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.WMDisplayDialog
- cancelButtonPressed() - Method in class whistlesAndMoans.WMRecordTriggerdialog
- cancelCellEditing() - Method in class likelihoodDetectionModule.AbstractCellEditor
- cancelDataOrder() - Method in class PamguardMVC.dataOffline.OfflineDataLoading
Cancels the current order.
- cancelDataOrder() - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Cancel the current offline data order
- cancelDataOrder(boolean) - Method in class PamguardMVC.dataOffline.OfflineDataLoading
- cancelDataOrder(boolean) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamDataBlock
Cancel the current offline data order
- cancelEdit() - Method in class pamViewFX.fxNodes.table.AcceptOnExitTableCell
- cancelExport() - Method in class tethys.detection.DetectionsHandler
send a cancel command to export thread if it's running
- cancelLoad() - Method in class offlineProcessing.OfflineTaskGroup.TaskGroupWorker
- cancelLoad() - Method in interface pamScrollSystem.ViewLoadObserver
Ask the load observer if loading should be stopped.
- CancelObserver - Interface in PamView
Observer to use with Pamdialog which is called whenever the cancel button is pressed.
- cancelPlaybackData() - Method in interface soundPlayback.PlaybackDataServer
Cancel data loading.
- cancelPressed() - Method in class difar.calibration.CalibrationDialog
- cancelPressed() - Method in class generalDatabase.external.CopyDialog
- cancelPressed() - Method in interface PamView.CancelObserver
Called whenever a PamDialog cancel button is pressed.
- cancelTest() - Method in class qa.generator.testset.QATestSet
- cancelTest(QATestDataUnit) - Method in class qa.generator.QAGeneratorProcess
Called to cancel a test.
- canClearZoomShape(MouseEvent) - Method in class dataPlots.mouse.TDGraphZoomer
- canClearZoomShape(MouseEvent) - Method in interface PamView.zoomer.Zoomable
- canClearZoomShape(MouseEvent) - Method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramZoomer
- canClose() - Method in class clickDetector.ClickControl
- canClose() - Method in class generalDatabase.DBControl
- canClose() - Method in class loggerForms.FormsControl
- canClose() - Method in class networkTransfer.receive.NetworkReceiver
- canClose() - Method in class PamController.PamConfiguration
Can PAMGUARD shut down.
- canClose() - Method in class PamController.PamControlledUnit
Called before Pamguard shuts down.
- canClose() - Method in class PamController.PamController
Can PAMGUARD shut down.
- canConfigure() - Method in interface depthReadout.DepthSystem
Say whether ot not a particular sensor can be configured.
- canConfigure() - Method in class depthReadout.MccDepthSystem
- canCreate() - Method in class analoginput.swing.AnalogDiagnosticsDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class Array.sensors.swing.ArraySensorPanelProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class backupmanager.swing.BackupDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class beamformer.localiser.plot.BeamLocDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class bearinglocaliser.display.BearingDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class dataPlots.TDDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class dataPlotsFX.TDDisplayProviderFX
- canCreate() - Method in class detectiongrouplocaliser.dialogs.DetectionGroupTableProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class difar.display.DifarDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class difar.display.DifarDisplayProvider2
- canCreate() - Method in class difar.display.SonobuoyManagerProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class effortmonitor.swing.EffortDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class generalDatabase.DBSystem
- canCreate() - Method in class generalDatabase.MSAccessSystem
- canCreate() - Method in class generalDatabase.ServerBasedSystem
- canCreate() - Method in class generalDatabase.sqlite.SqliteSystem
- canCreate() - Method in class generalDatabase.sqlServerExpress.SQLServerSystem
- canCreate() - Method in class generalDatabase.ucanAccess.UCanAccessSystem
- canCreate() - Method in class localiserDisplay.LocaliserDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class Map.MapDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class map3D.Map3DDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class PamModel.PamModuleInfo
- canCreate() - Method in class qa.swing.QADisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class radardisplay.RadarDisplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in class Spectrogram.SpectrogramDiplayProvider
- canCreate() - Method in interface userDisplay.UserDisplayProvider
- candAnimalMarker - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.LandMarkGUIAWT
- candAnimalMarker - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod.LandMarkGUIFX
- canDemux() - Method in class difar.DifarControl
Can the system handle demuxing the next data unit ? Currently used to enable menus on the clip display
- canDestroyMark(MouseEvent) - Method in class PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark.OverlayMarker
Check whether a current mark can be destroyed.
- canDetectCluster(QACluster, PamDataBlock) - Method in class qa.analyser.QAAnalyser
- candidateMarker - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRPanel
- candidateSymbol - Static variable in class videoRangePanel.layoutAWT.VRPanel
- canDo() - Method in class alarm.actions.AlarmAction
Alarm action can complete (i.e.
- canDo() - Method in class
- canDo() - Method in class alarm.actions.serial.AlarmSerialAction
- canDo() - Method in class alarm.actions.sound.PlaySound
- canDo() - Method in class alarm.actions.udp.AlarmUDPAction
- canDraw(GeneralProjector) - Method in class clipgenerator.ClipOverlayGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector) - Method in class PamguardMVC.PamObservable
- canDraw(GeneralProjector) - Method in class PamView.PamDetectionOverlayGraphics
Used to tell the various displays whether or not the data in the parentDataBlock can be drawn on each of those displays.
- canDraw(GeneralProjector) - Method in class PamView.PanelOverlayDraw
- canDraw(GeneralProjector) - Method in class targetMotionModule.TargetMotionDataBlock
- canDraw(GeneralProjector) - Method in class whistleDetector.WhistleEventGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class AirgunDisplay.AirgunGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class annotationMark.MarkOverlayDraw
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class Array.StreamerOverlayGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class autecPhones.AutecGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class GPS.GPSOverlayGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class ishmaelComms.IshmaelGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class landMarks.LandmarkGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class listening.ListeningEffortGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class listening.ThingHeardGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class loggerForms.LoggerFormGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class Map.gridbaselayer.GridOverlayDraw
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class Map.MapCommentOverlayGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class meygenturbine.MeygenGraphics
- canDraw(GeneralProjector.ParameterType[], GeneralProjector.ParameterUnits[]) - Method in class networkTransfer