Uses of Class
Packages that use GPSControl
Uses of GPSControl in GPS
Methods in GPS that return GPSControlModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic GPSControl
There is only one GPS controller in the model, so might as well make it easy to find with a static function.ProcessNmeaData.getGpsController()
Methods in GPS with parameters of type GPSControlModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic GPSParameters
(Frame parentFrame, GPSControl gpsControl, GPSParameters gpsParameters, boolean autoUpdate) Show the UpdateClock dialogConstructors in GPS with parameters of type GPSControlModifierConstructorDescriptionGPSDataMatcher
(GPSControl gpsControl) GPSOverlayGraphics
(GPSControl gpsControl) ImportGPSData
(GPSControl gpsControl) ProcessHeadingData
(GPSControl gpsControl) -
Uses of GPSControl in PamController.masterReference
Constructors in PamController.masterReference with parameters of type GPSControl