New Release Version 2.02.01


This version of PAMGuard has been bundled with Java 16 (OpenJDK release), so you will not need to install a java runtime engine separately. PSFX files generated in previous beta releases (2.xx.xx) should be compatible with this version, and vice-versa. PSF files generated in core releases (1.15.xx) can be loaded in this version, but will be converted to PSFX files when PAMGuard exits.


File Format Change

Changes have been made to the binary file format to support the output of additional noise outputs for certain detectors (See below). Binary files created with this version will not be compatible with earlier versions 2.01.### and below. This version will read and may convert earlier format binary files.


Localisation Modules

Bearing and Group 3D localization modules have been thoroughly tested and a number of bugs rectified. Documentation has been developed and is available in the online help. Further, a number of example configurations have been generated, configuration files for these are available in the PAMGuard downloads area here.

Detection Group Localiser

This module has been renamed “Detection Grouper”, so as to avoid confusion with the Group 3D localizer. This is because the Detection Grouper is more for organizing data into groups to be localized than it is for doing localization.

Minor Bug Fixes

  1. Bug   490. Error when trying to select File in Sound Acquisition.
  2. Bug   491. LTSA spectrogram frequency axis does not update when changing the params
  3. Bug   492. Data Model does not update button//tooltip text when underlying data changes
  4. Bug   493. Click Detector does not work when using the 'skip x seconds' option in Sound Acquisition dialog
  5. Bug   494. Detection Group Localiser data unit end time did not adjust when the last member was remove
  6. Bug   495. TD FX display throws NullPointerException if user has removed all data units and then moves mouse over display area


  1. Added SIDE module for detector/operator analytics
  2. Upgrade database system to work with MySQL 8.0
  3. Improvements to datamap display, to ensure even small images will be shown
  4. Allow Clip Generator to create both a binary record and a wav file
  5. Implemented a Backup Manager for backing up multiple types of data to multiple locations]
  6. Upgrades to how PAMGuard lets the user enter custom date formats in the Sound Acquisition dialog
  7. Extended XML-output support to all of the modules
  8. Updates to the simulated sounds in the Sound Acquisition module
  9. Upgrades to the Symbol Manager framework, to give more control over colours and symbols
  10. Added an option to hide the ship on the map
  11. Update Rocca module to allow operation without a classifier (in case all you need are the measurements)
  12. Update whistle and moan detector to better handle small stubs or spurs coming off the side of whistles
  13. Extend the Hyperbolic Localiser to handle 2D planar arrays (previously limited to 3D volumetric arrays)
  14. new CPOD features
  15. Better interpolation of data by the Decimator when decimating/upsampling by a non-integer amount
  16. Noise Level Outputs - as an aid to performance diagnosis, some detectors (currently the GPL, Click Detector and Whistle and Moan Detector) are outputting additional noise metrics to their binary output files. These can be read with the PAMGuard Matlab library and used to diagnose system performance in varying noise conditions. Improved displays within PAMGuard for these noise metrics will be included in a future release.
  17. An implementation of the Generalized Power Law Detector, developed by Tyler Helble ([Helble et al., ‘A generalized power-law detection algorithm for humpback whale vocalizations’, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 131, no. 4, pp. 2682–2699, 2012) is now available. For details, see the online help
  18. A Deep Learning module for sound classification is now available. This allows users to deploy a large variety of deep learning models natively in PAMGuard. For details, see the online help.