Uses of Package
Packages that use dataModelFX
Classes in dataModelFX used by dataModelFXClassDescriptionInformation on structures used in the data model.Sub class of ConnectionPane to deal with modules being dragged from module list to pane.A pane which shows a list of all the available modules.A pane containing the icon for a structure.The data model pane allows users to change PAMGuard's data model.The primary function of the setting class is to save the positions of the modules nodes.
Classes in dataModelFX used by dataModelFX.connectionNodesClassDescriptionInformation on structures used in the data model.Sub class of ConnectionPane to deal with modules being dragged from module list to pane.A pane containing the icon for a structure.The data model pane allows users to change PAMGuard's data model.Holds seriliazbale informations on a ModuleConnectionNode.
Classes in dataModelFX used by dataModelFX.structuresClassDescriptionInformation on structures used in the data model.Sub class of ConnectionPane to deal with modules being dragged from module list to pane.
Classes in dataModelFX used by pamViewFX