Below are some recent publications from the PAMGuard team and other researchers in St Andrews that are either about PAMGuard or used PAMGuard to conduct research. Many more articles using PAMGuard can be found by searching Google Scholar.
Motabaranom, J. et. al. Seals exhibit localised avoidance of operational tidal turbines. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2025.
Garrobé, L, et. al. Comparing neural networks against click train detectors to reveal temporal trends in passive acoustic sperm whale detections. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 156, 4073–4084 (2024)
Gillespie, D. et al. Automated detection and tracking of marine mammals in the vicinity of tidal turbines using multibeam sonar. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, 2095 (2023).
Webber, T. et al. Streamlining analysis methods for large acoustic surveys using automatic detectors with operator validation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13, 1765–1777 (2022).
Macaulay, J. D. J. et al. Implications of porpoise echolocation and dive behaviour on passive acoustic monitoring. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154, 1982–1995 (2023).
Brinkløv, S. M. M. et al. Open‐source workflow approaches to passive acoustic monitoring of bats. Methods Ecol Evol 14, 1747–1763 (2023).
Macaulay, J. et al. Passive acoustic tracking of the three-dimensional movements and acoustic behaviour of toothed whales in close proximity to static nets. Methods in Ecology and Evolution In Press, (2022).
Palmer, L. et al. Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) presence is reduced during tidal turbine operation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (2021).
Gillespie, D., Palmer, L., Macaulay, J., Sparling, C. & Hastie, G. Harbour porpoises exhibit localized evasion of a tidal turbine. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (2021).
Gillespie, D., Palmer, L., Macaulay, J., Sparling, C. & Hastie, G. Passive acoustic methods for tracking the 3D movements of small cetaceans around marine structures. PLoS ONE 15 (5), 16pp (2020).